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Alex K

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Posts posted by Alex K

  1. When I look at menus like the one at the BB and think about the relationship between price and food ("rapport valeur : prix", since the BB is French), I say -- How lucky we are to have Sopers in Nunhead, a short bicycle-ride away, and how lucky I am that my father taught me how to use an oyster knife.

    Merciful Jesus. ?27 the dozen for oysters?

    No, don't mind me. I'll be just fine, let me sit here and collect myself. Had a funny turn whilst looking at a menu, that's all.

  2. Surely all the rules that surround eating have one thing at their heart: Make it clear that one thinks that food is unimportant.

    Take small bites. Eat slowly and delicately, rather than gulch-and-gobble. Use your spoon rather than lifting your soup bowl and drinking from it, and tilt the bowl away from you because that looks less greedy. Put your peas onto the back of your fork, slowing yourself down. Move your utensils to your mouth slowly; don't hurry so that you carelessly clank your cutlery against your teeth. Cut your meat one bite at a time, not all at once as Nurse does for little children. Don't throw yourself onto the contents of your plate. Always leave food on your plate ("for Miss Manners").

    Indifference toward food is key. "I can wait to pick up my knife and fork till everyone at table has been served; I am enjoying myself in conversing with my neighbours".

    Of course when no guests join one one reverts, through indolence, to eating as if one were at trough rather than at table. When entertaining, however, whether in a restaurant or at home, one really should up one's game, and remember that sociability, rather than feeding, is the purpose of the meal. Better luck next time, Louisa.

  3. If you have a fondness for right angles, as in new-build rather than hundred-plus-year-old approximative construction, you might consider heading a few steps further away, into the 1990s St Francis estate -- centred on Abbotswood Road, accessible through Edgar Kail Way (think Sainsbo SuperStore).

    Whichever way you jump, welcome to the 'hood!

  4. I wish that it were still possible to leave one's homeland behind.

    Forty years ago, when in a similar situation I rejected the idea of university and moved to Japan -- because it was as far, as different, a place as I could imagine -- contact with "home" was by aerogramme. Blue, thin, folded, and gone. Two weeks later it might reach a parent. International calls were FAR too dear. No internet and, of course, no Skype. I was on my own.

    It grew me up fast.

    When I came back after two years I wanted to do uni, and to learn at uni -- my get-drunk-at-uni had been got out of my system long ago.

    I recommend that the young woman go lose herself in a different culture. She will find herself along the way.

  5. **sigh**

    Fifty years ago every lad in my village carried a knife. We whittled. We competed in knife-throwing -- bet you can't hit that over there! **thwock** Maiming? A bit. I still have a dramatic scar at the base of my left index finger that reminds me of an apple with a core that gave way unexpectedly (ow!) Maiming OTHERS? Killing? No.

    It's not the knives.

  6. "I am a lover of freedom of destiny".

    Well, Louisa, how does one manage that -- with destiny being a you-can't-change-it you-can't-evade-it fate?

    "Freedom of destiny". Even for the EDF, that is extraordinary piffle.

  7. For potential interest, this fanboy approach --

    Please excuse me, but I am so rubbish with names and faces -- I have the strongest feeling that I know you; I shouldn't like you to think that I had cut you, and I truly cannot remember who you are and how we met!

    "Might it have been at your couch, on the television? I've appeared in THE BILL."

    Oh my heavens... how embarrassing... and what a grand opportunity to thank you for the wonderful work that you've done! I'll never forget your FOURTH DRUNK WOMAN LYING IN GUTTER from that episode in 2003!

    And so on.

  8. A school -- and the Green Dale playing fields within a five-minute walk IF the tunnel beneath the railway line is re-opened (and widened, and brightly lit, and CCTV-monitored, and fitted with call-alarm boxes...).

    The St Francis estate, where I live (Abbotswood Road and its tributaries), would see more walkers and bicyclists if that tunnel were re-opened for students; and why shouldn't it be accessible to the rest of us? Another route to Sainsbury's, to DHFC... Not a bad thing.

  9. milk76 Wrote:


    > The club is not unsustainable in it's current

    > form. This myth is the carefully orchestrated

    > result of a dozen years of ownership by property

    > developers, interested in it's long term failure,

    > as a land banking exercise.


    > A car wash was installed, and charged minimal

    > rent, that used the club's water and power! It

    > cost the club tens of thousands rather than making

    > them!


    > A gym and courts making a net pittance for the

    > club. This has received at least three significant

    > buy out offers from national chains that I have

    > been told about, including David Lloyd, over the

    > last ten years. All declined but one can only

    > imagine the monthly rent they would pay for a

    > facility of this size in this area.


    > Astroturf pitch rented from the council allowed to

    > run into such disrepair that it can no longer pass

    > health and safety for juniors events. That revenue

    > cut off.


    > An utter intransigence to switching from a hugely

    > costly to maintain real turf pitch to 4G. Not to

    > mention that the turf can only be played on a

    > handful of hours each week so cannot be rented out

    > to others during the weekdays. Tens of thousands

    > out, tens of thousands not coming in.


    > I have watched this deliberate enforced decline

    > ever since I moved close by in 1996 with growing

    > incredulity. The site may well not be worth the 5

    > million that Hadley paid for it as a sports and

    > educational facility. But it can certainly be a

    > rather profitable ongoing concern.


    > Please do not take at face value spin from a group

    > that are hunting for an eight or nine figure short

    > term payday.

    The simplest answer to a question is likely to be the true one.

    So much good sense in your post, milk76 -- follow the money, follow the money. Run the club into the ground, sell the land.

  10. sedm Wrote:


    > Well if you take that view, you should never let

    > your cat out at all in case they get run over by a

    > car.

    > I think all cat owners need to come to their own

    > decisions on what they feel comfortable doing.

    Oh, "sedm". Go back. Look at my post. Do you see the phrase, "not till the mutilations stop"? Yes. There. You do see that now? Ah. -- Sonny The Cat has gone out, and done so regularly; that was his habit. He will be going out again, when it's safer. -- And you write "Well if you take that view" and recommend that I never let him out. What view? One that I've never claimed to hold. -- Let me request a favour: Don't ascribe attitudes to me that demonstrably aren't mine. Thank you.

  11. sedm Wrote:


    > Cinnabar -


    > I agree 100% with your post. My cat means the

    > world to me, but I think it would be cruel to keep

    > him in all the time because he is so happy when

    > he's outside. At the moment the balance I've

    > struck is to keep him in at night (even though

    > he's not happy at all about this, because he

    > particularly likes going out at night.)

    > There has to be a quality of life argument here

    > too - my cat would be so unhappy being cooped up

    > inside all day that I don't think that would be

    > fair.

    Sonny The Cat sits at the garden door and pouts, sometimes VERY loudly. He has his habits. They are not being indulged. And they shan't be, not till the mutilations stop. -- What quality of life would he have disembowelled and laid on a neighbour's doorstep?

  12. DulwichFox Wrote:

    > It's more to do with the type of meat we are

    > eating.. and how much..

    > A lot more of the meat we all eat is processed..

    > and we have been eating a lot more of it..

    > Bacon, Ham, Sausages, Chorizo, Salami, Pate,

    > Bowel Cancer is mainly found in people over 60 so

    > we are now the first generation to reach that age

    > with

    > a history of eating processed meats..



    > Foxy

    Oh, for Heaven's sake. What twaddle. What sort of meat was available except at butchering time before cold storage and deep freezers were invented? Processed, salted, smoked, nitrite-loaded hams and bacon for the rich and ditto sausages (scraps bulked out with rusk) for you and me. For hundreds of years. Foxy, you often are entertainingly misinformed, but really! This one takes the (sausage and) biscuit.

  13. YA Wrote:


    > Hi all,


    > Our cat has gone missing from Bawdale Road. Dexter

    > is a large, black and white, short-haired male

    > cat. He has a white bib, white?socks' and a small

    > white patch under his nose.


    > You may have seen him on the road or in the

    > gardens of Bawdale Road or Hansler Road. He never

    > usually ventures any further than this.


    > Please could check your gardens and sheds just in

    > case he's injured or trapped. If you have seen him

    > at all, we would be very grateful if you could

    > contact us on 07809478414 or 07738255212.


    > Thank you.

    Poor boy. Two weeks is a long time to be gone. Fingers crossed for him, and you.

  14. Squirrel74 Wrote:


    > Dear The new Cherry Tree pub,

    > It seems you are turning into the old Cherry Tree

    > pub. Keeping my family awake until 1am with

    > terribly loud music, not asking people to leave

    > the beer garden until 12am. Is it your plan to

    > upset your neighbours?

    The original posting -- nothing here to say that the poster HADN'T already spoken directly with the pub manager. Maybe she had...

  15. Can't tell you what other species make mistakes. A bird flies into a windowpane, a squirrel darts beneath the wheels of an oncoming vehicle? Not mistakes. Without the option of a trip to Switzerland, they simply chose to end their lives.

    The tag "Humanum est errare" has been around for a while.

  16. Syd53 Wrote:


    > Dr De Soto Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Dear Gudi, please note it was Dulwich VILLAGE

    > (and

    > > the rest of SE21) that scored so high in the

    > > reported burglaries table. East Dulwich was a

    > > long way down the list. Don't want BBC London

    > > tarnishing SE22 with the same brush...


    > I thought SE21's Dulwich Park was viewed as a key

    > benefit of living in ED.


    > Isn't this statement therefore akin to claiming

    > Andy Murray is British when he wins, but Scottish

    > when he loses?


    > :-p

    I'm Alex K, and I approve this message.

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