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Dougal Mulldoon

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Posts posted by Dougal Mulldoon

  1. numbers Wrote:


    > I love the insinuation that its the woman's fault

    > for 'breaking up the home'. Nothing to do with a

    > married man cheating on his wife then?


    > *rolls eyes*

    Numbers, do you always have to take the lesbian/feminist view of everything????

  2. polla2256 Wrote:


    > Dougal Mulldoon Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Why blame this cleaning Co.? Maybe you were

    > just

    > > pissed and lost it? You believe? Any evidence



    > Get lost troll - not helpful, given I have been on

    > business in Europe and my wife has been working

    > I'm pretty sure I wasn't pissed.

    Are you pissed now? Just because you were challenged, does that make me a troll? I've been on here for years.

  3. Many thanks for all your kind posts and PM?s. I made it with about three tenth?s of a second to go. I was doubled over with gut cramp but my old mothers Acorn stair chair saved the day. And always remember, never put off going to the toilet when you have a car journey ahead of you, especially during the Olympics. Cheers Wee Dougal.
  4. To the young woman learning to drive with the ?Red? driving school. You stopped at the junction of Tyrell Rd. and Hindman Rd. tonight at about 8.15pm. I must have seemed to be suffering road rage as you sat blocking the junction on the instruction of your driving instructor. I had to get past and get home to the toilet otherwise I would have had a wee accident. I was not angry with you and your instructor was at fault for blocking the junction. I am sorry if you were upset or thought I was just being horrible, I had terrible gut pains and couldn?t wait for him to end his chat, he should have made you park across the road freeing up the junction, and I hope you aren?t fazed by my action, please try and understand why I had to get past.

    Wee Dougal.

  5. Irish festival! It?s always been dreadful, all the worst things from Ireland. Why can?t we have a Scottish festival? This is blatant racism disguised as pseudo culture. What have the Irish given us? Potatoes, Guinness and terror, Catholicism, Paisley. Look at Scotland by comparison; TV, golf, haggis, great music from the likes of Shooglenifty & Pipe dreams, the Panama canal, the telephone & Celticism and last but not least caber tossing. Scotland the brave any day.
  6. Marmora Man Wrote:


    > And the Socialist Workers have got into the act

    > with an incoherent leaflet asking for the

    > impossible.

    Rubbish. Thats not Socialist Workers Party.

  7. So Thatcher destroyed the mining industry as revenge for 1972 & 1974, wrecking hundreds of thousands of lives and condemning families and children to poverty for the rest of their lives.

    Hugenut you call these people and their children C*nts because they left ?people like me in darkness eating cold food for two days a week in the seventies. C*nts.?

    You are a sicko. Most of the time you are up your a*se with your pseudo intellect but you are overboard with an attitude like this.


  8. Huge nut,

    You obviously blindly support bully boy bastard management without considering things from the other side don't you?

    You've never been able to see the different levels have you?

  9. Peckhampam Wrote:


    > Huguenot

    > The European Convention on Human Rights upholds

    > freedom of thought, conscience and religion and

    > the manifestation of religion and belief.

    > It is ironic that you chose to post this,

    > considering your name-Huguenots were persecuted

    > throughout Europe for being different.

    It?s also ironic that given what?s happened to Jewry in Europe/Eastern Europe in the last 500 years that the Israelis can persecute the Palestinians the way they do in Israel.

    And please don?t squawk anti Semitic- the first demonstration I went on was to stop the nazi NF marching through Lewisham and I have been involved in several Jewish groups since.

    PS just for the record I hate anti Jewish racism.

  10. Hello Londoners,

    This is wee Dougal Muldoon calling from Plockton in the lovely Highlands of Scotland. I just thought I would share my story with you. Last night, I was abducted by aliens! They took me to Andromeda which is our nearest galaxy and is FOUR light years away. They were very cleaver these aliens, able to defy the laws of physics and travel faster than the speed of light. Hard to believe but here is a link from the internet so it must be true:


    I was away for nearly six months but when they returned me only two minutes of earth time had elapsed! Their world is very strange and like acid from the sixty?s. Looking at some of the previous postings on this thread I see there are lots of Londoners still using acid from the sixty?s, how enlightening.

    I know some of you are sceptics so here are some links to some famous and true alien abduction sites:


    If you don?t want to go hurtling across the universe this site might help:


    Well I hope I have convinced you, because there are lots of websites and indeed blogs so it must be true. I don?t know about reality but it?s true for me.

    Hoots and haggis,

    Wee Dougal.

  11. It comes after the FBU union members voted 79 percent yes to strikes on a 79 percent turnout yesterday.

    That you have majority support does not, of itself, mean your argument is right. It may mean that the union leaders have misrepresented the situation to their members, something that is hardly unknown. Yes it does. If 10% had voted for strike action you?d be screaming about bully boy unions. 79% vote in favour and you?re saying fire fighters don?t have a mind of their own. People don?t go on strike for a laugh, it?s a last resort to lying bullying management.

    They are fighting their bosses? plan to sack all 5,500 of them unless they sign up to worse shifts. This threat, which has been part of employment legislation since the 70's, only came about because the two parties have been unable to agree - or even agree to talk. It is not, of itself, the cause of the strike,

    It is the cause of the strike, go back and read the original post. I am not sure it?s been part of employment legislation since the seventies but it is a disgusting way to treat working people.

    The shift changes would see the night shift made three hours shorter and mean cuts to night-time fire cover. Hardly - since the day shift will increase by three hours - therefore the 24/7 cover remains

    Go back and read the original post.

    London?s firefighters are already taking action short of a strike. Their overtime ban has forced some fire stations to temporarily close, showing how far the service has been relying on their goodwill just to run normally.

    Use of overtime work is a recognized way of increasing flexibility without incurring permanent costs of higher staff numbers. As firefighters have firstly, willing taken up the overtime, and secondly been paid for it - this is hardly a goodwill gesture on the part of the firefighters

    I?m sure fire fighters would prefer more fire fighters, a decent wage and no need to have second jobs just to survive in London. The fact that fire stations have closed does show good will on the fire fighters part to keep you and me safe.

    But now the battle is really on.

    And the clock is ticking. The mass sackings are not just a threat?they are a legal process that the bosses started back in August.

    If the plan is not defeated then the first firefighters could be sacked on 26 November.

    The fire authority bosses, led by crazed Tory councillor Brian Coleman, have shown all along that they?re spoiling for a fight.

    And over the last five years the firefighters haven't equally been spoiling for a fight? This is normal union rhetoric and does not advance the argument about shift patters

    No they haven?t. They did ask for a basic wage of ?30,000 per annum. Peanuts when compared to the bankers who got us into the mess we are in now, all back on the bonus bandwagon again. If you had a fire, who would you want to turn up? A fire fighter or a banker?

    Last month, with 3,000 firefighters from across the country laying siege to their headquarters in a protest march, the bosses still decided to push ahead with the plan.

    Then the protest wasn't very helpful - constructive talks might have been

    I think people fought in the last world war to give us the right to protest even if it is ignored.

    And the FBU gave the bosses 24 hours to back down after their decisive strike vote yesterday ? yet still they refused. Instead they have been spending their time preparing a scab force run by private firm AssetCo.

    Equally the FBU had 24 hours to back down - there are two parties to this dispute

    That?s because they are out to break the FBU.

    The union has rightly said that there can?t be any talk of negotiations until the sacking blackmail is withdrawn. ?You don't negotiate with a gun to your head,? FBU general secretary Matt Wrack has said.

    Perhaps the Fire Service chiefs feel the same about the proposed strike action - it's a gun to their head. That's what strike action is about - threats of losing a service. Again I refer you to the original post.


    But the bosses have shown no sign of taking away that gun.

    And the union has shown no signs of backing off the proposed strike

    Faced with the kind of union busting attitude from their management I don?t blame them and totally support them.

    Now the union can, and must, beat them once and for all. And to do that the firefighters will need as much support and solidarity as we can possibly deliver.

    Socialist Worker talk. The strikers do not have my support with this kiind of talk. Put together a rational argument as to why the move from 9; 9; 15; 15; hour shifts to 12; 12; 12;12 hour shifts is dangerous, costly, illogical or something else and I might listen and might support you but not before

    Good luck to the fire fighters.

  12. London?s firefighters will strike next Saturday (23 October) and again on Monday 1 November, their union announced today (Friday).

    The firefighters will walk out for eight hours, from 10am to 6pm, each time.

    It comes after the FBU union members voted 79 percent yes to strikes on a 79 percent turnout yesterday.

    They are fighting their bosses? plan to sack all 5,500 of them unless they sign up to worse shifts. The shift changes would see the night shift made three hours shorter and mean cuts to night-time fire cover.

    London?s firefighters are already taking action short of a strike. Their overtime ban has forced some fire stations to temporarily close, showing how far the service has been relying on their goodwill just to run normally.

    But now the battle is really on.

    And the clock is ticking. The mass sackings are not just a threat?they are a legal process that the bosses started back in August.

    If the plan is not defeated then the first firefighters could be sacked on 26 November.

    The fire authority bosses, led by crazed Tory councillor Brian Coleman, have shown all along that they?re spoiling for a fight.

    Last month, with 3,000 firefighters from across the country laying siege to their headquarters in a protest march, the bosses still decided to push ahead with the plan.

    And the FBU gave the bosses 24 hours to back down after their decisive strike vote yesterday?yet still they refused.

    Instead they have been spending their time preparing a scab force run by private firm AssetCo.

    The union has rightly said that there can?t be any talk of negotiations until the sacking blackmail is withdrawn. ?You don't negotiate with a gun to your head,? FBU general secretary Matt Wrack has said.

    But the bosses have shown no sign of taking away that gun.

    Now the union can, and must, beat them once and for all. And to do that the firefighters will need as much support and solidarity as we can possibly deliver.

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