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Posts posted by Ilovemywhippet

  1. Ridiculous.

    We build and build and build but foxes should be killed? When will humans take responsiblity.

    I hope the majority of people that see this do not sign it. How fare is a fox attack? Much rarer than a car crash but we wont ban cars.

    Accidents happen, you dont need to start a cull because of one incident, an incident I also find very hard to believe even happened.

  2. By aggression, it would be anything that the vet has witnessed that the license would say i aggression. Who knows, maybe teeth bearing, aggression towards other Dogs. Yes it may very well be all down to poor handling but this is how you start to filter out the good from the bad owners. If you have a Dog that has shown aggression, it must be muzzled and kept on a lead.

    Think about the category of people that have never taken their Dog to the vets, the people that either got them for the heck of it or as a trophy. Lets say these Dogs are not treated well, either by lack of socialisation or lack of training etc. When there told they must book a check up for their Dog and obtain the license, they are going to either have to tell the vet "my Dog doesn't like other Dogs" or its going to become apparent when they arrive. That form would then be ticked as unsafe to be off lead in public and in worse cases, must be muzzled in public.

    I cannot tell you the number of large breads I have looked after on a one2one basis (as in not taken to my Day Care centre with other Dogs) that I refused to wlak without muzzles because I can tell that they are not suitable to be in public, in a situation where another Dog could pass them. Then they go back to the owner who believes their Dog is fine and never muzzles them. If these people were made to, they would have no choice. Yes it would be hard to monitor and enforce but a large number of people wouldn't want to risk a hefty fine if they are caught breaking the conditions of their license. Look how many more people now clean up after themselfs, or walk less Dogs in the park at one time because of NEW rules. People STILL break the rules all the time but its much less than before. How many less people do you now see smoking in the street or throwing their cigarette butts on the floor, much less then a few years back, through stigma and fear of fines etc.

  3. Hello all,

    I have had a few discussions with my old local MP about the problem of dangerous Dogs, over breeding of Dogs and so on. A few points that we agreed on were along the lines of

    - Licenses for all Dog owners. Licenses would be passed by your Vet, who would have to tick certain things to say; Your Dog is not known to be or shown any signs of aggression, has had all vaccinations and their professional opinion about walking the Dog off lead in public places.

    - The license number would be put onto a Dog tag, that can be easily checked. There would be a fee to obtain the license and hefty fines for those who invade it to pay for such a service. In the long run it should save money, what with the cost on the Police and NHS for Dog related problems that the license could help to resolve.

    - If a Dog has shown signs of aggression, it would need to be kept on a lead and muzzled at all times in public, until proof of rehabilitation can be shown and can then be reviewed.

    - Age restrictions on certain breeds such as guarding Dogs and working breeds.

    - Compulsory free work shop on responsible Dog ownership. This wouldn't be too hard to organise in the sense that there are an extremely high number of reputable pet businesses/ vets/ trainers that would offer these seminars free of charge on a regular basis.

    I also think this would deter the not so responsible owners from getting Dogs so willy nilly and its usually the irresponsible ones that end up with dangerous Dogs.

    What do you think? Anything to add or remove. Do you agree or disagree?

  4. This is absolutely disgusting but unfortunately, its not an uncommon problem.

    Without insulting the majority of good farm workers out there, it seems that a minority are a certain "type of people" brought up in such a way to show now respect for animals, they are just food, they do not have feelings and so they find it quite acceptable and funny to treat them in such a way. There must also be something "wrong" mentally with these people. Its one thing being brought up in a way to think throwing ducks around is OK because they have never known to respect an animal but look at the farmers a few years back, burning pigs with cigarettes for fun. Thats not something you do just because your not an animal lover, thats torture and it sickens me that these weirdos work anywhere, let alone animals.

    I know this isn't really to the point but I think the problem is that the punishments are NOT HARSH, convictions are few and far between and everyone has something else to blame. These slaughter houses are employing people with strong stomachs, there certainly not animal lovers as even if you are not a veggie, love animals but eat meat, your still hardly likely to wind up applying for jobs at a slaughter house are you? It takes a certain type of person and its these types that are hindering the good work of new animal welfare regulations of meats etc.

    Same goes for those funeral directors, filmed doing all sorts to the dead people in their care. Again, it takes a type of person.

    So how do you try to prevent it? A stricter employment process? Unannounced welfare visits? More CCTV and regular checks of it? Bottom line is these farms do not care about the animals, they care about supplying waitrose and making money but if Waitrose said you have to allow us to monitor X, Y, Z in order to be our suppliers, maybe those running the farms will start to give a crap about what goes on and who works for them because they wont want to lose out on their contracts. I don't think your every going to make the owners of slaughter houses and its employees ever really care about animals but you could make it extremely difficult to produce to any known stores if they do not keep to very strict guidelines and if people are found to break the Law, they MUST be brought to justice and lose their job.

  5. Hello,

    I've had a last minute cancellation and so I have space again from 22nd Dec until early Jan. I am a legitimate company with full council permissions and I use HOME BOARDING only, no kennels. I am qualified and insured etc.

    Feel free to message me to contact privately if you are in need of pet care.

    Many thanks,


  6. Aw how sad :-(. Staffies are very prone to seperation anxiety, fantastic people Dogs!

    I have sent you an email as requested, I hope the info helps.

    I used to train Dogs myself on a one2one basis but I have found nothing works better for a puppy then growing up with regularly socialisation and strict rules and boundaries. It works wonders for our Dogs. People have been close to having to give their Dogs up until they started here as it really stimulation them mentally and eliminates separation anxiety and naughtiness from boredom. You are welcome to see for yourself one Day, although at the moment we have been redecorating at weekends and so our dividers are down, so visitors end up with nice Dog hair on them and lots of excitable welcomes when they come in, which isn't ideal for your first visit! hehe

  7. Hi,

    I understand why you want to get him under control ASAP!

    I have a couple of mastiffs that attend from time to time, very calm and loving Dogs.

    My opinion may seem bias as its my own company but talking from experience I would certainly recommend Day Care to anyone with any type of Dog, while its in puppy hood. Your Dog will get to play, eat and relax with others, aiding to eliminate or prevent any bowl/ food/ water aggression/ jealousy/ fear of Dogs or new people, it also teaches them how to play as they would when they are still in the liter.

    I take on about 5-10 Dogs per Day. If you search londonpetsitter.co.uk you should find me, I am not sure if I am allowed to post links on here. So you know how it works, people can drop their Dogs off while they go to work or get on with other things and return to collect them later that Day. We will feed/ walk and provide attention to your Dog during this time. I am open 7am until 7pm Monday to Friday and it costs ?25 if you attend once per week. The idea is that the Dog grows up without the issues that people then need to seek a trainer for i.e aggression, separation anxiety, jealousy issues etc etc. Feel free to try us out and see what you think as its difficult to really express the benefits when its your own company as you only have my word to take for it but I can ensure you my clients have all said what a difference its made to their Dogs fitness, behavior and general well-being :-).

    Ill keep my eye out for any trainers I know running classes but I probably wont here about anything until the new year now. x

  8. Hi,

    I know the vets I use my clients, Paxton, run free puppy classes. I also take on puppies at my Day Care for socialisation purposes, ensures they get along properly with other Dogs and people and generaly learn boundaries etc. I can train but it isn't something I advertise or regularly offer but training comes with it really as their under my control all Day.

    Message me if you need more info and good luck x

  9. I have notified the cab company who are calling the drivers into their office and may suspend. As far as telling me, my partner or any of my friends, it doesn't really matter because I know we would never dream of getting into something like that after a cab driver has tried to persuade us to part with our cash but its the more gullible and vulnerable people that I am worried about and its probably those people that get targeted the most. As im small, blonde and young, people always assume I am really "soft", stupid or quite simple so I guess I was a good target too! I wonder how many of his customers went home and decided to go for an investment. To make it worse, when you sign up someone calls you to explain it all and help you pay, this is where the convincing and pressure is really laid on!
  10. Hi All,

    Regardless or scam/ ponzi scheme its wrong for Taxi driver to be trying to persuade people to part with cash to do this considering the amount of vulnerable people traveling with them.

    The driver may actually believe hes on to something OR hes in with it. To me it doesn't matter, it shouldn't be allowed, they are there to provide a service not aid people in losing their money in some scam.

    As for doing a quick Google search to see they are legit, goggle search revealed they are anything but??? I regard anything like this as a scam, innocent people are conned, the management highly unprofessional = scamming. In fact, one of the CEOs were banned from trading for a huge scam back in 2009.

  11. Hi,

    I am not blaming the mag for lack of leads or saying the magazine isnt good, I like the mag very much, hence my decision to advertise, we was unfortunate to get "messed around" somewhat by a temp person there and ended up having to get onto management to sort the problem only to find out our leaflets had not gone into all magazines that we had requested. We know this from the amount of people that lived under our postcode that we requested and they did not have them in.

    We then had a suspicious inquiry, checked the email and happened to be someone associated with the magazine. Could be a coincidence but it just didn't feel right. I would love to do a bigger advertisement in the magazine but I am sure you can see why was put off by it, I suppose at least with an ad you know your add will be there! It may have been the fault of the people inserting the leaflets, whatever and however was to blame it put me off unfortunately.

  12. I had a go at advertising with this magazine. Not only did most of our current clients that lived in the area not get the magazine but the leaflets we had inserted did not show up in the ones we checked, by asking family members and friends to check their magazines, that was the people that actually got the mag. It seems that they are not getting posted through every door each time, which isnt good for those advertising in it or those who look forward to reading it! Had a really bad experience with them, sorry to say and put me off completely, although I have to say this was down to the new girl working there and dealing with us, unsurprisingly she left a couple of weeks later!
  13. Over the past week I have had to get 3 cabs from my home in Gipsy Hill area to Dulwich and Croydon destinations.

    I used the same cab service, they work everywhere so im sure many people in ED use them too.

    During EVERY journey a conversation was struck with the cab driver who goes on to tell me about this "new business venture".

    Its called banner brokers and is along the lines of signing up to this brokers, investing however much you want, then watching the money grow over weeks and months for renting out banners/ advertising space or something like this, obviously theres more to it.

    If I wasn't so suspicious I may have been interested in it, I know scams seem obvious but A LOT of people believe this stuff and I want to warn others. The cab drivers are clearly behind this in some way but after looking into it the scam is huge, what their role is an an individual I do not know but they are trying to talk innocent passengers into the scam.

    I am a bit worried that these people then have your address, name and telephone number and if they are in the business of scamming, it worries me that they have this information, albeit not exactly sensitive information. In addition, this particular cab company offers the option to pay by card and its the driver that takes the details, if a number of their drivers are out scamming and get hold of this information, I wouldn't like to think what they would do with it.

    Has anyone else come across this getting cabs in or out of the area??

  14. Excuse me hibbs but there is a difference between people commenting on posts and then being rude with obsessive policing behavior when they are not admin. It is annoying and deters people from posting on this forum. I myself and fed up of seeing gidget everywhere, always telling people what to do and complaining.

    Rules are rules but she/ he picks people out and targets them. This is why I was annoyed, i did not think recommending my partner was wrong because he actually does work for me and my landlord to which I decided to recommend him on to other people. If that's against the rules, my mistake but on the thread there were two people above recommending themselfs, let alone a partner and she never rudely commented to them, hence just targeting new users as she knows certain people wont stand for it so just annoys people at her leisure.

    hibbs Wrote:


    > Ilovemywhippet Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > My business does work in ED thank you very

    > much.

    > > Gidget have you nothing better to do? Id pipe

    > down

    > > a bit if i were you, it appears theres a bit of

    > an

    > > anti gidget protest going on. I find it quit

    > > comical that this is a huge part of your daily

    > > life. Jist do nit comment on any of my posts as

    > to

    > > avoid future conflict.



    > Jeeze and here we go again, if you don't want

    > people to comment on your posts, don't post on a

    > public forum.

  15. My business does work in ED thank you very much. Gidget have you nothing better to do? Id pipe down a bit if i were you, it appears theres a bit of an anti gidget protest going on. I find it quit comical that this is a huge part of your daily life. Jist do nit comment on any of my posts as to avoid future conflict.
  16. I have come across this thread after constantly coming across rudeness from GIDGET.

    I myself have had a recommendation deleted, which, if against the rules fair enough (I recommended my partner).

    Gidget, as you are a forum Hitler and it seems your intentions are to continue obsessing over what everyone else does, please can you do it properly as my post was deleted when there were two posts above it of people recommending THEMSELFS let alone their partner.

    I would just like to point out that he is not my husband and I do not work for him, hes been recommended on here by ED people that have used him and I thought my recommendation might be helpful. He HAS done work for me that I have had to checkatrade approve and I can recommend him because I have actually been a customer of his services. He doesn?t even know that I recommend him on here and is far too busy to sit at a PC with this cold weather he doesn?t stop working. ADMIN, if I am not allowed to recommend him after using his services, I apologise but can something be done about Gidgets constant rudeness and stalking of everyone?s post because in all honesty it makes me not want to use the forum and I am sure many would agree.

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