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Posts posted by DoctorM

  1. at 12:15 yesterday (Friday 31st May) saw 8 helicopters in formation (1 scout, then 3 chinooks abreast, then 3 blackhawks abreast, then 1 solo scout) flew over south London heading northwards in the direction of Westminster. I was on the bus at the time. What I took to be a transport plane followed shortly afterwards headed in the same general direction.
  2. The festival is long gone but the barricades remain.

    Lots of things for local councillors to take into account when considering any repeat or anything similar:

    1. Does it really take the closure of a LARGE, well used part of the park for 12 days for a 2 day festival?

    2. Is it even right that a public resource like the park be used for a very exclusive event run solely for private profit?

    3. Various noise issues raised.

    4. Damage to the park from last year not yet repaired - is it going to be handled better this year?

    5. There's a distinct lack of transparency on where the money goes and who's really benefitting e.g. did Southwark Council just cut the parks budget by the amount that they expected the festival to raise?

    It was also disappointing to hear quite a few voices raised along the lines of 'we want a festival and we're having one and if you don't like it we don't care, shut up, it's your problem'. Not very friendly, reasonable or tolerant and probably only likely to increase the ire of those who objected to the festival in the first place. Everybody effected by the festival or with an interest in the area/park has a right to be heard whether you, reader, agree with them or not. Trying to harass people into silence is unlikely to have the effect you desire.

  3. Really Beej? I don't have any tickets (sold out).

    This is what I wrote originally but people seem not to have noticed:

    "I wouldn't mind if they closed the park the night before the festival or even the day before and took the stuff away the day afterwards, but no, hand the whole public space over for almost 2 weeks to a private company."

    Having said that, almost everyone I've spoken to in the park is less than impressed with the barricades...etc.

  4. I went around to the park this morning with the dog for a walk. Surprised to see that the part adjacent to Forest Hill Road was being barricaded off for the festival that's taking place next Sunday. Not only that but this public space is going to be closed off to residents (unless you buy a ?60 ticket (sold out) or work for Gala) until the following Friday. So in total it's closed off from today (20th May) until Friday 31st May, almost 2 weeks for a private 2 day festival.

    I wouldn't mind if they closed the park the night before the festival or even the day before and took the stuff away the day afterwards, but no, hand the whole public space over for almost 2 weeks to a private company.

    Not only that but there are also quite a few other dog walkers, runners and sundry park users who are going to be denied use of a large part of the park for the next 12 days. What's the betting the place is going to be left in a mess again? It still hasn't recovered from last year. Somebody must be making a load of money off this. Maybe all I can do is say something about this and if that's the case then I've just said it.

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