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Posts posted by Ingenuity

  1. Hi Victoria... i feel your pain!

    I had a damp problem in a bay window for 2 years and after 5 attempts by the same company to fix it, I got a refund and found a recommendation on here. The work was done in February and it looks like it has worked at the first time of asking.

    What I liked about him was that he looked at lots of possible issues for a good hour and didn't just go down the route of an automatic damp proof course. Really nice guy to boot too.

    David Duggan is his name and his number is 07943 804075.

  2. Thanks Alec thats really good of you.

    Loz, the survey was designed by a senior lecturer at the University of Brighton working with DEFRA, not our good selves, they are just using our solution, but thank you for your feedback and comments.

    The survey will be closing tomorrow at midnight. Thank you to those who took part and for those who do so between now and end of Friday.

    Thanks everyone


  3. Hi there

    We've been asked by DEFRA and the University of Brighton to run a survey on water conservation and water saving technology.

    They want to know what prevents you from saving more water, your view of future water saving technologies and how important water conservation is in your daily life.

    DEFRA need to understand these views so they can shape Government policy and meet EU and G20 targets effectively.

    The survey will take between 6 and 8 minutes and you can participate in the survey by following thie link. DEFRA Water Survey Thank you for taking the time to share your views.


    PS Please feel free to forward the survey to other people you know in the UK.

  4. Hi Kay

    Or should I say hello neighbour!!!

    We've lived (my gf and I) on the street for 3 years now and the football noise isnt a problem. Lets just say planes are much more of a distraction flying over London than the football noise ever could be. And if you've lived in London before you'll know that you get used to that noise very quickly.

    As for the park. It's actually really nice having it there. The bushes and trees are very dense and actually provide a good layer of security plus you're not overlooked making the gardens very private other then your next door neighbours.

    If you want to drop me a personal message asking anything more feel free.

    Good luck on the move Kay


  5. Hi everyone,

    New Survey for St George?s Day

    Today we?re launching our latest independent survey. With St George?s Day just around the corner we wondered what your views were about it.... (and my good friend Mark was happy for us to to canvas anyone here who fancied sharing their view!)

    There?s always a chorus from a variety of unofficial groups wanting the day to be England?s Bank Holiday, but do you agree? Why should it be and what would you do on the day itself? Anything, or is it merely an excuse for an extra day off?

    We?re giving you the chance to have a say, and what?s more? you?ll also have the chance to petition for a Bank Holiday if you?re so inclined. The petition and the results will be sent to Downing Street. Obviously to have any clout with the powers that be, we?ll need to get a decent volume of responses so we?d like you to pass this e-mail onto your friends, family and colleagues. They can have access to all the results and headlines too while being able to voice their views.

    You can complete the survey by clicking on this link, http://live.claritysurveys.co.uk/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=l8KJl82.

    You can be assured we?ll never sell any personal data or share it with any 3rd parties (well apart from Gordon on this one occasion!).

    Finally, a personal thank you from me for taking part, and we hope you?ll be taking part again soon. Remember you can register and see the full results by visiting our website, www.clarityuk.net/register.php


    Clarity UK.net

  6. Paul from clarity pops his head above the parapet.... and wonders how long before he has to duck!

    To assure people, the validity of voting, our system has ways and means of ensuring this and we won't say any more than that to ensure that if someone has less than honourable intentions they cant find a quick work around and the results get fudged.

    Huguenot, absolutely agree with you on methodology. And Mark and I have spent a lot of time discussing the best way forward and how we structure this. There are a myriad of ways it could proceed and we're charged with finding the best way forward. Collaborative to a point but when push comes to shove, we'll have to decide. If we go down a weighting route it adds to complexity. And i'm sure you've heard of many surveys and polls being skewed in such a way. The simplest is a direct favourite which people vote for.

    Just as Mark believes too, the debate is healthy and useful. But we all know now, we can't please everyone all of the time. It isn't possible is it? We'll do our best. Hand on heart. And we hope we do a great job you can all be proud of.

    Thanks everyone... and at this time try and focus on what categories are the best for consideration. There will be a point where nominations for polling are canvassed in January, so please keep on topic (did i just sound like Mark then?) otherwise we'll be covering old ground come January.


    (by the way.... at clarity we have engaged an SEO campaign and are top with msn and google on 28 of 77 search strings and top 3 in 38.... so we're getting there.... if you want to private message with me with any ideas on search strings, we are about to review and i would value your input, thank you)

  7. I think blocking out on a turning pitch with quality seamers moving the ball and getting reverse swing is a bit much even for the Aussies at 75-5 and over a day to play.

    And yes England may have a tough series too but Flintoff can reverse it and Panesar can get good turn... 2 skills the Aussies dont seem to have at the minute.

  8. Mockney.... how on earth did you manage 10 minutes of that (the one with John Travolta right?)????

    That must have included getting up to make a cuppa or something???

    That is a shocker. I tried watching one a week or so ago on C4 with Christian Bale and Sean Bean in it, cant remember what it was called but it was a bit of a '1984' rip off. I didnt get into that one either and when moaning about it to my fellow director was told it was one of his favourite films.... maybe i should get through the pain barrier of films and be more hard core!!!


  9. Sorry mockney

    Just not my cup of tea. And you never know sometimes you can miss the decency of a film based on your mood at the time. Having said that the DVD is on my shelf and unlikely to get watched again so if anyone wants to buy it off me for something a little bit more than the worth of a Bradford & Bingley share... its theres!


  10. Hello everyone

    First a big thank you to Mark for giving us permission to post here again and to allow us to canvas views on topical issues in the future. I'm a resident of ED as a few of you will know too.

    We're running an independent survey based on the environment. We want to know what peoples views are in terms of how much they are doing as individuals to be 'green' and in comparison how much organisations are doing.

    You can take part in the survey by clicking HERE and following the link from our website in the centre of the screen.

    You can register at the end allowing you to see all the results when we publish them, share them, discuss them or just take interest in collective opinion. I personally promise we'll never sell this data or any information about you unlike some survey companies. We simply want to know what people think and to share those views.

    I really hope you take part and i'd love if you could encourage others you know to take part too and have a say.

    One specific question we're asking is 'what specific actions have you or your employer undertaken to be greener?' We'll be collating all those ideas and we'll share them with our registered members. Hopefully we'll be sharing ideas that everyone can benefit from, save from and we can all be a little bit greener.

    Thanks for everyones support in advance


    MD of ClarityUK.net

  11. Hi all

    For those who took part in the recent survey we did regarding the economy, thank you and the results are online in the secure area, www.clarityuk.net. Free to register if you just want a nosey.

    We've just put together two new surveys. One regarding the olympics and one more political about our good friend Mr Gordon Brown.

    They are both on our homepage (only one will appear so if you want the other just click refresh) for anybody interested....or at a loose end, feel free to take part.

    Thanks folks


    Clarity UK.net

  12. Neilson

    Give Omrith a try. On time, a fantastic menu and lots of different things as well as the usual favourites. Good breads, rice and accompaniments and good price.

    I posted about this place a month or so back and my views seemed to be echoed so search on Omrith in here and hope you enjoy!

  13. There's certainly merit in that as an idea Mr Ben. Thanks for putting your head above the parapet.

    It's funny you mention comparing age ranges and how people react. It was something we considered at the outset. The reason we didn't in the end was a perception of being branded ageist and also a negative effect on people completing it.

    We're currently debating what to run next. The top of the pile is relating to the Olympics. It could be sport related, it could be political, it could be a variety of things and as London is the next host following Beijing we probably have more than a passing interest.

    So if anyone's interested or wants to put forward an angle.... we're all ears.

    By the way... the economic survey will be closing at midnight Monday.

    Thanks everyone



  14. Hi everyone

    I'm currently running a survey about the economic climate, what peoples views are compared to what the media are continually reporting. And as part of that i wanted to ask the people of East Dulwich (and i'm a resident too!) what views they had.

    The survey will take no longer than 5 minutes and its totally independent. We've not been commissioned to do this by anyone, we're not being paid any money to do this, we simply want to know the truth and report it as such.

    To take part simply visit, www.clarityuk.net and follow the link.

    I've asked the administrator's permission to post this here, which was granted. So please take part, give your view and if you want to see the full results when we close the survey, simply register at the end.

    We'll be running regular surveys which people can take part in and we'll share the results in our secure area, warts and all. So have your say and thanks for listening.



  15. A really cheeky tip...

    Each year, we get a new chilli plant. The seeds we get are from supermarket chilli's. So all you need to do when you're chopping your supermarket (or any other) chilli is scrape the seeds out, put to one side, propogate and watch it grow.

    Much cheaper than buying a plant from a garden centre. And you can do the same with peppers and tomatoes.

  16. Hmmm... garden update...

    Tomatoes, green and abundant...

    Chili's flowered and starting to fruit

    Peppers....P***poor so far

    Mixed lettuce, cut once and coming again

    Rocket...looks like tiny ickle weeds!

    Radishes...nearly there for first pick

    Spring onions, signs of life but away off yet

    Herbs all going mental 2nd year round

    Other than that, lillies (fed up picking off sh**ging lilly beetles!)are close to coming into flower, about a week i reckon. Honeysuckle blooming, clematis finished first bloom, zantedecshia leaves getting abit on the big side, summer jasmine flowering.... erm think thats about it for now.

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