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Posts posted by peeps

  1. Hi James

    I come to you with two very different problems.

    1. I am a scooter rider (motorbike sort) and have found the prioritised bay next to the Palmerston a god send due to the fact you can park pretty safely without the bike getting knocked over (well as much as you can protect it in London). This is fantastic and is in operation throughout all of the boroughs. The only problem is on a Saturday - when it is busy the road is cut off due to the street market. Hence there is nowhere else (that I know of) to park and I risk getting the bike damaged and/or really upsetting people in cars who think you deliberately park to annoy them. If you could advise?

    2. I work for a number of fresh food clients. One of which has fallen in love with the area of Dulwich. They are the largest supplier of Sweetcorn in Europe (but not Green Giant). They have asked me to come up with so ideas which they can sponsor to get kids/people interested in fresh food inc sweetcorn - but not solely. I wondered if this is something that may be of interest? One idea was to sponsor a community store/streetfood stand on Northcross road - where locals from all diversities who may not get the chance or have the funding can show off there skills/foods etc - we wanted to call that the corn exchange. They have huge farms that can be opened up to the schools etc.

    Sorry I know these are rather long - I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards


  2. Did anyone see the rather strange Photoshoot taking place in the 'his lordship' laundrette on Lordship Lane today. Lots of models (looked like women and children) - piles of clothes in two vans outside, 3 photographers and the ladies in the laundrette were still carrying on with the service washes around them.
  3. A friend of mine got married last year a Beauberry house in Dulwich Village and had his reception at The EDT upstairs. He was the head of A&R at XL Records and is now at Island via Sony. As a thank you (for signing her) Adele sang at both the wedding and reception, the reception also had Jack Penate playing as well. Adele went home at 8 o clock as she was absolutely steaming drunk - lovely girl though.
  4. Hit and run - the road is closed. The driver shot off with a smashed windscreen and they have not located the car or driver.

    The victim is in a bad way and has just gone into surgery. The guy was just on his way home innocently crossing the road. He was really concerned about putting his shoes back on - in complete shock. This is such an awful awful tragedy, it really hits home when you are caught up in it.

    I pray he will pull through.

  5. How the hell can we stop this happening on the streets. Lordship Lame is absolutely full of it, especially the library end.

    It's not fair on the residents, pedestrians, the piles of kids or indeed the street cleaner himself.

    I feel it happens earlier in the morning - is there some sort of repellant that can be put down? Is there anything the council can do?

  6. Narnia

    Yet another poster who realises that Penguin68 recycles daily mail / book read rot - without the intelligence of their own formed opinion.

    I would dearly love to meet he/she to discuss some of the posts which I now watch closely!


    > Narnia wrote :-


    > Quote:

    > penguin68:Young men and violence are easy

    > bedfollows



    > On what grounds can you possibly justify this

    > statement? If you can't then I won't take anything

    > you write seriously.


    > I think you will find that almost all reported

    > acts of mindless (gang) violence in our streets

    > are associated with young men (there are some girl

    > gangs, but relatively few). I am not saying that

    > all young men are violent, but that when men are

    > young, testosterone fuelled (as young men are) and

    > wanting to make their mark in a sociey, violence

    > is a typical response. Add alcohol as a

    > disinhibiter (and very many do) and you have a

    > recipe for violence.


    > There are some 'young middle aged' violent men

    > (some of the football gangs of the 70s and 80s had

    > 25-35 year old thugs in them) but, in the main,

    > violence is a young man's game. You are violent

    > often when you have nothing much to lose (no

    > family yet to support, often no job worth it's

    > name to risk losing) when you are physically at a

    > peak and when you have over-much energy (it's

    > amazing how a full-time demanding job and

    > full-time demanding children can wear you out).


    > I could refer you, but I won't, to numerous

    > articles by social anthropologists on the links to

    > gang or group violence and late adolesence, and

    > how this normally dissipates over time. And the

    > numerous studies showing how male children have a

    > tendancy to play-act violent confrontations (Cops

    > & Robbers, Cowboys and Indians in my day). Many

    > young (male) animals also 'play-fight' and then,

    > as young adults, really fight over mates etc.


    > The young have two things going for them, physcial

    > vigour and a sense of personal immortality.

    > Without those we wouldn't have the necessary fuel

    > to sustain the wars that older men (politicians)

    > get others to undertake for them.

  7. Louisiana I care not a jot for the armchair psychologist, news, views etc. What I do care about is the fact that there is a pervert walking the streets so thought it a good idea to warn.

    In response we I get a book read synopsis from someone hiding behind a pseudonym telling me it's ok and my wife and kids should just ignore the local pervert.

    Genius !

  8. Glad people found it funny - unfortunately my wife did not find a guy flashing his penis at my two daughters both under the age of 2 all that amusing.

    As won't the flasher when he finds my sense of humour ........!!!!

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