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Posts posted by iamhere

  1. Maxxi

    Have you seen with your own eyes that Frankito does not respond to niceness, kindness or the like. How would you suggest this is dealt with?

    Really, come on - share? this kind of smugness etc etc etc is like dealing with a brick wall - and what is your point in this at this stage - to spread wisdom about commpassion?

    There's a big trap that can be fallen into for all of us...I am very happy to show courteousnes and show respect

    I do here. Thanks for your posting. A reminder not to get drawn into bad behaviour.


  2. Why do you want to bore us to death as you put it by telling us what you do for a living - Frank Myles ?AVP - Manager: Cash Equity Trade Support at Merrill Lynch

    "2009 bonus payout - Merrill Lynch.

    Merrill Lynch arranged for payment of billions in bonuses in what appeared to be "special timing". These bonuses totaling $3.6 billion were one-third of the money they received from the feds' TARP bailout. In addition, the timing of these bonuses angered many American people because they were authorized before the bank was to be acquired by Bank of America. It is now a foregone conclusion that without the rescue by BOA, Merrill would have collapsed.[citation needed] In 2008, Merrill lost billions yet still paid out 3.6 billion in bonuses"

    What do you have to say about this with you knowledge close to hand?

  3. Frankito,

    You really need to take a look in the mirror - you are behaving like a naughty school child so expect to be tr.......

    I think you are almost beyond allowing yourself to listen and take note here - scary to think that you're managing people and money? Or are you so small to be simply playing around here and having some school child fun with us?! You do speak as if we're your playthings - its discusting!


  4. @undisputedtruth:

    I want to be able to take everyone seriously on here, when a serious discussion is taking place about a serious subject.

    This often seen cocky way of communicating is so self serving and unhelpful to the discussion - its not about the individual its about our futures in this particular case!

    We all deserve being treated respectfully and need to set the example.

    @frankito - I hope you return and are able to speak with more humility.


  5. @Frankito: This is not an attack - not my intention: But your response appears to be in the form of an attack - it's this kind of response that does not help anything at all - your ego? appears to be inflated? and undermines your argument here - I cannot take you seriously as long as you are going to talk from a synthetic place. Please try and talk like a good normal human being and stop putting everyone down on here - it wont make you look, weak.


  6. The problem is not those that are already afloat, but for those of us that are all ready close to sinking - we drown!

    But it's funny how even those that are not really suffering, seem to find such trivia to fret over.

    We need more 'wake up calls' in our lives to find perspective?


  7. let me clarify - please take a look at my previous posts on this forum - it was long ago and I have not been on here ever since, so don't until now, have first hand experience of being part of a debate on here. I would not have, until now, passed comment on the things that I have been referring to around rudeness of speech.

    I am sorry that you have made a presumption about me and my knowledge of this site - it was not my intention to hoodwink.


  8. Frank Myles

    I must admit, that your style of speaking (on this forum at least) is provocative -(one can be rude at the keyboard of a PC) - are you like this face-to-face with new aquaintances? - this I am.

    It really muddies the water when deviating from the meaningful content of a discussion, by loading the discussion with rude discourteous speech - does it not? - it dilutes meaningful discussion - I just cannot see the point in doing this here - this subject is not funny.

    If I new you, I could judge things much better - I would better know if you were being serious, joking and jibing etc, etc - however, I donot know you - and is this discussion not a 'serious' one? - the results of careless banking and corrupt governing is literally destroying lives - please try to see this - it's a painful picture is it not?

    I am new to this forum - so far I have been sworn at - been ridiculed and the like.

    Are you full of pride and ego? - your words are harmful and perhaps you donot realise this?

    I only expect more riducule from you - and this is not reverse psychology I am trying. I expect bankers to take their actions and speech seriously - so much damage can be done by flippant actions.



  9. Frankito Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------

    > Nexi, a very quick question for you.... do you

    > work for a bank? Do you have any idea as to how

    > they operate and how they are managed..? I

    > challenge you to do some research on that front

    > and you may just surprise yourself i.e. find

    > things that go against your ramblings.. People who

    > work in the banking/ financial serviess industry

    > are feeling the pressure as much as anyone else;

    > yes, comparatively we are paid more than your

    > average school teacher however, 0.1% (if that)

    > earn fantastical amounts, much as are quoted in

    > The Sun on a regular basis. Without understanding

    > how the banks work operationally, your views are

    > merely one-sided and, dare I say, bordering on

    > fanatical and obsessive.


    > H's point re self-fulfilling prophesy shows that

    > he actually understands more about the topic than

    > you do as, a fair amount of the massive upward/

    > downward trends in the markets observed in 2008

    > and since then have come as a result of rumour and

    > speculation - both extremely powerful influences

    > in a volatile market. Yes there is a whole under

    > current of other bits and pieces going on (not to

    > trivialise them) but seriously, the tactical

    > solution to get us all out of this mess is for

    > stability ie confidence to be restored in the

    > global markets. Without that, we will all be

    > affected, directly or indirectly and far more than

    > we have seen to date.


    > Banks don't exist solely on Derivatives, there are

    > many other products out there too so, to keep

    > coming back to this alone is rather tedious and

    > again demonstrates your general lack of

    > understanding of the bigger picture that is

    > banking. Perhaps I will dig out some light reading

    > for you to become properly enlightened or at least

    > better informed.

    Hello Frankito et.al

    Why is it that only bankers defend their corner? I really am not trying to be clever (there's already a lot of that on here without me adding to it really)- but why cannot bankers be honest at least about how their institutions are flawed? I cannot stand another career politian or greedy banker etc stand up and lie about what they are doing is really FAIR. And saying that this is not a fair world is just nasty and not a good way about running a family, village, town, city and planet.


  10. Annette Curtain Wrote:


    > You tell 'em Hugo


    > http://www.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/genImageCairo.as

    > px?data=YT03MDAmYj02MDAmYz1BdmVuaXImZD05NiZlPTQ0Jm

    > Y9JTIzYmVjMWEyJmc9JTIzYzEwYzA2Jmg9RipDSytPRkYmaT1J

    > VCdTJmo9QU4maz1BRFVMVCZsPUZPUlVNJm09Y3Jvd24ucG5n


    > NETTE(tu)


    > Oooops

    I must admit that the best response to this is to most probably ignore it. I wont get upset or angry - what's the point?!

    It's an open forum and there will be all types voice their views - this person clearly likes to offend.

    I don't believe my feedback was an attempt to stifle debate - but to stifle rudeness only.


  11. Hello,

    First time here in a very long time.

    Loz, it doesn't cost anything to be civil - I cannot understand why people need to be rude and uncivil - you don't even know this person - this forum would surely be a better and safer place to share information, if you didn't need to worry about being attacked! East Dulwich is a small place - you could be standing next the person that you've been rude to - some respect, is missing in certain quarters of the forum membership and is negative and unhelpful to creating simply good discussion where people can voice without having fun, ridicule or rudeness put upon them.

    I must admit, that I'm bracing myself for attack!

    Iamhere. Peace.

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