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Posts posted by MissSophie

  1. Thank you for posting the links - I had one in my garden who was in a very bad way but the time I got to finding the appropriate charity to call, he had managed to jump over the fence and disappeared. He was in a lot of pain, poor thing.

    Will keep this handy in case he reappears.

  2. If this is how strongly you feel perhaps we can then, as dog owners, ask joggers, children or adults without dogs to not permit, use or access the dog walking perimeter? I am flattened by joggers when I go there, all trying to do their PB and striding past anyone without any care of sharing the path or social distancing.

    No? I thought as much. Can?t have one rule and then ignore others. Let?s be respectful of each other, given the circumstances we are all facing.

  3. Good evening,

    have you or someone you know had their car windows smashed last night/this morning in Camberwell Grove? It happened to my flatmate and we have been told that at least 4 other cars had the same thing done. There has been a real spike in crime lately and we want to get the police more involved. If you have suffered the same please can you PM me so we can combine our statements and shout a bit louder!


  4. Sorry to report but just witnessed someone on a moped cut through a lock and drive off with a red, road bike which was locked to another (this was secured with a D-lock). It wa on the corner of Barry Road and Peckham Rye, outside Roy Brooks Estate Agent. The moped number plate was chipped but it had R15 and NW. Some kind passers by stopped as I wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken. They have contacted the police.

    Really sorry if that was your bike. There was little else we could do, but please contact the police and let me know if I can do anything further.

  5. Just a tip I found useful, when you get your next motorbike cover, write your number plate all over it. It may diffuse anyone from stealing it, as it will be harder to sell. Unless they nick the bike as well! Sorry to hear of your woes, mine was stolen outside my place on Hindmans Road and I managed to get the numberplate of the van they loaded it into. Police still came up empty handed.
  6. I have received an answer from the council,

    "In answer to your enquiry regarding the temporary installation of yellow lines along Hindmans Rd. The lines have been installed to enable Thames Water to install an anti flood device to prevent internal sewer flooding to 20 Hindmans Rd.They are necessary to maintain traffic flow during the works.

    Works are due to start on Monday 28th April and are expected to be completed by 19th May.Once occupation of site is in place the lines either side of site can be removed and remaining linage opposite site will be removed on completion of the works.

    I have attached a copy of the traffic order advertising the restriction.I would like to also inform you parking restrictions will not be enforced until Monday 28th April.

    I hope this has answered your enquiry satisfactorily,please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any more help.


    Caroline Law

    Network Co-ordinator

    Southwark Council

    [email protected]"

    There is also an attachement of the public notice - clearly not public enough in my opinion!

  7. I too live in Hindmans and am flummoxed by this. Is this because of the new development that is being discussed behind 16-20 and the need to get emergency service access? It would explain why both sides have been painted (for fire engines to turn if need be)However, this can't take place before the developments are actually built, can it? It seems insane, and highly impractical. Tyrell Road and Oakhurst Grove is also going to be affected. Please help James and Renata!
  8. @JosephineB - hang on in there, my partner is on same bus and apparently there is another numpty bus driver refusing to move and blocking the entire road; apparently the police have just shown. I guess you would be able to see that as well! Are the buses actually going up/down Dog Kennel Hill do you know?
  9. IF you are talking about the elderly man who is often found wondering around the park with no shoes on (very keen on feeding the birds); he used to be a POW and I have been told that due to the abuse he suffered there, his feet get very painful so he can only go barefoot.

    I used to talk with him some time ago, but have noticed recently that his behaviour has changed and he seems more aggressive.

    It's all incredibly sad if this is the same guy you all think it could be - please, I know it's an inconvenience, but call the warden when you hear it; whoever it may be clearly needs help. The phone call is really the only option you all have to silence him.

    James Barber, could you post the relevant telephone numbers please?

  10. Thanks DJKillaQueen, however I have tried to call Southwark with this, (it's more about over-crowding in a small flat, making all rooms bedrooms etc) they won't come and see the property as it's not a specific noise-related issue. I'm at a loss of what to do, I just want to inform the owner of the property as I don't think he knows that it's been used for these purposes.

    Dubloke - as an estate agent, what could you recommend?

    Thanks again

  11. Can I ask - what is a legal standpoint with this? I live next to a house that was converted into a bed-sit and have all walks of life living there. We live in a quiet, residential road and whilst I don't begrudge anyone living in the area, the tenants clearly don't respect the road, their own noise levels or of those around them. The owner of the property is nowhere to be found and I can't find the letting company, despite calling some agencies in the area.

    It does seem ironic that once someone owns a property they are able to do what they like with it and walk away, yet if you were renting it's a completely different story.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

  12. Oh snowman, so sorry - what a complete pain. When I reported my situation I had a really helpful policeman ask me that if it does happen again, to notify them immediately and try not to touch the bike; so they can at least take fingerprints. I appreciate that it is difficult and also time-consuming waiting for someone to turn up with a make up brush and some talc, but I also understand that they are getting reports of stolen petrol after the bike has gone to get fixed so it's difficult to take evidence.

    Are you changing where you park it and putting a cover on it? I was going to paint a special message on my bike cover for these cowards to read...assuming they can read.

  13. Thanks snowman, I have reported it if anything to be another number in a statistic - but I shall also be leaving these 'people' a note to make them aware that they are being watched. All very dull, and frankly very sad of individuals who clearly have nothing better to do.

    In answer to your location question, I live near Peckham Rye Park (Cheltenham Park Road end).

    Would be interested to know if we all go to the same garages, desperate times etc :-S!

    Thanks again

  14. Morning

    I had the misfortune of having my bike drained this morning - not the ideal for first thing on a Monday. This, plus a recovery cost and a mechanic to fix (they pulled or cut the petrol lead to drain it) has made the whole affair rather frustrating. Can I ask, is there anyway I can fix this myself in person if/when the lowlife decide to do it again? There is no way of securing it and even though I will make them know I am watching, just wondering how I can avoid a hefty bill each and every time? I can't park it anywhere else other than on the street.


  15. In response to all posts, I do have to concur (as a dog-owner) that the majority of times I am walking with mine, the picnic gates and especially the stretch down the path where the stream is are often left open. My dogs instinctively run in as the squirrels there make them give chase; but they come out with sharp word from the pack leader (yours truly). I witness many a time mothers with friends and toddlers parade in and out of the areas, without thinking to close the gate.

    I would like the possibility of having Dog Licences re-introduced rather than the ridiculous and frankly redundant 'all dogs on lead' drivel; I will certainly be breaking that rule on a daily basis. Dogs need regular exercise, they are generally better behaved off lead than on as they like to be in a pack - that could mean being with a mate that they see in the park, or a series of other dogs, keeping them on lead will only heighten the aggression issue (as they will also be frustrated) plus it punishes the responsible dog owners. Introducing Dog Licences ensures that the rightful owner is punished should something happen i.e. a known aggressive dog, or an owner not being responsible for their dog fouling the pavements etc. This will also discourage the scum who think of parading their weapon dogs in the area, they wouldn't bother paying for a Dog Licence (pretty sure, Mummy wouldn't lend them the money), thus reducing the risk.

    I know I will get bombarded with all kinds of posts in response, but would be interested to get your thoughts - Mr. Barber's in particular.


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