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Posts posted by Ko

  1. its a hard one. i feel guilty that my almost two and a half year old still loves his milk! the advice is to cut it down but some little ones are really attached to it. i would do whatever you feel is right for your little one and ignore all the advice that the HVs, nursery etc give (although i do realise that these people all have your best interests at heart).

    i remember a discussion with my (very good) gp about my son's reluctance to give up milk and his fussiness about food. she said that a mother should go with her instincts as she knows her child best.

    i would use the routine that you use on your days at home with her. if you feel she is okay without the milk, then go with that. she will get used to that and then that is what she will expect at nursery. good luck xxx

  2. thank you so much for all the advice, really appreciated.

    we are flying BA and its a 10 hour flight. i am planning to take 2 bottles of cow's milk on with me in an insulated bottle bag plus clean bottles. toddler has refused formula cartons for a long time now (taste quite sickly sweet compared to cow's milk) but i have a few cartons to take with me just in case. however will be much better to buy it on the other side - thanks for that tip.

    really reassuring to know that i will probably be able to get milk on the plane! luckily my husband's company has suggested he flies back to the UK to help us with the flight out so at least i will have some help.

    many thanks once again xxx

  3. the sticky traps in boxes are great. the first year we used them i took great pleasure in counting how many got stuck! its amazing how many are about. i got mine from the dry clener on bellenden rd. i think dulwich diy also do them.
  4. people i know who did this gave banana, apple slices, carrot sticks, cooked veg sticks, cucumber, crackers, rusks, organix finger foods, bits of rice cake. the babies who took to it soon moved on to bits of bread with cream cheese/humous etc, also bits of chicken and pasta. i wished my little one had wanted to do this but he was not keen!
  5. absolutely love the bee. light enough to not be a chore every time i took it out (esp after having c section plus had a back injury). easy to manoeuvre on buses and in narrow places. fits unfolded into our estate car when i am being especially lazy!! my little boy loved it too and slept well in it until he was able to force himslef to stay awake (around 20 months). he still will nap in it now (he's two and a half) if he is tired and looks comfortable.

    i was impressed with the baby cocoon and baby loved it and found it very snug and comforting.

    shopping basket is a little small, but if you have too much stuff in it, it would be too heavy to get over my front door step (there's a step up). easy to use 'happy mummy' hooks on the handle to hang an extra shopping bag from. the rain cover does not last though, but you can get a generic mothercare one and that is fab and lasts.

  6. Baby Ko is two now and we have so far avoided going anywhere on a plane with him! however in a few days we will be travelling long haul with him as we are moving overseas for a while - arghhh (about the thought of a flight with a toddler)!!!!

    This is probably a really obvious question so apologies in advance. Baby Ko is a real 'milk monster' and still has it from a bottle (i know, i know, but cups just don't do it for him)... Have you found that the flight attendants are happy to provide cow's milk in your baby bottle and heat up your bottle for you? He will go mad if he can't have it!!

    Any advice very much appreciated, many thanks xxx

  7. The Nappy Lady Wrote:


    > With my 7 year old it's the temperature coming &

    > going, lack of appetite & listlessness. Hate

    > seeing her like this it is so out of character.

    > We are on day 5 with her so maybe by Tuesday she

    > will be on the mend, fingers crossed. :-(

    my 2 yr old didn't have any vomiting, but had a temperature for over a week and lack of appetite and very tired/sleepy. a bit of a cold and cough too. took him to the doctors who said it wasn't uncommon for it to last a week or more and to use paracetamol to bring the temperature down. was very out of character for my little one too and the first time he's been so wiped out.

  8. Pickle Wrote:


    > What a shame - I have fond memories of a child of

    > being prescribed Amoxycillin (excuse spelling)

    > which was the thick white stuff you kept in the

    > fridge... my Mum used to have to hide it as I

    > loved it so much.


    i was going to say amoxycilin too. i used to have loads of it as a child as i had lots of chest infections and was asthmatic. i was hooked on the stuff and thought it tasted as good as chocolate! not sure if your child needs to have a specific antibiotic?

  9. we have a quest and my little one will sleep in it and is nice that it reclines a bit.

    agree with person above who says although there is a maclaren that reclines flat, it is heavier.

    i got the quest for the car and it is fine weight-wise for lifting in and out of the car - doesn't feel a struggle and i can manage it even with my back injury. i use my bee on the bus and that weight is fine for getting on and off the bus.

  10. hi belle - the scars will go eventually! i also had bad scars on my legs at one point.

    i had ezcema on my face as well during pregnancy and as the skin was so sore, i had to stop eating food with any sorts of spices as it aggravated my skin even more - eating plain food was not much fun.

    pickle - i also found sleep easier with a newborn baby! pregnancy just had too many aches/pains/morning (read as: all day) sickness for me.

    i can't imagine what its like being pregnant and feeling unwell, while also having other children to look after. you are doing an amazing job looking after two children and carrying your third xxx

  11. i'm not an OC sufferer but can really sympathise about the itching. i had severe eczema in my pregnancy (and have bad ezcema on and off all the time, but much worse when i was pregnant).

    it drives you insane and yes i also scratch in my sleep and wake up with bleeding skin. i have to keep my nails supershort, so no fancy manicures for me usually!

    cold cream kept in the fridge helps a little. taking antihistamines takes the edge off the itch but again only works a little in comparison to how bad the itching is.

    i actually sat at the dermatologist's when i was pregnant and burst out crying as i was so utterly miserable and tired, not able to get a good night's sleep and just fed up of it.


  12. i am thinking of trying peckham pulse softplay for the first time as i have heard that it has improved a lot and it clean now!

    does anyone know - do you just turn up or do you have to book in advance? also anyone know the cost - i've had a look at the website but can't see how much it costs.

    i wonder if bea's baby bop is on next week? i will check her website...

  13. lots of bepathanen (spelling?) on bottom at every change. make sure bottom is completely dry before applying. can get from pharmacy. we get on prescription as little boy gets thru loads of it.

    when flare up is really bad, we use metanium. in between flare ups, we have to use bepathanen at every nappy change to keep the nappy rash from returning. good luck x

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