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Posts posted by rubyshoes

  1. I am now totally intrigued, will let you know how I find it. And FYI, Legalbeagle, I didn't think I'd have to end up saying this, but my initial post stating my disgruntlement over TCVM, well, maybe I was 'over-amplifying' my opinion somewhat. I am not all that bad, actually quite easy-going & open-minded about most things. I'll let you know how the read goes, I'm really looking forward to it now!!!
  2. Well, you've done your job, forumers....I now feel a certain sympathy for TCVM, he seems like a solid & decent bloke, has a really nice tone to his posts etc.. I could almost be mates with him now. Shame that some of you don't share his tact, common sense & ability to communicate in a pleasant way. You're really enjoying getting personal about this, I'd so love to meet you for some home-made organic cupcakes one day. But hey, guess that'd never happen, because whilst you're blaming me for not talking to him face-to-face (and for the record I've tried knocking a few times & he's not been in), you lot are getting off on battering me (& others) down, quietly sat behind your computer screens (as Missus has already said). Pot-kettle-black, or what? Ooooh, what thrills you must be getting!

    For anyone who's attempted to back me up - many thanks.

    To TCVM - you're a nice guy & good luck with the van.

    And to all of you who are now about to disect this post for a further battering - all the best of fun! xxx

  3. Ok, back to the subject.

    Regardless of what anyone thinks of me or anyone else involved in this thread (so let's not waste time making 'assumptions', eh?), I have a guy in a traveller's van camping in my street, very close to my property - AND I DON'T LIKE IT. End of.

    I have been informed by some other neighbours that they've contacted the police, also noise patrol. I am now about to contact the council. I'll keep you all updated, as there's obviously a lot of opinionated & interested people out there.

  4. I'm so over this now.

    Having been kept awake all night by the sound of thumping music & shouting (from the van), also reving engines I'm going to knock at this guy's door & tell him to move on. I won't be offering cupcakes, but I may be brandishing those sticks, Jimmyraj. And yes, Pearson, let's suggest he moves on to some more 'christian' & hospitable road in East Dulwich. I will be doing all my much-loved, wonderful neighbours here a real favour. Although, maybe someone else has already called the police? Oh well.....what a shame.

  5. aspidistra Wrote:



    > Why not just leave people be? Why not have a good

    > time and watch the ever-interesting world go by

    > instead of interfering in the lives of others?

    Yes, so get off my back & go and do something nice with the rest of your day. Who's the moaning Minnie now?

    I haven't taken part in this thread all day, but it has gone nuts. You are calling me a narrow-minded control freak? Look at yourself maybe. I'm not the one ranting now.

    Enjoy the weekend and be happy :)

  6. I'm loving that East Dulwich is well & truely full of hippies who hate fairness & justice, and love the traveller with the BMW (how do you justify his fake existence?). Unbelieveable - you guys need to get a life (& probably a job). I wish this guy on to your street & would love to see you offering cakes & bin bags (I quote) & being neighbourly & chatty. I'm not planning on being unfriendly in any way, but am not going to bake him cupcakes. And to bawdy-nan, yes, sure, there are greater , more important things in life, so if you think so, why snoop in on this post, get that life of yours. I am really sad that I am so misunderstood by you lot. Shame there haven't been any other reasonable posts on this thread other than from Pearson & ianr. A real tragedy.
  7. I am fascinated at the path this post has taken, absolutely fascinated. You seem to think I am a Christian, curtain-twitching, Daily Mail reading, 'rich' & 'privileged' person. Well, surprises, I'm not. I just believe in justice & the same rules for all in terms of paying taxes & rent & mortgages. If you want to live in this country, and in London of all places, then I reckon you need to keep in check with this. If you are more free-spirited (which I DO NOT condone in the slightest - everyone to their own!!!), then maybe move to the country & enjoy the freedom of life.....but don't hop out of your caravan & into an expensive BMW to clock in at work. This is the one point that all you 'free spirits' have not picked up on. This guy is a 'champagne-traveller': obviously earning enough money for a nice car. So not so much the lentil-loving tree-hugger as you might think (and yes, I mean that ironically, because I love brown rice & lentils too, so don't use this against me!).
  8. @ KidKruger: Are you for real???? If we all decided to take that route in life, can you imagine....

    It's a sad fact that living costs money, yes, it's hard for everyone sometimes, doesn't mean this guy (or you for that matter)should have the privilege of not paying like everyone else. Who gave you the right? I have a whole street full of wonderful neighbours & really don't need another one thanks. x

  9. I've done a brief search to see if a thread already exists, but surprisingly couldn't find anything, so here goes:

    there is a huge, bright blue traveller's van (reg. EYA 416T) parked at the end of Rodwell Rd (Crystal Palace end), and it's been there for about 4 days & nights, hasn't moved. There are obviously 1 to 2 people living in it (it has curtained windows & a chimney coming out of the roof!), my partner has seen the inhabitants, what looked like a youngish guy & his girlfriend. The amazing thing is, this guy climbs out of the van & jumps into a BMW parked closeby & drives to work maybe? Who knows? Weird & annoying. Where are they dumping their rubbish (in our bins probably), and what gives them the right to live on our street, when we all have to pay extortinate prices for the privilege! Yes, I'm ranting now, I know!

    Has anyone else had these guys on their road (I spotted the van on Jennings Road a few weeks ago)? And what can be done about them, any tips?

    Many thanks

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