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Everything posted by JulieW

  1. House prices are more affordable and there seems to be very good schools but is it a nice area to live, especially around Belmont or Cheam? As a family with. 2 young children I am looking for a safe area with good schools and nurseries! Any advice welcome!!
  2. Where do you live now ratty ? And why did you leave ? In the same position, ED is too expensive so am looking further afield !
  3. I completely agree with you! The nurse told us it was because she is over 3, but she is still 3! And like you everything I read was about a nasal spray...it didn't go down well I can tell you !!
  4. Buggie, when did your daughter turned 3? Ours did in September. We took her to the DMC this morning and explained to her the nurse would give her a nasal spray. However once we got there we were told she had to get her jab in the arm as she is over 3. Poor little thing was taken by surprise and us too but now it is done...
  5. Thank you so much all for your posts. We saw a house near Grange Wood Park and thought the area wasn't as bad as we thought it might be. Ok we don't have the nice shops and caf?s you can find in ED but Crystal Palace is really close. And you can get so much more for your money! Will research the Lake area though as you are all saying this is the best part. I also need to do some research on schools and catchment areas. At last somewhere we might be able to afford!
  6. Houses are a lot cheaper there and as we can't afford to buy in East Dulwich we are looking further afield. South Norwood doesn't seem to be the prettiest place from what I have read but my priorities are safety and good schools/nurseries for my children. Any comment welcome! Thanks!!
  7. Does anybody know of a man and a van in East Dulwich ? We need to transport a single bed from the Beckenham area to Ed. Thanks
  8. Asquiths in Peckham Rye. Lovely nursery.
  9. My daughter was 2.5 when my son was born 4 months ago. I really didn't want to buy a double pram as I thought I could carry my boy in a sling but he got very big very fast and is too heavy to carry around now ! Also my toddler is very tall for her age so decided against the Phil and Ted and instead bought a Cosatto twin troller. It is a lot cheaper and suitable from birth. Both my children are very happy with it. I got it for cheap on Amazon and the design is also very funky! I guess it depends on the size of your children but for my 2 giants (and I am on the petite side!) I had no choice but to go for a double pram as even if my daughter loves walking and scooting sometimes she can get very tired and also it is easier to have both children strapped in when you are on your own with them at times ! Hope it helps !
  10. Hi, Am a French mum in East Dulwich on maternity leave with a 7 week old baby. I also have a 2.5 year old daughter. She understands French perfectly but only speaks English so would love to meet other families to communicate in French. Playdates in the park sound great!
  11. The Post Office on Forest Hill Road by the French Cafe. I had my daughter's pictures done when she was 5 months-old and the result was very good.
  12. Hi, My baby girl who is 13 months has just started at Gumboots and is settling in quite well.Fabian's ma: PM if you want to sawp notes as we might bump into each other at some point!
  13. great will give it a go. We used crumbs and doilies for our wedding but they don't deliver in ED...
  14. I was wondering if anybody knows of somebody/somwhere I could order cupcakes from for Saturday for my daughter's first birthday? I did order some online at the beginning at this week only to be told yesterday that the company went bust!!! Being a working mum I don't have much time to bake so if anybody could send me some sugeestions that woudl be great!
  15. Pareil pour moi...Chlo? n'a pas ete bien dernierement et a fait une grosse sieste cet apres-midi..desolee!
  16. Nous avons hate de te rencontrer avec Auguste. Je serai avec ma fille Chlo? qui fetera ses 5 mois le 10 :) Julie
  17. super a la semaine prochaine! C?line, j'espere que nous aurons bientot l'occasion de nous revoir! Julie x
  18. Bonjour a toutes! Je suis libre l'apres-midi du 10! A bientot, Julie
  19. Hello, J'adorerai vous retrouver jeudi mais Chlo? va se faire vacciner en fin de matinee donc je pense qu'elle sera de mauvaise humeur l'apres-midi donc cela risque d'etre assez dur... A une autre fois je l'espere? Bonne annee au fait! Julie
  20. Super pour les Bambins! Je viendrai avec ma fille Chlo? et son papa anglais!
  21. 38 Forest Hill Road. J'y serai avec Chlo?, ma fille de 10 semaines. A jeudi! Julie
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