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Posts posted by witsd

  1. Not sure about Sainbury's self-service tills, but Morrisons in Peckham and some of the nicer Tescos have the self service machines with the coin bucket, into which you can just pour your coins, rather than feeding them into a slot. just take a bag out with you each day, and tip them in.

    If you really want the cash though, take it to your own bank and rather than asking them to change it, just pay it into your account. In theory, they should have to accept that, right?

  2. My nerves remain intact, I was merely trying to aid you in your literary endeavours. As to whether you give a seat what I think, I really wouldn't know, but judging by the vehemence and speed of your response, I'm going to guess yes.
  3. I used to love Hackney City Farm when I was little, but I've not been there fore about a decade now. Is it even still there, or has it been bulldozed for some luxury flat space?
  4. Why do you type like this.

    With one short sentence per line.

    Do you think that perhaps.

    You might try a full paragraph.

    It might help you sound less like a crazy person.

  5. Annette Curtain Wrote:

    Where have you been, serving a sentence in solitary confinement for the last few years?


    Surely you loved the Daz ad's, no ?

    I try to avoid TV for the most part. I think I may have seen one of them once or twice, but it left no lasting impression.

    Also, "ad's"?

  6. This comes down to the same issue that blighted the early days of the Large Hadron Collider. Scientific language vs. journalistic interpretation.

    A scientist cannot say "there is no chance" of something occurring. To do so in almost every scenario would be to lie. The fact that the chance of the LHC producing a black hole that gobbles up the Earth is so small to be virtually indistinguishable from zero to anyone who doesn't understand "10^-30" doesn't make saying it is zero any less of a lie.

    And so they say that there is a tiny chance of said black hole and the media goes wild (and a few crazy people kill themselves and their pets in preparation).

    And so the same thing happened here. The scientists say that small amounts of radiation may reach Tokyo, or talk about background radiation levels (which are a constant thing we are exposed to every day) and everyone reaches for their face masks, plane tickets and tinfoil hats.

  7. The offer is ongoing with Oxfam, and has been for some time. Today's spin was just that you could drop off the clothes in-store, rather than having to locate your nearest Oxfam shop.

    Incidentally, the store which manages to fill the most boxes with clothes gets ?300 sports and social money to spend on parties and whores.

    Well, mainly just the parties.

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