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Posts posted by dita-on-tees

  1. I have just moved house and inherited a rangemaster professional - two ovens, separate grill, 5 burners and hot plate thing. I effing love it. Buy one buy one now! It makes doing a Sunday dinner so much easier as you can have one oven slow roasting and the other one at warp speed for yorkshires.
  2. Cameron Diaz looks a fella I use to have sex with at university, so I can help but think she is odd looking. Fortunately there is more to her, and indeed many women, than just her face and body she actually seems funny and down to earth.
  3. I may be wrong on this but battery farming is being banned in the UK - intensive battery farming has to be phased out though - so farmers have had time to make other arrangements - I was on a farm in wales were they had one of the new hen coops - they're big and they have outside roaming space whenever they want and it was a reasonable amount of outside space - more than I have in my shite london flat... I make be wrong on all this and been spun a farmer's yarn...

    I have no time for veganism tonight, I have just had a quorn stirfry - because I am on a diet not because I have any concern for animal welfare (I just dont and I am too knackered to pretend to be a better person) It was fecking rancid, so if someone offer me a nice bit of warm sourdough (I can provide the starter) with a large smear of fois gras and maybe some plum chutney I might break. or weep. or both.

  4. I did it and the first stage is pretty brutal (and expensive). side effects are constipation, lethargy and dreaming of vegetables. People also start at you as you eat ham at your desk by the handful. It works though. I lost 6lb in a week though I think most of that was water. Problem is in the first week you really cant do exercise. It stabilised over then next couple of weeks when I introduced veg but i generally dropped a pound a week. I didnt get the afternoon slumps like when I ate a carbs rich diet and generally felt pretty good. I reached target weight quickly and managed to keep it off - mostly with quite a lot of exercise which seemed to have more of an impact - probably because my body wasnt smear with fat and I wasnt bloated. Oddly I found my periods were heavier err and my hair seemed to grow faster and my skin is better (could be my imagination)

    Then I met my fella, started drinking like a thirsty sailor with fine dining and baking. I havent put weight on as quickly I would normally (Lady D definitely has a point about the carbs thing) but I have put weight on. I cant face Dukan again as it is a bit anti social, but I have taken some habits forward - more lean protein, oat bran (love that stuff) and less carbs.

    I think it is a good kick start, but it requires the will power that only comes with seeing yourself from behind in a bikini!

    good luck!

  5. pictures in the tabloids, not the ones by the organisers. Any excuse the tabloids have for printing a picture of a women half naked, naked women to sell car, washing machines etc.
  6. I have listened with interest to all of this. I am a feminist, confident in my sexuality and consider sex without consent to be an appalling crime. Whilst I may wear sexy clothes to attract a man this is not an invitation nor an excuse for rape. However there has to be a better way of expressing this than getting my tits and ass out, the longer women continue to reinforce themselves as sexual objects - using their naked bodies and sexuality to emphasise a message the longer we are perceived as nothing but sexual objects. You only have to look at the way the media prints photos of the more attractive women, the message about rape is nowhere near are media friendly as a very young woman in her underwear. If I walked down LL in my scanties, there will be people who get the message, but there will also be a few fellas who think bejesus look at the rack on that. Which I think rather detracts from the message. In the end slut walk feels as hollow as pornstars or lap dancers who say what they do is liberating for women because they are making their own decisions and money.
  7. what a total load of shite, the housing problems is because a whole load of it was sold off in the 80s and very little has been built to replace the social housing stock. There is not enough to go around for the people who need social housing. This administration, like the administration in the 80s, wants to reduce dependency on the state and doing this at significant pace and mostly blaming it on the economic crisis. There is a political agenda for wanting to move people into private housing and it nothing to with immigration.

    My school, many many years ago was out of control, over crowded and with discipline problems to the extent it was finally closed. It was an all white school with no immigrants. My brother teaches in an all white school with similar issues. The problems stem from poverty, limited job prospects on leaving schools and homes where there was several generations of unemployment and parents who just didnt care. I am not going to deny that London has a specific problem with teenage gangs but 'sink' schools where teaching is difficult have always existed. The international schools in Kensington and Chelsea which are made up of the kids of international bankers lawyers (ie immigrants) etc dont have these issues. So perhaps you are only talking about 'unacceptable' immigrants (bit like those unacceptable camp homosexuals on the other)

    I believe you have stated you are a teacher, well with the views you have expressed I think it maybe more of a case of you shouldnt be teaching rather than cant teach.

  8. Well thank god for "acceptable homosexuals". We wont be having any of those unacceptable one now will we....

    Tarot Wrote:


    > I dont think over camp men are funny either, the

    > days of Larry Grayson are long gone, even Paul O

    > Grady knew that

    > and hung his frock up, homosexuals like Christian

    > and Syed are more acceptable,although Loui Spence

    > is funny.

  9. The Sanctuary was getting a bit tired in the wet areas last time I went and I think it is quite expensive - it is iconic though with the carp pools and swing. Try and get a deal to reduce the cost though. Champneys is supposed to be good (out of london) and the spa at Royal Tunbridge Wells was very nice (great afternoon tea too). Try Wahanda - they do lots of 2 for 1 deals on spas all over the country inc the Sanctuary- i am going for a much needed facial at the Athenuem on friday - I will let you know how it goes!
  10. oh boo hoo media speculation about weight gain, it hardly worrying that there is two days until pay day and theres nothing in the fridge (not over dramatisation - people live like this month to month) or worrying that your step son is in a gang but there's nothing you can do about it (conversation I had with a friend the other day) or being made redundant at 55. I think people who have real worries in their lives would swap some pointless media rag calling them a fat b'stard for what are often insurmountable problems. If all you have to worry about is your jigsaw jeans not fitting them thats a charmed life.
  11. graywallpaper Wrote:


    > julieju Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > get a life.. its happening get over it all u

    > anti

    > > royals .. and no im not royalist . but i am

    > proud

    > > to be involved with the event that gona be

    > admired

    > > all over the world



    > u r wright thier is 2 much misery ppl r moaning

    > all the time hear is a chance 2 cerebrate being

    > British and 4 ppl across the globe and abroad 2, 2

    > take notice of the UK again!! i am sick of dole

    > scum gettin hand outs, y shuold'nt ppl be british

    > and pruod 4 once??

    My mum is 'dole scum' as you eloquently put it, but least she can spell and has a fantastic grasp of grammar too. If its morons like you that support the royals then that explains the all of the ridiculous and mindless ritual that accompanies it all.

  12. I think i have a fundamental problem with some people being "born to rule" especially when the examples of born to rule are Charles,Edward and Andrew. And everytime i see though vile porcine princesses rolling out of Mahiki I think i actually want to be sick. I have no real feeling about the forthcoming wedding I just hope that they manage to avoid embarrassing us as a nation like the rest of the royal aunts uncles and cousins.
  13. I hope they improve the connection from the mainline station into the tube as that is dreadful. I look at St Pancras and think that would be a good model - lovely clean, with decent shops and toilets.
  14. Sorry for the teasing - that's life on the forum, and most us are in abject fear of getting past it, hence reaction to age ranges. oh maybe thats just me.

    London is quite hard, it took me a good 10 years to really settle into life here. I used to potter around on weekends and felt like life was going on around me, without me and London can make you feel like that - but it isnt you it is just the veneer of this city. It seems you can either move here with a group, make friends through work or make friends through a shared interest. I have made friends through work but the trouble with that is people are in different locations and then there is the private overstepping professional dilemma. So after 10 years of dithering round the outskirts, I joined a local sports group, lets just say previous to this I was not sporty, but I now know friends locally and it does make a difference. There are a few non sport groups on this forum, book groups, monthly drinks and people who get together. Also I know there are some Aussie expat forums - though I dont know whether they meet locally. Have a look in the whats on section too. Sorry dithering post, with nothing concrete to suggest, maybe come along to the barry road race, the ladies football team will look after you!

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