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Posts posted by emza78

  1. We did this last week with a 3.5 year old and a 5 month old. Left at 8pm with kids in pj's, they slept as planned! Took 3.5 hours to exeter where we stayed overnight in a travelodge (mainly just as we couldn't check in till 4pm in Newquay the following day). The next morning had leisurely breakfast then 1hr 20 to Newquay.

    HOWEVER on the way home we left at 11am, big mistake on a Friday, took us 10.5 hours to get home!! Was the journey from hell, baby was so unhappy and screaming, we stopped when we could but when you're on a motorway and it's 20 miles to the nearest services and he's screaming blue murder it's heart breaking! I advise leaving either v early or late, the traffic getting out of Cornwall and on the m4 is really slow at that peak time.

    Have a great holiday, we love it down there


  2. I recently found this when googling Lily's out of norm behaviour as I was worried the baby was damaging her! Seems 3.5 is a pretty standard age for all types of behaviour issues, I found the falling over bit on the attached interesting too as she seems to be constantly falling over her own feet at the mo! She's actually def Improved over the last few weeks too so hopefully light at the end of the tunnel for you


  3. Has anyone got any experience of this and tips on how to deal with it? The baby's fine but this is driving me crazy!

    Toddler is 3, baby 6 weeks. The poos in pants started about a week ago and seem to be getting progressively more frequent, 3 times today! Have been stoically ignoring it everytime, have bought chocs as bribery if she goes in potty or toilet, been getting her involved with baby more and changing his nappy but to no avail! How long will it last?!

  4. Hi Jenny, I've just started putting our 3 week old down on his side as he's really colicky and grunty and seems much more comfortable like this. I looked into the sleep positioners but found a few articles saying they were dangerous, apparently mothercare/tesco etc stopped selling them a few years ago due to suffocation risks, don't know how accurate it all is. I use 2 rolled up blankets to support him- one on front, one on back and starting from waist downwards, seems to work- he's still v noisy though!
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