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Posts posted by petersen

  1. i think most papers have good columnists and ones you just want to..well..get violent with.

    I only read the Guardian for Charlie Brooker, even though he is a bit of a nobhead sometimes, taking the piss out of everybody he will occasionally target someone worthwhile!

    but the ones i find most soul destroying are the columists (usually in Sunday papers) who just seem to tell you of their own uninteresting lives. seems like a piss easy job if thats what they get paid for! I do think that the Guardian does seem to get exclusives though,even though I do read the occasional Telegraph article.

    But at the end of the day I think the choice of paper you read is totally personal decision for wahtever reason you choose!

  2. As a vegetarian I completely disagree with eating meat. But obviously I am in the minority and people will choose to eat it. I think if I were to ever eat meat it would only free range, organic affair as really, the systems in meat production are just horrific, and also you never really know what you're eating with cheap meat, what antibiotics, viruses, chemicals and other nasties.

    Foie gras i think is the epitome of all that is cruel as it is essentially a condensed and hyper version of factory farming.

    I read something earlier actually quite by chance, that Germany has banned foie gras at a food fair, because of the face that only 15% of french farmers abide by the new EU regulations banning keeping the geese in individual cages small enough that they cannot move their wings. I mean if youre gonna eat an animal i do think you should give it a bit of respect, and I dont see why France allows this as an exception. 'Article L654 of the 2006 rural code states: "Foie gras is part of the protected cultural and gastronomic heritage of France. By 'foie gras' is meant the liver of a duck or a goose specifically fattened by force-feeding."'

  3. Rats are horrible. I do agree that it should be a two fold action plan of prevention and cure. As we use poison the rats are evolving so their bodies can handle it. So in the long term do they think that just using more and more poison is the answer? i think not.
  4. I am a vegetarian and i do not like to see things suffer. I had mice problems, including in my own bedroom in my last flat, both rats and mice can cause horrible disease and personally I cant stand rats. but things like Viles disease I would not want near my kids if i had them. call a private company to come in and get rid of them as fast as possible, the process can take months to fully get rid of them (in the end my problem was solved by freezing temperatures and a broken heater in my house!)

    good luck!

  5. So many irresponsible people with dogs these days, people seem to forget that they are part wolf at the end of the day. I never liked Jack Russells to be honest. Ive never met one i like anyway. I really am starting to think that should have to get a dog licence before being allowed a dog, and that ownership should maybe be regulated. After all its not just other animals that get hurt, horrific as that is, think of that little girl in Liverpool. :(
  6. i think you should just go and speak to the mother in a very relaxed zen way, just be 'its not on really is it? imagine if your son came home looking like this all cut and bruised. we are neighbours and we should get along, we should each be able to relax in our own homes, me without being hurt by a group and you without having the responsibility.'

    I must say though if her son behaves like that, watch out for the woman. you can judge a person on their kids.

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