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Posts posted by Moflo

  1. My grandson signed up to take part in this event last March for charity. Obviously it was cancelled, rescheduled for May, again cancelled. They then said they would reschedule for September. My grandson couldn't do that date or any other within the year because of work (having to go away on course) we asked for refund for the 3 tables booked ?1500.they said OK less admin. Now they are saying they have had to pay to venue so cannot refund. Surely this is illegal? Any advise?
  2. While London Mayor Boris Johnson is being cheered over the Olympics and boosted in the polls, London?s Fire Brigade is being cut and dismantled.

    The London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) has had its budget cut by ?29.5million next year and by a further ?35.3million the year after. In total: ?65 million.

    With the cost of operating a fire station with one fire appliance at ?1.4m per year, this means 15 fire stations and appliances are at risk of closure. Up to 25 next year could close next year.

    For context, there are just 112 fire stations in London. In just over a year 35% of London?s stations could be shut down.

    Labour?s City Hall Fire spokesperson, Navin Shah, sent out a statement this week saying:

    The mayor needs to come clean on fire brigade cuts. This isn?t just an academic debate about numbers, if there aren?t enough fire engines in London then they will not get to incidents on time. As we all know time is a crucial factor in saving people?s lives.

    It is disgusting that the mayor and government are making these cuts.

    So far, the Conservatives are refusing to elaborate much on what they would close. Mayor Boris Johnson previously ruled out frontline cuts to fire services, but will now u-turn on his promise.

    The London Evening Standard has barely covered the issue, but broadly remained painfully silent.

  3. The price for single ticket in may was ?70 return and that the price I paid, price now is ?150+ but I'm

    Not cancelling and rebooking I'm asking them to change a name of existing booking! Why should I pay again for seething I've already paid for! Standard practice or not, it's immoral!

  4. I recently booked a flight to Glasgow, circumstances are that my husband can't travel so I asked a friend to accompany me! Called easyjet to cost the change of name! Now bear in mind the cost of two seats return to Glasgow ?147.00! How much is it to change a passenger name? I ask. Reply ?35 each way then ?83.00 for the difference in price total?153.00. How can you charge me for difference in a price I have already paid I asked? Company Policy was the short reply! this is extortion and immoral in my eyes, am I wrong?
  5. I live in fairly quiet street and when my kids were small probably upto teens they played and socialised in the street! Sadly I don't see it now, admittedly there aren't as many youngsters about aroubd here now but there are some and it is sad that parents don't feel that they can let them out to play! Children need to learn a bit of independence and to become a bit streetwise! My street isn't a run through so could easily be closed off for a play period! Mind you commuters who park here and get bus or train are a problem!!
  6. We attended a childminders fun day last week in the picnic area, when we were walking back to the oneO'clock club we were verbally attacked by someone with their dog because we asked that it be put on a lead as some on the children were frightened of such a large dig running free! This is a constant problem there and Dulwich park! In a public area surely all dogs should be kept on a lead?? I know this is off the subject but it makes me really mad!
  7. The water feature is a joke! Did the planners not realise that water does not flow uphill?? It was on yesterday but as you say the path was clogged with leaves and silt! The outside toys do leave a lot to be desired tho! very scruffy. But apart from that it is a resource that is needed. Yesterday it was packed, where are all those toddlers going to go if and when they close the groups!
  8. Again job cuts under another guise! I've heard about the new building at Peckham but that was supposed to happen last year! They were supposed to be moving to another site!

    Thanks Renata it will be good to know exactly what's happening! I've asked Wendy Heller but all I got was we would be informed in due course! I have used these clubs for over 30 years and would hate to lose an important resource for the community!

  9. As a childmInder I charge ?50 per day 8-6pm includes 3meals per day plus snacks and group fees. Also included outings. I would normally charge ?7.50 per hour for school pick up but as previous message this does depend on whether this restricts on whether I need to fill a full time place. I expect to be paid holidays but these would be negotiated with parents holidays if possible. I'm not paid for sickness usually but that again is negotiated. I am paid for child's absence either holidays or sickness. I am registered to look after 3 children under 5 and 5 children under 8. I usually will only have two children so that they have my attention at all times.
  10. It has come to my attention that all Southwark play areas are closing this summer. The premises I believe are being taken over by Children Centres and will not be open access. None of the one o'clock clubs have had any notices put up informing parents of this.

    My thoughts are that if they reopen they will incur a charge for each session and will be restricted. If anyone has any more information or can shed more light please do so.

  11. We have similar problem in junction of Thompson and Landcroft! Gang of youths standing sittin on the corner chatting shouting arguing til early hours most nights! They have played football at 3am! What do you do? Confront them, they then know where you live! No point in calling police, they don't bother! Council noise people won't cone out!
  12. My son is a firefighter, he is in clapham, fire in shops with gas canisters! They were pelted with rocks! Scumbags! Police commissioner(acting) says parents to get their children off the streets! That'll work then!!
  13. Many years ago an African family lived oposite the flat I lived in, I often saw the mother beating both her children with the buckle end of a belt! This continued for many weeks on a daily basis. On a number of occasions I called out to her and said any more and I would call the police. Obuse followed in tyrades! It got to the point she would bring the kids out into the garden to beat them just so that i could see!! I called the police, they came and said not much they could do because it was their culture!! bear in mind this was in the 70's and child abuse was very low on the authorities mind! After that tho i received a lot of abuse from the children defending their mother, you can't always win!
  14. Thank you for your info! the car was bought three weeks ago, I contacted him when the faults came to light after a week, and have had various txt conversations with him since. I have these converstions still on my phone.

    We will of course seek advise from CAB and I am sure take him to small claims court if advised so. I hope this can be sorted but either way it is an expensive lesson!

    Again many thanks for your help.

  15. Hi Ladymuck,

    I see that you have replied to my daughters most and thank you for that. When my husband bought the car the owner said he had done certain things, like cambelt, thermosat and water pump. He didn't have the receipt for this but said he would foward it on!! We since had to have the thermostat changed because mechanic said it was faulty, it then broke down again and AA garage have now said that head gasket is faulty (previous owner admits work done on this)and that has cause damage that cannot be repaired. Mechanics say work done on the head gasket woulod have shown the damage therefore they would have know about it when the car was sold! Sorry its a bit long winded but would this be a basis for small claims? I have spoken to him and he says he will take us to the garage that done the work for him.

    M x

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