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green ranger

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Posts posted by green ranger

  1. Let?s not forget all this started because Mr Ronnijade wanted to mark his annoyance at a local

    Primary school holding its annual money-raising kids? concert and general fun occasion, at a weekend and finishing by 7pm.

    Having been challenged, Mr Ronnijade then resorts to accusing someone sticking up for the rights of young children to have a bit of fun, while raising money for charity, of being motivated by being a paedophile.

    What could be the reason behind Mr Ronnijade?s bizarre behaviour?

  2. Wow well I?m now subjected to abuse for being ?smartass and sarcastic? because you want to object to noise from a fun primary school event on ONE day of the year.

    Precisely the sort of petty middle-class, nimby, boring, intolerant attitude that risks East Dulwich being transformed into a dire place to live.

    If you can?t get joy out of young children enjoying themselves then take your bitter attitude and move somewhere else ....would be what many people would be thinking.

  3. I was just about to congratulate Goodrich school on the recent dramatic reduction in noise levels associated with poorly supervised children in the outside areas of the school, running and jumping at will, when I realised that the cause of the noise reduction may well be the excessive holidays that staff and children are now enjoying.

    Doubtless the running, jumping and general Tomfoolery will now simply be transferred to our local parks which simply do not have the capacity to absorb thousands of poorly supervised young hooligans.

    It strikes me though that local councillors, here to help us,should take careful note if the improvement to East Dulwich ambience the school closure has achieved and give urgent consideration to educating these young people at secure residential accommodation a reasonable distance from East Dulwich - possibly up north!

  4. People ought to stop having children - noisy, dirty, entitled, sweet munchers who stop me driving my car as fast as I want to and have a right to do after paying my taxes!

    Do these ?children? actually pay taxes?

    Of course not!

    These small scale outsiders seem to be more and more common on East Dulwich residential avenues - surely there must be something local councillors should be doing to limit the number of children before East Dulwich is overwhelmed?

  5. Not sure who said ?we?re having a festival and if you don?t like it we don?t care?

    There was extensive consultation before this year?s festival took place, albeit that all the public consultation meetings were dominated by older, whiter residents who seemed to be part of a determined organised mob intent on trying to stop the Festival happening at all.

    This event uses about 20% of the park space for one weekend a year - or about slightly less than half a percent of available park space.

    And the part of the park used is actually the least used part which typically has about 4 dog walkers using it any particular time. Sometimes they pick up their dogs doings afterwards 😉

    And it brings in money that is used to cover the cost of events like firework displays which reduce the risk from unregulated fireworks going off in our streets

    The noise levels are monitored and apparently within agreed limits?

    There was absolutely no trouble at the Festival when I was there - just a very friendly inclusive atmosphere

    People who attended were young, old, women, men, children and drawn from all parts of the community.

    Although I only went on Monday, Kelis was superb.

    Yet still NIMBYs moan on about non-existent problems.


  6. Rosetta Wrote:


    > Wonder if Southwark will send trucks out to pick

    > up all the bins that don?t have stickers. Any

    > councillors know the answer?

    They?re going to put all the sticker-less brown bins in especially enlarged blue bins to be recycled at Southend by dumping them in the sea to obstruct any whales passing through the Channel

  7. Sigh

    Just been in the park and spoke to a very friendly guy dismantling one of the stages.

    The grass is no more ?churned up? than my lawn and at present rate of knots they will be clear tomorrow.

    Then went off to walk around the other beautiful 80% of the park that shows no evidence of anything untoward having happened this year.

    This nimby nonsense does nothing to enhance the local area - ok if they had booked out the whole park for a Royal Tournament or something but this was a friendly low key event, that caused no damage, occupied 20% of the space and actually brought some good outdoor music to our area which meant the park was enjoyed by far more people than usually get in there.

    As for noise, presumably nobody is extending their loft, mowing the lawn, raising children in your street?

  8. Se15mologist - well couldnt hear anything in the back garden so had to pay up and go to the Festival eventually.

    High points there was a really friendly atmosphere, it is was very well organised, there was a lot of very good music, staff were great, and no obvious damage to the park that I saw.

    Particularly liked main Reggae Roast stage myself.

    Downsides were, as I expected food and drink inside were at ?full? prices. The cost probably put some people off but for a full day of really excellent bands and DJs it was about what you?d expect in London and I didn?t mind paying the ticket price.

    Hope it happens again but maybe some thought goes in to how to attract more younger local people - with 60 on the horizon my hips struggle with Jungle music .... but it was fun trying.

  9. To whom does one address one?s complaints?

    Walking down Dunstan?s Road to purchase drinks from the coop I was totally unable to hear this ?Festival? until stood at the traffic lights opposite Colyton Road. Obviously a cynical attempt by these youngsters to force One to purchase tickets in order to hear their record players.

    Then imagine my shock in finding the Coop no longer had stock of Coop carbonated water? It had all apparently been purchased by out-of-town youngsters asking for directions to Peckham Park. I then had to settle for a couple of bottles of Italian lager.

    I hope someone finds the volume switch before Jam on the Rye begins tomorrow as I have big plans to eat Jerk Chicken in the back garden while drinking rum and smoking a spliff (or three).

    Does anyone know who to phone in Southwark council if tomorrow?s music cant be heard in my shed over the usual din of DIY and garden mowers?

  10. Oh and the reason I posted this?

    Driving along Underhill Road today at 20mph some maniac drives up behind flashing lights, hooting her horn, then overtakes narrowly missing a cyclist before speeding off. To get to the junction with Barry Road ahead of me saving...er 1 second from her journey and nearly killing someone in the process.

    These people ought to be banned from driving....for good

  11. When??? Is some action going to be taken against all the maniac drivers blithely ignoring 20 mph speed limits?

    How many more pedestrians and cyclists have to be seriously injured before some tough action is taken to crack down on these driver louts?

  12. So in the three years 2009, 2010, 2011

    Due to speeding cars in Southwark

    Four people were killed

    Thirty three people were seriously injured

    Yet the police only give out "points" for speeding if they do anything at all

    Time to crackdown on speeding motorists before more people are killed and injured by motor-hooligans

    Some ideas:

    confiscate and destroy any car observed exceeding the speed limit

    only allow a speeder to ride bikes for five years after prosecution

    name and shame speeders

    introduce compulsory speed limiters at 20mph to be fitted to all cars where there are pedestrians and cyclists in danger from motor-hooligans

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