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Posts posted by SEGirl

  1. Hi there

    We were exactly the same and our little man is 4 1/2 also. I dreaded what it would be like if we stopped the lifting. Someone suggested to me that we do it in stages & not completely cut out the lifting, so we talked to him about did he think he could walk back from the after going, which he did and then we got him to walk there and back. Did he think he would be able to find his way if we didn't take hime and he needed to go.

    Our landing is quite bright withought lights, but you could try a night light if it would make it easier for him. We did this for a couple of weeks and gave him lots of encouragement about it during the day. I also did a lot of talking about when he was a big boy and going to school after the summer he wouldn't need to be picked up during the night and how big boys didn't need to do this and mentioned a few friends who don't do it etc. Without being pushy. I'm a big believer in the drip feeding of an idea and he responds really well to this. I also mentioned that he could get a new piece of lego if he decided to try it. (I'm also a believer in rewards ;) )

    Then a few weeks into the the walking to the toilet with either me or my husband he decided he wanted to not go to the toilet in the middle of the night. He got up in the middle of the night all by himself and went to the toilet...I was amazed!! We told him how proud we were etc. From then on in he's only wet the bed once and goes straight through without being picked up or getting up himself, he's been doing this for about 8 weeks now. I can't believe it as we have previously had other toileting difficulties with him so this has been quite a turn around.

    Any questions give, just pm me. He might be more ready than you think. I'm sorry we didn't do it a couple of months previous.

    Hope you have success!

  2. Hi

    I can't seem to get hold of a set of back wheels for the old bee model, they've stopped making them it seems...grrr! So our Bee will be going to Bugaboo heaven, so sad as I have loved the bee, but with a one year old I don't want to fork out on a new one and wondered what other good alternatives there are out there. We do A LOT of walking & public transport so it needs to be quite sturdy but I want something light too, that doesn't cost the earth, is this even possible?! I was thinking a Maclaren might do the job but not sure which model etc?


  3. Hi

    A long shot but does anyone got a copy of Southwark News dated 20th Feb knocking about that I could have?!

    It's got a photo of my son in and I was hoping to show it to him and send it to the grandparents.

    Many thanks

  4. Not sure where to post this really?!

    Just wondering if anyone is heading to ikea with a car

    in the next week? I need a few picture frames

    and in return could offer you a bottle of wine for

    the favour of picking up and dropping off. If

    you're willing and interested please pm me I would

    be very grateful!

    Many thanks

  5. Sorry to double up, I wasn't sure which was the best place to post this....

    Just wondering if anyone is heading to ikea with a car in the next week? I need a few picture frames and in return could offer you a bottle of wine for the favour of picking up and dropping off. If you're willing and interested please pm me I would be ever so grateful!

    Many thanks

  6. We also used Panther Cars, don't think my husband even mentioned I was in labour. It was early morn on a weekend, my husband said the driver went through all the red lights as there was hardly any traffic about. I was sucking away on gas and air (was hoping for a home birth!) He wished us all the best brought our bags to the lift & I presume left a bit shell shocked!! I think most taxi companies will take you. All the best!
  7. Hi All

    The Clock House on Thursdays sounds good to me. My 3 year old will be in nursery for the morning & it's within walking distance, so I will be able to come along with our new little lady who is now 4 weeks old! We have yet to make one of the meet ups & I'm still trying to master getting out of the house with 2 little people, I think we're getting better at it!? Maybe in the next week or two once life doesn't seem so crazy I'll get to meet some of you, there might even be more babies than bumps by then :)


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