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Posts posted by hkirsop

  1. We have a German au pair (20) starting with us in 10 days time. She has joined the Dulwich Au Pairs United Facebook page but I thought I would just pop a post on the forum to see if anyone has a German au pair (or any nationality really!) who would be interested in meeting up with her when she arrives to help her settle in. Please PM me if anyone is interested. Thanks so much.
  2. Just want to post a recommendation for Steve Nourse from Inclean ( 07941344137) who cleaned our sitting room carpet and sofas a couple of weeks ago. We had recently had a new fireplace fitted and they had really messed up the cream carpet with loads of soot - Steve came round really promptly and very efficiently cleaned the carpets and the sofas that were also covered in plaster dust and they are all as good as new! Typically a week later my husband spilt red wine over one of the sofas and Steve has come round and cleaned it for us and once again looks wonderful! Very good service, very reasonable and a very nice guy! Thank you!
  3. These are lovely- I particularly love the crayola letter! - you have SO many amazing ideas! We want to do something for W so look forward to your suggestions...

    Am so enormously impressed with you doing this too - even though S and C in school/ nursery, this still takes a lot of commitment and a lot of your 'you' time - lots of luck though I don't think you'll need it!

  4. Hi all

    Just want to add another recommendation for a wonderful children's entertainer - Juggling Joolz! She was the entertainer at my son's 4th birthday on Saturday and, as my husband said afterwards, hiring her for the party was the best money we have ever spent! Right from the start, she had all the children gripped with her clever animal and parachute games, also making the children balloon animals etc which were hugely popular as was her brilliant magic show which had a lot of the adults transfixed too! My son had such a wonderful time and we have had so many lovely comments back from friends so would really recommend Joolz wholeheartedly!

    You can contact her on 07963 447178, or email at [email protected].

  5. hi we had exactly the same with our first, fine in the days and then at 7pm colic would arrive and he would cry solidly until we gave him a dream feed at 10.30 after which time he was absolutely fine and went down no problem. i was completely at my wits end as we had every night with one of us holding him screaming - looking back i keep thinking maybe i should have just put him down and left him crying whilst we had even 10 mins to eat quickly as us holding him didn't seem to help but it is so easy with hindsight and of course impossible to do at the time when the baby is crying.

    we actually did have an overnight recovery when he was 15 weeks and 2 days - that amazing day is imprinted on my brain! - my husband got home from work and literally fell off his bike when he saw me on my own in the sitting room in silence - needless to say we crept around the flat the whole evening!

    we did keep up the routine as it made me feel sane and he did really like his bath etc and the early part of the bedtime routine but dont think, from my experience, it particularly helped with the colic was more for him/me to have nice time while he was happy. we also tried infacol, cranial osteopathy etc - i even gave up chocolate and drank fennel tea which is really not tasty! as someone said it helps to reduce wind but i dont think it made a difference. in my - very limited! - experience i think it is just a waiting game until their tummy matures but agree that it should be v soon.

    best of luck though - having just had my second i know that there are enough challenges at bedtime without a colicky baby! am sure the end will be in sight soon though.

  6. my son is there too (2.5yrs) and he loves it. he settled in quite quickly but he had been at a nursery before - anyway the staff are lovely and really friendly, and when he did have days when he was a little nervous they were great with him. i am actually off on maternity leave again now so around quite a bit with my little boy (he does 2 days at nursery) so would be v happy to meet up with you before your little boy starts - we are actually newish to the area so would be nice to meet another mum anyway! if you'd like to meet up send me a PM!
  7. anna_r / Bishberro

    i am also due with my second in July (27th) and my little boy was 2 in March so similar ages - am also starting maternity leave next weds then on hols for a week but after that will be around all weekdays if you fancy meeting up, and little boy also staying in nursery a couple of days a week. am also new to east dulwich (we moved here from highbury in jan) so keen to meet some local mums!


  8. our boy hasn't really done too much swimming mostly because we really struggle to get the earplugs & hairband thingy on! but am sure it is possible!! also had to be quite careful with hairwashing and still are as dont want lots of water running into his ears. we are seeing his specialist next week though as he is now 11 months on from op and they want to check up on him so am hoping that this will mean that we can be a bit more relaxed about water now..


  9. my little boy had grommetts aged 15 months too as did one of my friend's little boys. he was also plagued by ear infections would get them every three weeks to the day - one week of antibiotics then two weeks later started again - this went on for about 6 months and was horrible for him. the grommets have been amazing and no ear infections since then - touch wood! and no impact on speech development etc (he is now 2). i know quite scary (i literally didn't sit down the whole time he was in theatre) but it made such a difference and he (and we!) have been so much happier.

    i hope the operation goes well for you

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