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Posts posted by CJ_Scott

  1. I'm sorry you got a ticket. It would be better for me and other pedestrians using the store (or heading for champion hill and surrounding area) if motorcycles were parked in allocated spaces rather than the pavement area. There isn't much space for pedestrians and I often have to wait for bikes to park or reverse before passing with a buggy and small child. The car park is badly designed. If you have to use the slope between Champion Hill and the store you are led directly into the road; you either have to dodge cars or turn right behind those parked/reversing before you can get to the only bit of pavement - which motorcyclists are using a lot. I'm not having a go but thought this would be a good opportunity to highlight the problem.
  2. I had fast flow and oversupply both times. Baby one had terrible time, unhappy feedings, colic, explosive poos etc. The breastfeeding clinic I went to said i should try expressing which made things worse for me. I produced more and ended up with mastitis four times before giving up. Did some online research before number two arrived. Once i'd established it was happening again i did two feeds from one side so baby got more than fore milk and boob emptied properly. As soon as i felt letdown i would take baby off and soak up with muslin and pop her back on. She got used to it pretty quickly.
  3. I had PGP during my second pregnancy. It was extremely painful. Daily tasks were very difficult as was sleeping and walking. I was terrified I'd have to leave work early, not be able to care for my first born or have a natural labour. I had treatment at the British School of Osteopathy in SE1 where they have a specialist pregnancy clinic. I went from not being able walk properly to feeling pretty normal.

    Had to strip down to underwear infront of students but treatment and tutor (helen) were great. The fist session took about 1.5 hours and following sessions 40 mins. Each session was 22 quid and I think cheaper if you receive benefits. I remember being told that 80% of cases in pregnancy clinic are PGP and that a lot of people respond well to treatment.

    I have to admit that I felt worse after first couple of sessions but they did warn me that could happen. I continued treatment every couple of weeks even when things had improved to prevent it coming back, they also helped with reflux.

    I hope you find something that works for you.


  4. A duplicate post but really want to hear from parents with experience of DKH or Bessemer nurseries...

    Hello all.

    We?ve been offered a full time place at DKH nursery and a part time place at Bessemer. We feel really lucky and are so pleased to have a nursery place at all let alone an offer from two. I?m now in a bit of a dilemma...which one to choose? I hear good things about both schools.

    Life would be a lot easier if we took the full time place (fully funded) at DKH as I?ll have a new baby to look after BUT we were really impressed with Bessemer.

    When visiting DKH we were shown round by two lovely children. It was a whistle stop tour without access to classrooms or staff members and only got to pop our head round the door of the nursery which felt rather dark and cramped. We weren?t invited in and didn?t feel able to approach staff.

    When we were offered the place at DKH I called and asked if it was possible to meet the Head, Deputy Head or another member of teaching staff but was told no.

    The Deputy Head of Bessemer spent an hour showing us round and we left really wanting a place.

    If we decide to go with Bessemer nursery we would not be guaranteed a place at the school. We?re 0.2 miles from DKH and 0.3 from Bessemer (a nicer walk).

    I know what I would tell myself...go with gut feel but I don?t want to turn down a perfectly good full time nursery place without talking to / hearing from parents with children at either nursery. Please get in touch either by PM or openly on the forum.

    Your time / thoughts will be much appreciated.

  5. Hello all.

    We?ve been offered a full time place at DKH nursery and a part time place at Bessemer. We feel really lucky and are so pleased to have a nursery place at all let alone an offer from two. I?m now in a bit of a dilemma...which one to choose? I hear good things about both schools.

    Life would be a lot easier if we took the full time place (fully funded) at DKH as I?ll have a new baby to look after BUT we were really impressed with Bessemer.

    When visiting DKH we were shown round by two lovely children. It was a whistle stop tour without access to classrooms or staff members and only got to pop our head round the door of the nursery which felt rather dark and cramped. We weren?t invited in and didn?t feel able to approach staff.

    When we were offered the place at DKH I called and asked if it was possible to meet the Head, Deputy Head or another member of teaching staff but was told no.

    The Deputy Head of Bessemer spent an hour showing us round and we left really wanting a place.

    If we decide to go with Bessemer nursery we would not be guaranteed a place at the school. We?re 0.2 miles from DKH and 0.3 from Bessemer (a nicer walk).

    I know what I would tell myself...go with gut feel but I don?t want to turn down a perfectly good full time nursery place without talking to / hearing from parents with children at either nursery. Please get in touch either by PM or openly on the forum.

    Your time / thoughts will be much appreciated.

  6. We love surrey docks farm. They have cows, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, ferrets, chickens, ducks and donkey. If the yard looks a bit empty pop your head in the barn and you'll see the new lambs and kids. Also direct access to the river so you can watch the boats go by. The cafe is brill.
  7. I got to meet some of you at the end of March but missed last weeks catch up.

    Rachel - I'm up for meeting with toddler in tow (she'll be three in May) but I'm working Tues - Fri for another month.

    Amy - sorry can't help on this occasion, just as well really as feeling like an unattractive beached whale and not brave enough for TV.

    Deirdre - planning on keeping part time nursery place for as long as I can afford whilst on mat leave. I might reduce it by one day if necessary and hoping that Granny and Nanny will want to come over occasionally to either have baby or toddler so I can have some time with each individually. But nothing is set in stone.

    Hope everyone is well and to see you all at the next meeting.


  8. A bit further away but Surrey Docks Farm in Rotherhithe (SE16) is perfect. We had a 1st birthday there. Clean private room that has the farm yard on one side and the river on the other at ?50 per hour, but you won't need to provide additional entertainment with all the animals around. For your age group you could also provide donkey rides.

    Farm manager's name is Barry. He was rather busy and difficult to pin down for details but well worth it.

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