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Posts posted by uplandsneighbour

  1. ah! so Scott strikes again!

    He cleverly uses the EDF to drum up publicity and business for his pub. He then sells it to a chain, and not at a loss, I expect. Funnily enough it's a lot better behaved as a neighbour to us queiter folk since Scott left. So no tears there.

    But sad to see that he's got into the habit of helping himself at the expense of his neighbours.

    Thanks to James for doing his job and highlighting this blatant disregard for their convenience.

  2. djsenior Wrote:


    > Nonsense, the pub IS a welcome addition to ED, but

    > like The Actress (which is located in a less

    > residential area) it needs to be more mindful and

    > considerate of its neighbours who cannot sleep

    > under existing licensing terms...


    > Locals being tricked by a strategy designed by a

    > specialist alcohol licensing firm to add an

    > outdoor drinking den to the existing license is

    > unlikely to happen in this area, as they are wise

    > to the plan. I'm sure locals will continue to

    > fight until they can sleep at night. Not an

    > unreasonable request.


    The Actress is NOT located in a less residential area than the GE.

    It is entirely surrounded by houses.

    The Actress is NOT mindful and considerate of its neighbours.

    At the moment, a couple of dozen people are yakking and squealing at top volume on the terrace. The noise is invasive and very unpleasant. The hot weather brings the drinkers out in droves and we can't keep our windows open because of the noise.

    The only reason why the Actress seems to be less of a nuisance than the GE is because of the vigilance of us local residents.

    We remember how cleverly Scott (remember him?) used the Forum to launch the Actress. A lot of Forumites fell for his bait, poor fools, and swallowed his marketing strategy whole. They seem to be still falling for it even now. (But of course Scott is long gone, having sold out to a chain, laughing all the way to the bank.)

  3. Some Iceland food is not good for you but no need ot give it a special pummelling for that. A lot of M&S food is also not good for you.

    The people who want M&S on LL want ready meals and convenience food. All ready meals - even M&S ready meals - are full of salt and other bad stuff.

    Buying from M&S doesn't mean that you are buying healthy food. Their milk might be got from happier cows but I fear that M&S doughnuts are as bad for you as Iceland doughnuts.

  4. MInder, while you're about it, could you also ask about these strange foreign birds that I saw in St James's Park? I'm so worried about the threat to our native pigeons.


  5. Two houses on Crystal Palace Road near that junction are on with estate agents at asking prices of ?900k and ?800k

    So it's very doubtful that the police station will re-open there - the location is much too valuable and anyway it won't get planning permission. Get ready for yet more 'luxury' flats.

  6. Thanks for thinking about us North Cross/Crystal Palace Road folk, Katie1997, but we know better than to start a 'wtf...noise from the Actress' thread.

    Not only will Scott put forward his own "I have always been approachable and friendly. If anyone ever had any problems with what we do here, we tried our best to accommodate them, la la la" but his battalions of pizza-and-wine-in-tumbler guzzlers will rally to his defence.

    So we sit at home worried with a constantly refreshed supply of wax earplugs

  7. let them have their hole to next door - what's so objectionable about that? they're entitled to their rights of way, wouldn't you say?

    we have a well-worn path across our garden with holes under the fence at both ends

    if you leave them alone, you might find that the problem goes away

    my brother coexisted peacefully with foxes in SW LOndon until the day he filled in their earth at the bottom of the garden

    the next morning he found a fox poo neatly positioned in the middle of his kitchen skylight

    he's left them alone since and they've left him alone

    try it!

  8. there are only a quarter of a million foxes in this country (that's one fox per 250 people) and only about 30,000 urban foxes (that's one town fox per 1,800 town people).

    Think of that when you're chasing a fox down the street at 3 in the morning... it might help you feel quite privileged!

  9. I've been very interested to see all the posts on this forum about the need to shut down the Coop and Iceland in favour of up-market shopping opportunities. Interested enough to look up stats that could objectively proxy actual ED wealth.

    Here are some local area statistics: ED's index of multiple deprivation (IMD) puts it just above the bottom third of local areas in England.

    ED is ranked 10,014 out of 32,482 local areas in England (the higher the IMD, the richer the area). That means that 22,468 of local areas in England are less deprived than us. And ED's quality of life indicator is Poor.

    Compare with College ward in Dulwich Village: IMD rank 13,622 (much lower than I'd have guessed) but quality of life Good.

    In IMD terms, ED sees to be a lot closer to Brixton (IMD 10136) in just about everything except crime.

    IMD may be a flawed indicator, but it's based on sound local data. Check it out for yourselves here http://www.uklocalarea.com/stats/q/East+Dulwich/wc/00BEGH/l/E01003958

  10. I used to live near an old bingo hall in another part of South London. When it closed down, some of us locals looked into the possibility of getting it turned into a cinema and were told that no one would set up a cinema that wasn't within a couple of minutes of a tube station, as local suburban customers aren't enough to support a local cinema these days. A cinema club with subscribing members is probably an option to explore.
  11. The best place for an aspirational supermarket would be the Village rather than LL. Then the aspirational ones among us could satisfy all our longings in suitably aspirational surroundings while shopping for aspirational bananas, while the proles could stick with the much-deplored Iceland or the Coop, or even choose between the big Sainsbury and the little Sainsbury! Why isn't that an option, Mr Barber?

    Completely second the posts about LL shops that can't be bothered to stay open late, which means that one is forced to go without the joys of nipping out for a bit of aspirational cheese or aspirational fillet steak, or even aspirational mung dal if one is a commuting wage-slave - that is, of course, if one hasn't been knocked down by the traffic swooshing down LL because one hasn't bothered to trundle all the way down to the existing crossings...

    what happened to the long-awaited extra crossing outside the Coop? Or is this being delayed until it can facilitate our crossing to an aspirational LL supermarket?

  12. new mother, league tables only give a snapshot, and an old one at that. They can't tell you about how the school is doing now or tell you much about what it can be trusted to achieve. When my kid started at Heber some years ago, the league table info on Heber was damning! I was so sad that she couldn't go to Dulwich Hamlets etc because they were oversubscribed and nit-picky about non-church-goers, but now I can't be happier that I went with my gut instinct and sent her to Heber
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