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Posts posted by misscarmelite

  1. Well now the co-alition has whacked up the fees the riff raff should be weeded out, I am sure they will soon be back to a standard you are comfortable with... MP. Strange though I had heard that Tory HQ were spending their time infiltrating blogs to sway the AV vote, apparently the nation is enfeebled and fearfull and seeking direction from an army of anonymous acolites of the bullingdon boys......or maybe they just stayed at home playing croquet in sun comfortable that the opposition lack of political nous would do the bleeding job for them !! I hear James Barber own poll yesterday delivered a strong YES vote so all is not lost............ ???
  2. Wow james ! how are you posting from the row boat ! Funny I was in ED yesterday and I could sense an almighty NO

    Those pesky news channels huh ? maybe under AV they would fall under your control and you could then mop up any dissenters.

    Anyway hope you are looked after in ED as your as 'rare as hens teeth' after the local election results !!

  3. Yes its does - obliterated from the political landscape. As for AV the results are not in yet, and by the way I actually voted YES.

    Even though the YES will lose i fugured that we need to get a strong LOSS in order to keep it on the table, hopefully when it comes around again the narrow minded political pygmies that ran the last campaign will invest some real time, money and intelligent debate, Eddie bleeding izzard ? a cross dressing comedian based mainly in NYC, funny though he is ? give me a break......

  4. Yes potentialy the worst hand ever, makes you wonder about the rest of the party he leads if he sits at the top, christ knows whats below him? Worse still he is our deputy prime minister.....bloody terrifying actually.

    Anyone seen James Barber this morning ? I heard he was keeping his head down in a boat on the middle of Dulwich Park Lake ? apparently the pro AV's are huddled in a boat next to him with captain 'Philip VI of Huguenot' at its helm.

    " come in No13 your time is up "

  5. Not sure where you are going with the BNP thing as it was never my intention to make any association , it was merely the image and slogan of 'take back your nation' which is slightly bonkers , its as if it was designed by someone with a feeble grasp of visual history and a naive grasp of politics.

    The bottom line is a absolute NAIVE grasp of politics has been, as predicted, duly demostrated , an election triumph turned into a complete and utter disaster, a woeful YES campaign, way too focused and obssessed with the fairly obvious NO campaign, a deputy prime minister demonstrating his utter failings as a serious politician ; a man obssessed with trying to be the MAN who finished 'Gordon Brown' than actually cementing his own parties future, and a man who at the same time flushed AV/PR in the near future straight down the toilet.

    It's your bullying arrogance that is evident in the 'tone' of the majority of your posts, I am amazed that you are not somewhat censored. You have the elevated self delusion to claim that the 'Brits are enfeebled and fearful and wander around like headless turkeys" .... which I presume means that you consider yourself one of the enlightened ? oh well the ballot box often shatters the self delusion of arrogant individuals.

    National Pride my bum, its about seeing through the nonsense of 'dodgy back room deals' and saying if you want us to change 'british history' you need to present it somewhat better than the back of a fag packet strategy, and shamefull binning of any political credentials that the party driving this have over the last year demonstrated. "We are british sir!" we expect backbone, not spanish mutton dressed up as Welsh Lamb.

    parp parp

  6. Minority government isn't Democracy - the tories are currently running the country with only 35% of the vote. That means that 65% did not want them. Only 1 in 3 politicians actually got their seat with a majority. That's a massive fraud on the electorate.

    mmm says it all really.....labour ran the country for 14years but doubt you were happy with that huh? oh well that would mean you think AV will benefit YOUR voting prefence, nothing wrong with that but why dress it up with such angry and offensive comments to others? just say you want your political preference to have more power. You talk about mud slinging then go calling people names ? As for conning people I am not sure what my investment in AV is unless 'out of the blue' means you are suggesting that I am a cameronite?

    Why con anyone, all the papers are suggesting that Nick Clegg is a busted flush and local election obliteration is not far behind. Anyway maybe i will vote yes, just to put it on the table for another time, when its properly put to the people.

  7. I am slightly lost , is this about voting reform or stopping the BNP? Not sure that those that those who support the BNP will ever stop anyway. Hope this serious issue is not being used to push through an agenda for voting reform. I am sure the ANL do a great job of confronting the BNP and have done for years.

    My concern is who AV will let in, will it just cost us more, and create more jobs for politicians? It will get so complicated people may just get bored and switch off. leaving an ever greater minority with a say over a greater apathetic majority ? |I may just Vote NO until someone actual bothers to invest time in a credible argument to say yes.

  8. Oh yes......av will get of them ?......what bunkum.........anyone for a intelligent debate ? its scandalous how little time both Labour and the Liberal party have invested on this issue.


    Danish People's party (DPP)

    Key figure: Pia Kjaersgaard (leader, DPP)

    The ultra-right DPP swept into parliament as the country's third-largest party following the 2001 elections, taking 12% of the vote and 22 seats under Denmark's partial PR system. Now underpinning a centre-right government coalition, it has drafted tough new asylum policies and cut aid to the developing world


    Flemish Block (VB)

    Key figure: Frank Vanhecke (VB's president)

    The far-right Vlaams Blok became the biggest political force in its Flemish stronghold city, Antwerp, in October 2000, taking 20 out of 50 seats on the city council. In the 1999 parliamentary elections it took 9.9% of the vote, translating under the PR system to 15 seats in the lower house. VB is fiercely anti-immigrant, openly anti-semitic and advocates Flemish self-rule.


    Freedom party (FPO)

    Key figures: J?rg Haider (FPO's de facto leader and governor of Carinthia),

    Susanne Riess-Passer (FPO leader and vice chancellor, Austrian sports minister)

    Led from 1986 to 2000 by Nazi sympathiser J?rg Haider, the FPO came second in the 1999 general elections on an anti-immigration and anti-EU ticket, winning 27% of the vote and 52 seats in parliament under the PR system. Soon after the vote, Austria weathered the wrath and sanctions of the EU after the rightwing People's party agreed to form a coalition government with the FPO.

  9. Well I did see james all a whirl in his tweeds , skipping merily down the lane hand delivering leaflets , kissing babies , smelling the flowers blooming on the roundabout. He seemed completely oblivious to the impending shadow of doom that is about to descend from the clear blue skies.
  10. Is it true that an injunction was attempted on the Guardian last night to stop it printing the front page that it eventually ran with? Just picked it up not sure what all the fuss was about?

    Headline predicting absolute disaster for Nick clegg, huge no vote for AV along with a rather unflattering picture of Nick Clegg with a rather large Tory like double chin. Still not sure which way to go, James seems rather positive but then so was 'Baghdad Bob'.

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