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jules b

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Posts posted by jules b

  1. TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


    > Blah, a consultation is a process to achieve a

    > compromise but without knowing what is acceptable

    > to Peckham vision /Eileen then how do you know

    > when that compromise has been reached?


    > Eileen has a track record for objecting to

    > oppertunities for the town centre but not giving

    > solutions or working with developers.


    > The tram is a classic example, she objected to the

    > terminus and depot being in Peckham on various

    > grounds including that the depot would see shards

    > of metal and sparks in the air of Peckham when

    > they ground the wheels. During that consultation

    > she didn't engage with TfL or cross river to find

    > a compromise and as such Peckham lost the

    > opportunity for an eco friendly transport, jobs,

    > development and inward investment.


    > We all want the best for Peckham but without

    > saying what that is (size, no of properties, unit

    > cost...) then Peckham vision's objections seem to

    > be objections for the sake of it.


    > All I'm asking for is Peckham Vision to actually

    > say what the minimum acceptable option with this

    > development is so that there is a starting point

    > for the consultation.

    Artful dodger, this is not about what Eileen (or Peckham Vision for that matter) wants, as Eileen has already pointed out. The whole point is that we don?t yet know what local people want because there has not been adequate consultation. There have been various local groups who have tried to work with the developers for the past 3 years; one I was involved with got over 5000 signatures in support of a charter with specific asks including meaningful and on-going consultation. Unfortunately the developer instead went away and created a scheme which does not meet the aspirations of the charter, particularly in regards to consultation, which is why we are now in this situation. The group of people who have formed Aylesham Community Action are from various backgrounds and groups and are calling for meaningful consultation and positive engagement so that the development Which will have a huge impact on our town centre and lives, works for all of us!

    I can?t imagine why anyone would think that was a bad idea.

  2. Nigello Wrote:


    > People need houses more than trendy bars. Tastes

    > change. You can?t stop the provision of housing

    > because some people (many from outside the

    > borough/area) like to have an overpriced Aperol

    > spritz with view a for a few months of the year.

    > (I?m thinking that some object to the towers

    > because it would spoil the view from Frank?s. If

    > I?m wrong, ignore this!) Towers of a certain

    > height help stop sprawl. I agree that the palm

    > trees are naff and not good for helping shade,

    > absorbing of rain and pollution and encouraging

    > wildlife. Deciduous native trees are best.

    I?m afraid I disagree : I?m not from out of town, I live nearby and have only been to Franks a couple of times. I?m not against a development and I worry that my kids will never be able to buy a house, but by that logic we should turn Peckham (and for that matter the rest of London) into something like Hong Kong. All the new high rises at Vauxhall and Elephant haven?t solved the housing crisis: they?ve made it worse because they?re being bought purely as investments and left empty. We need the right sort of housing for Peckham and to get that, we need proper consultation.

  3. MariaVa Wrote:


    > HI I don't know if you are still looking or need

    > an structural engineer but this guy is quite good

    > you can give him a call his name is Adrian Cupola

    > Design Ltd, Top Floor 4 Gleneldon Road London SW16

    > 2AY Tel: 02087692185 Mob:

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you are his wife aren't you?

  4. Saied and Richard have tackled the mammoth task of bringing order to the neglected bit of the garden, including doing battle with 'the beast' (an enormous rose that has defeated all who came before). Miraculously, they won (albeit having shed some blood!), and we now have a whole new bit of garden.

    Hardworking, knowledgable about plants, very kind, and lovely to have about the house, thanks for all the work guys.

  5. A HUGE recommendation for The Cake Store in Sydenham. I had a bit of a cake emergency (long story-don't ask) on the morning of my 6 year old's dragon-themed birthday party so started frantically searching the web...and found The Cake Store. They came up with this (photo attached) in 2.5 hours and didn't even charge extra since it was an emergency order. It was delicious. I can't recommend them highly enough.


  6. Angelina Wrote:


    > with the population increase predictions in the

    > millions, where do you want people to live?

    All the attached images have the same footprint and the same density.

    And none of these even begin to approach the sort of density you get in housing models like Paris and Barcelona.

    High density does not equal high rise.

  7. rahrahrah Wrote:


    > We need, specifically, more social housing.

    > Ideally, council housing. Building more luxury

    > flats, aimed at the overseas market will make

    > minimal impact on your average person's ability to

    > get a foot on the ladder. In fact it can just make

    > things worse, by fueling a speculative bubble.

    So true. More flats of the ?wrong? sort ie high end, would only alleviate the housing problem if there were a limited need (thus causing competition and bringing prices down). As there is an endless demand for ?investment opportunities? in this bubble, it is only fuelling it.

  8. dc Wrote:


    > All valid points I?m sure, but I sincerely doubt

    > that there is anything in planning guidance -

    > national, regional (the London Plan) or local (the

    > Southwark Plan - currently being updated) - about

    > either ?not wanting to be like Lewisham? or any

    > requirement to ?protect the view from Franks or

    > the Bussey building?. So those are not grounds,

    > per se, on which an application can be refused.

    Currently the planning policy for this site has not been adopted as part of the ?New Southwark Plan?. Hopefully the Council will listen to what the vast majority of the community seem to want, and change its proposed Site Specific policy for this site (currently in its final phase of consultation). Sadiq Khan did say that towers should not be put in communities that don?t want them. This is why the petition was set up: to give voice to what has been the overwhelming response of people in a number of workshops, meetings, polls, questioning on the street, studies by students etc.

  9. dc Wrote:


    > There?s a tower (Witcombe Point) about 150m away

    > with 20+ storeys. I?m not arguing the rights and

    > wrongs here, but if people are seeking to oppose

    > this on planning grounds by suggesting that it is

    > totally out of keeping in the local context that,

    > in itself, surely makes the argument a

    > non-starter?

    You?re right, there is one 20 storey building nearby, however all the rest of the area are 2-7 storeys. One tower is enough (too much!), the last thing we need is to turn Peckham into another Lewisham.

  10. It is highly unlikely that there would be any affordable housing in the tower as those flats would be able to be sold for a lot (perhaps just in the lowest floors over the bin stores!). It is part of a larger scheme that would hopefully have affordable housing in it. The developers are saying they intend to put affordable housing in if finances allow it, and in my view that is the only argument for a tower: ie that if the developers make lots of money, they will have to provide more affordable housing (elsewhere in the development). However I don?t think it is worth all the harm a tower can do for a small number of affordable flats. There are much better ways to create the sort of housing we really need(like family housing) by using mid-height, high density housing ; 4-6 floors maybe.
  11. I know this is slightly ?off patch? but as many people who use the EDF live,shop,work,visit or grew up in Peckham, I think it?s still relevant: A tower of 20+ storeys is planned for the Aylesham Centre site, and while I think towers have their place (Canary Wharf, New York etc) I don?t think they are appropriate for Peckham for many reasons, including the impact on the conservation areas, the views, and perhaps most importantly that I don?t believe a luxury tower looming over us will do anything for social integration and harmony, or for the streetscape below.

    There are better ways to create the high density housing we need for families in particular.

    There?s a petition against the Aylesham tower at https://goo.gl/LXXRQE

    Please do sign it, and pass it on.

    Sadiq Khan has said that towers shouldn?t be foisted on communities that don?t want them, so we have to show him and Southwark Council that WE REALLY DON?T WANT TOWERS.

  12. Hi,

    does anyone still need swapsies?

    My 7 year old son is desperate to finish his album but has a few to find yet:


    12, 13, 17, 19

    21, 23, 25



    63, 64, 69

    77, 79

    82, 84, 86


    106, 107, 108

    121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129


    He has these to swap:

    5, 7, 9


    22, 26, 27, 28, 29


    40, 41, 44, 46,

    54, 57, 58,


    71, 72, 75, 78,

    87, 88,

    93, 95, 96, 97,


    112, 113, 114, 118, 119,



    Please let me know. Julie.

  13. Have you heard of Jumble Trail? It's like a cross between a car boot sale and a pub-crawl...

    We're having one in the streets just north of the Bellenden shops, SE15 on the afternoon of Sunday the 22nd of May.

    Come and find a bargain amongst the plants, clothes, books, antiques, household items, baby gear, art and toys.

    Go on-line to Jumbletrail.com and search for May Madness or SE15. You'll find information and a map of the stalls (more are being added every day).

    Hope to see you there!


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