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Posts posted by clarebells

  1. The guy at Chener Books told me about you guys... how great, a bunch of Kiwis in the area! We (my 3 year old daughter and I) would be keen to come along sometime - I'm 100% K1W1 and she is half. I'll PM for details on the next meeting.

    Also if anyone is interested in keeping alive that connection with nature that so many of us Kiwi kids have/had, then I run a outdoor play group every Thursday up in Sydenham Woods.

    Check out www.nature-play.co.uk or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nature-Play-South-East-London/207738685928324 for details.

  2. Perhaps the Playing Out scheme will make the parents that are participating feel like they can get over the danger hump, perhaps it will lead to outdoor play without closing the streets and having stewards.

    I think that the play you are talking about Curmudgeon is more likely to happen with (after) the Playing Out scheme than without it for many families and children.

    Besides increasing the levels of play for these children, I love the fact that Playing Out has brought the community together.

    This scheme might not have ticked all the boxes for some of us on what play is or should be, but it really has a good list of pro's to sit next to a small list of con's... I feel.

  3. Hmmm yes I see you point Curmudgeon.

    I personally am one for letting children go, many experts on childrens play say that there is no adult role in childrens play.

    However, when the state of things is so bad (which it is) that many children are not getting out to play at all, then this is one solution that is working... as we can see from the short film.

    At the end of the day, if they are playing (with or without the aid of adults) then the job is a good one.

  4. Sorry to move off the subject slightly here, but if you say your baby isn't happy in the sling, its more than likely that the sling is not comfortable or properly fitted. There is a great sling library and consultation resource in the area - http://southlondonslings.com/

    Might be worth checking the sling situation out, as the benefits of close contact are great for reflux babies as I understand it.

    Good luck.

  5. You mentioned you are not breastfeeding, I thought I would pass on this really helpful link about bottle feeding.


    You didn't say if you were using formula - or other, perhaps you have access to a milk bank?

    I would like to mention that gastric reflux is a reported gastrointestinal symptom of formula consumption... so IF you are using formula it might be worth considering other options.

    I am sure the La Leche League hotline will be able to advise on 'other milks' that would be best for a reflux situation - 0845 120 2918

  6. Well, you just never know do you.. and to be fair this is the first 'family' specific page I have put the word out to.

    The group has been running for a year now through an open facebook page and word of mouth.

    Its always good to cover yourself - if some odd person does actually turn up without kids (which would be rather odd, but could happen), then it is easier to point out that we don't allow such things as stipulated in the group info.

    Good idea, no?

  7. NATURE PLAY is...

    A child-led play group

    For all ages

    Deep in the woods

    Every Thursday regardless of the weather

    and its free

    The purpose of this group is for letting babies and children 'go' in nature, to play, explore and connect.

    In order for our children to bond with nature and the earth they must spend time in it and on it. We have a beautiful woodland safe place for our children to play, right in this big city.

    Its good for babies: In the first two years of life your baby's brain is operating in the frequency range used in hypnosis; delta and theta, these are pure download states. Babies are downloading EVERYTHING at four billion bits per second! So to be in nature and on the earth is to be connected.

    Its good for toddlers and older children: Children need to play for their brains to grow to their full potential, to evolve in their imagination and creativity. Please don't bring any toys into the woods, there are plenty of 'sausages', 'horses', 'houses' etc there already.

    Meeting point: On the edge of Sydenham Hill Wood, on Cox's Walk there is a bridge named Pissarro's Bridge, we meet here every Thursday at 10.30am sharp.

    What to bring: Food to share, a cup for tea, picnic blanket, wet weather gear if its raining.

    What to expect: The lovely people at London Wildlife Trust have given us a flat clearing area off the beaten track, there are some steps, uneven paths, kissing gates and hills involved to get there... so pushchairs should be replaced with slings or shoulder rides.


    Mums, Dads, Caregivers, Nannys, Homeschoolers - all welcome.

    We ask that you have 1 child per adult and no more than 3 children under the care of an adult for safety reasons.

    For more information please join the Nature Play : South East London facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nature-Play-South-East-London/207738685928324 or (if you are not on facebook) feel free to email me at [email protected].

    Please visit http://www.nature-play.co.uk for more information.

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