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Posts posted by BigDad

  1. No worries Mick Mac, apology accepted!

    Now, how about you taking part in something unique in 2012 - fancy being an ambassador for this great city we live in? Can you see yourself on the Southbank, at Covent Garden, in Hyde Park, Greenwich, Liverpool Street for 5 hours for 6 days?

    There will be a great training programme in 2012 and you'll meet some brilliant people and you get to take part in a once in a lifetime event. The Games they are a coming, and this is the best opportunity for a Londoner to get involved and promote the city to the world :))

    If so, check out the website http://www.londonambassadors.org.uk/ and see if its for you.

  2. There is a twitter feed that can be followed @Ldnambassadors

    Been to lots of student freshers and volunteering fairs to promote the programme lately as the deadline for registering is December 31st. Only those who register will be invited to apply next year.

    The locations are starting to firm up - currently at 35 across the city, including visitor hot spots, the live sites, transport hubs and outside of some venues.

  3. I hear what your saying giggirl, just got to weigh up the pros and cons of each I suppose. This one takes less time than the olympics scheme as its 5hrs x 6 days compared with 8hrs x 10 days. Its a once in a lifetime chance though so I just want to make sure I'm involved! It sounds pretty cool though, what with the free tracksuit, perks and stuff...... and well done Townleygreen, may see you there!

    Meetings will be held on Tuesday 1st April, day and evening. You will need to respond by Friday lunchtime if you want to attend. From previous experience, even if you can't make Tuesday but would like to go, do let them know and they might organise another date if there is sufficient interest.

    Please email [email protected] to book a slot - they will be held at the girls school and its by appointment only.

    OK - so Harris continue to hide behind the architects and wont speak to local parents and residents directly. (So much for their 'working with parents' slogan [did you know they cut parent governors from 6 down to 1 when they took over the girls school?]), At least you get to see the school and quiz the architects.

  5. The reason the girls school didn't get the same kind o reaction is that it was built on three times the amount of land, so there is suitable outdoors space for them.

    The major concern raised by the boys school is the small size of the site. There is no outdoor games area, no area marked off to kick a ball around at break. There are 30 car places taking up valuable outdoor space which could be built under the school.

    The only sports facility on site is one sports hall which has 4 badminton courts. This will keep 16 boys occupied at a time - so what exactly do the rest of the boys do in this much hyped sports academy? Do they go over to the girls school to use the pool? Of course not - thats being closed down and turned into a teaching block as it too expensive to run.

    Will Harris explain that to us? Will they tell us how the school is supposed to work? How they will shift kids back and forth between the schools? Where will kids do their sports? (Peckham Rye? No agreement has been reached with the Council to use it so what will happen there?)

  6. When I said that the Council & Harris had 'messed up', I meant that they had missed a great opportunity to get a good school opened by when it was committed to be open. By not consulting with local parents, residents and groups in the area, they put forward a design which was (in my view) like a prison for too many students on too small a site.

    As for the architects being sacked ... well as far as I'm aware they are still on the job. They have consulted with local residents and are apparently starting from a clean slate. Do I have confidence in them and Harris? - well, no, I don't. I have spoken to Dan Moynihan at a council meeting, (he is a Harris Head Teacher and the person responsible in Harris for the new school) but he does not fill me with any confidence in terms of them actually being interested in the local community. He was not clear on how the school would work in terms of transferring children between the two sites all day every day, nor on how the 'sports' aspect would work in real life. His view was that it was more on sports coaching than sports itself, though this is not explained anywhere in their literature.

    We know they have the minimum number of parents involved as school governors - i.e. one (though interestingly at least 2 of the Lib Dem councilors are on the board, one of whom we asked to provide info to us last summer which he promised he would .... but then never did), they have not consulted with us about how the school will be run, what will be involved, how it will work (I don't count the architects consultations for reasons stated earlier), or why this is apparently the only option available.

    And I thought it was supposed to be a school for the community??????

    As for the Council - they are keeping quiet too and are not engaging with us. Why is this? My thoughts are that political reputations are at stake - they said they would have a school, so they will put one in at any cost, even though the local parents/residents are incredibly concerned about the size and scale of the project, and the impact it will have on the capability and potential future success of the school.

    Consultation? - Do me a favour!

  7. As the school sits on the edge of the Nunhead and East Dulwich districts we have requested that the local councilors in the 2 wards have a cross party non-political joint community council group. While Nunhead appear happy to do so the East Dulwich councilors are a no to the idea.

    Given the discussions, meetings and concerns of local parents why would they not want to do this? The Lib Dems said that the EDGE group were already doing very well and did not need such a body. I'd disagree - we have not been able to get Harris to talk with us. And as for the Council - well thats been another blank so far.

    These are some of the questions that need answering and having a joint community group would support the campaign to get a good school on the site as thats what we all want!

    How will the school be run

    How will 950 boys work on the site

    How will students be moved between the two sites on a regular basis 5 days a week

    How can the school be a flagged as a sports academy if it has no playing fields of its own? Where is the athletics track that they would need, the pool (the girls one is being knocked down, so we can forget about that) etc.... Peckham Rye has some football/rugby pitches, but you need more than that.

    How many parents will be allowed as Governors (I'd imagine the minimum of 1, as that the way Harris operate)

    Why will they not consider having one mixed school over the two sites

    How will the impact of having staggered start/end times for the students be managed.

    Harris and Southwark education have already messed it up once - what will happen second time around?????

  8. Interesting to see that Councilor Richard Thomas complains about the Labour councilors not defending the academy schools in local meetings...when hes a Lib Dem and they dont seem to keen on them (or are they just keeping quiet?).

    You can check out his views on


    and post your response to hi comments

    It will be interesting to see what the architects come up with next time, it must be better than the prison bl;ock which got slated on all sites. The problem is its still too many boys on one site - will the Council/Harris ever come clean on why it has to be so many boys crammed on to one site???????

  9. The Harris consultatins are tomorrow and next Wednesday at the girls school.

    If you want to go you need to contact Kiran Gondal at [email protected] as it is entrance by invitation only.

    The main concern is the size of the building on the site provided - there were major concerns from Southwark that Harris have not bothered to answer:

    1. Why does the existing building need to be knocked down?

    2. How can 950 boys be accommodated on a site of that size? (previous max was 350 girls I believe)

    3. What will be the impact of staggered start/end times and staggered breaks?

    4. The design of the school has been slated by the council, by a design review panel, local architects, local groups and local people - it basically sucks! A third of the classes have no external windows, there is a central agora which is a 'waste of space', it will be difficult and expensive to ventilate

    5. The mass of the building is up against Friern Rd & lower Upland Rd rather than in its current location

    6. The play ground area is minute and has narrow passage ways funneling boys in and out of the school which have caused concerns.

    7. The materials used are a strange mixture that do not fit in with the surounding area

    8. If Harris can't maintain the swimming pool at the girls site how exactly will they support this as a 'sports' academy?

    If you have a boy who will be going into secondary education from 2009 onwards - PLEASE GET INVOLVED!as this is about your only chance to try and get a decent school built on the site!


    Harris have set up a number of 'consultation' meetings to discuss the new school. In stead of holding an open meeting and inviting the parents of the local primary schools they only appear to have sent pamphlets round to a small number of local residents. Why have they done it this way?

    No doubt this will enable them to tick the box to say 'we consulted with the locals' but what will they actually do?

    Given the importance of this matter you would think they wold invite all the people who count - the local residents and the parents of young kids looking for secondary school places. So - if you want a say in this important matter, write to Kiran Gondal at:

    [email protected]

    The meetings are on the 12th and 19th of December and you can request to go the morning, afternoon or evening meeting and they estimate they will last an hour. Attendance is by appointment ONLY (why dont they trust the people they supposedly want to work with?)

    Being Harris, they have not given a location nor an exact time and have chosen work days which make it difficult for people to go. Contact Kiran and make it work to get to one of the meetings as this is the chance for you to have a say in how your kids are educated.

  11. Cuthbert - shame you went for the cheap shot there!

    Most of the people I know are angry that they were not consulted in the first place and that a great opportunity to open a great school which is badly needed in the area has been messed up by Harris and Southwark. This school is going to be there for a long time so lets get it right and make it one that you would want to send your kids to. Among those who you reckon will be 'popping open the champers' are parents who need to send their boys to a secondary school this year.

    We would rather be celebrating have a good school opening rather than having to now muster support to make sure we get a good school with appropriate numbers in a well designed building and preferably without Harris ruling the roost in their own charmless way.

  12. continued (apologies - my browser wont let me do this in one go)

    5) Harris say it is a "local school", but will the parents of every boy from Goodrich/Heber/Goose Green send their sons there ... probably not. And do the parents of all of these boys live within 100m of the proposed school? Of course not!

    6) Harris make a big point about this being a sports academy ... but where will the boys actually play sport? There is no agreement with the parks dept to use Peckham Rye (which would be needed every day) so they will have to go back and forth to the girls school, given that the outdoor sports pitch will be used for the extended break times for a large portion of the day.

    I suppose the big question that a lot of people are asking is, what do we actually want? A school for the sake of it that has no evidence that it will work due to its size and design which raises a lot of concern amongst people who have studued the plans, or a smaller well designed school that will work and will help reduce a least some of the burden.

    Is one school really going to be the panacea that everybody wants?

    It's a small site, lets put a school on it that will work and realise that its not going to solve every problem due to the lack of boys schools in the area.

  13. And here are some points to consider....

    1) Can the site really support that many boys and will it give them the education they deserve? The parents who have boys in the vicinity who are looking for secondary schools are saying they will send them elsewhere.

    2)Look at the size of the play ground - how will 950 boys be accommodated in such a small area? There is no grass/soft surfaces on the site, so what will they do? We know the boys will have staggered breaks thus negating the outdoor sports pitch for much of th day. Dan Moynihan of HArris stated that no boys will be let off the premises during the school day, so thats going to be one cramped site.

    3) The design - there are no windows on 2 sides of the school because of how they have located it, the windows are small and will not let in much light. I have not heard anyone say "Wow - what a great building!" "Thats really great - it fits in / complements the area so well","That fits in so well with the refurbished Peckham Rye". I haven't even heard anyone say its ok! It has been referenced to an out of town mall or a prison though .... zinc cladding anyone?

    4) Size of school (I went to a comp of approx 1,000 - but we had our own playing fields to let loose on). The current trend is for smaller schools - a teacher friend's school is being split in 4 as its too big.

    to be continued ....

  14. Monica,

    What does S.N.U.B stand for - some more info would be good.

    Also, what is the petition for? Is it to ask MPs, Mayor Ken etc to press ahead with the proposed tax on bags?

    I think its great that its happening - is there a poster that the local retailers are putting up to show their participation in the event and to get support from local (and not so local) punters?

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