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Posts posted by n_m_jones

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. I had exactly the same thing, very severe nipple eczema in the first few months of breastfeeding. It went on for ages and very nearly led to the end of breast feeding which was so very upsetting. I actually found nipple shields and expressing worsened it because of the plastic/latex rubbing the sore skin.

    For me, it did eventually heal. Though I had flares in later months whenever my baby was teething. It was the dermatologist at Kings who helped resolve it. I was given a strong steroid ointment. I just wanted to check you've been using enough? I was told to use a whole fingertip length of ointment on each application (that was a really thick layer). As well as using the emollient (epaderm). Then clean it off (with plain water) just before feeds and reapply straight after. For me this meant 8 applications per day. It was betnovate, and it was ointment not cream. After really following this regime for 5 days there was a real improvement. And this was after weeks of messing about with weaker creams or using too little (because no GP ever gave clear direction on how to use creams!). I understand that there is an even more potent steroid if that doesn't work (clobetasol). After the 5 days I stepped down to a less potent steroid until it was clear. Then I used the steroid whenever there was a sign if a flare. Plus I used the epaderm religiously all the time.

    The dermatologists are the ones who should know. But maybe there's a thrush infection there too aggravating it further, have they considered that?

    I also tried to reduce the frequency and duration of feeds as best I could ie I stopped my baby suckling to fall asleep etc. but I guess that's stating the obvious when you're a sore as I'm sure you are!

    I wish you all the best, I know how awful it is to be in such pain when trying to feed. I hope it heals quickly.

  2. I highly recommend my childminder Pippa D (find her on this forum). I used her with my son aged 10-18 months and she has been excellent. Unfortunately we're moving now, but that means she will have availability. She's available mon-Thu. She lives on the edge of East Dulwich/Peckham Rye.

    Nurseries in ED are generally expensive and have waiting lists so childminders are a good option. Pippa takes the children out to a group everyday so there is plenty of socialising.

  3. http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?25,974062,980782#msg-980782


    It was lovely to meet you all last night, we had a great time and we're looking forward to the next one.

    Just to mention, I came across an advert for a table top sale of children's things, on this Sunday at 10am, 33 east dulwich grove - constitutional club. I'm planning to pop along. I've tried copying and pasting a link above but it might be easier to just do a search for "table sale".

    Nicola x

  4. Oh right, so that's what Braxton Hicks are! I have been having uterine contractions since the beginning (I'm 22 weeks now). They're not painful though. I assumed it must be normal, never thought of Braxton Hicks - I had always imagined that was something that started near the end.

    How are everyones' scans going? I had mine this week, didn't want to know the gender but I'm 90% sure it's a boy now, which is wonderful.

    Best wishes to everyone

    Nicola x

  5. Hi,

    I'm expecting my first baby on New Years Day! Very excited by the whole thing.

    I was thinking of a water birth at home (even though we have a tiny flat). I guess it just depends how things go. Is anyone else booked with the kings community midwives, based at DMC? My midwife from there seems excellent and planted the idea of a home birth for me. I always thought you couldn't do it for first babies but of course that's not true. She reckons that a third of births in ED are at home.

    Anyone booked antenatal classes yet? And how are everyone's pregnancy symptoms?

    I'm very happy to meet you all (in a virtual way at least!)

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