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Posts posted by mattC

  1. I wrote to Southern years ago asking why there were fewer trains between 8 and 9 than at other times. They explained in great detail (I've lost the 2 page letter I'm afraid) that it's all down to the fact that there are fewer 'slots' available to our local trains at those times, since the services from out of town congest the points and stations at places like Norward, Clapham and London Bridge.

    Further, they said at the time that although there were no plans to increase services between 8 and 9,that they would be investing squillions into the network over the next x years, which would ultimately deliver "enhanced customer choice".

    I'm cross I've been made to rememeber that last bit, as even now, it just makes me my blood boil.

  2. "As for nasty Guardian readers, you're mixing your metaphors" . Hugeunot - Just who do you think you are to suggest I'm mixing metaphors? Todays Guardian readers are tomorrows WI brigade - in fact you sound almost there already!

    "I don't believe cycle-couriers should have the discretion to choose under what context they may hurl themselves onto the pavement screaming at passersby to get out of the way leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Boateng should not be recommending a course of action which would leave them unprosecuted"

    Well neither do I, and any rational person will appreciate Boateng was talking about people like me who ride the pavement responsibly - the ones you never see doing it, and who never cause accidents ;-)

    "The reason I don't accept your premise of relativity is that it delegates the decision making to the people often least capable of making good choices, exhilarated by the moment and positively bursting with their own self-righteousness."

    Golly - that's probably the most disturbing and perverted comment so far - reminds me of that funny little book called Animal Farm, where a self appointed elite thought they might decide things for everyone.

    Agreed. This is boring.Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  3. Nope - missed my point entirely.

    To even dare think that one can equate hopping on the pavement to drink driving or cash for badges is both tiny minded and extreme.

    I already mentioned the sort of circumstances under which I (and many other responsible cyclists) opt to ride the pavement - it simply is not dangerous to anyone, and I liken it to driving a little faster on the motorway at 3AM when even the police don't care if I'm doing 75!

    What bothers me is the puritanical stances being taking, apparently ignorant of reality, yet also seemingly intelligent and worldly enough to know that everyone will intentionally break the law from time to time in their lives. Pay cash to a tradesperson? Round down the tax liability? Park a double yellow? Speeding? Smoke/sniff something naughty at Uni?

    Many millions of these little 'crimes' are committed everyday by people who wouldn't dream of doing something beyond common moral boundaries - for the vast majority of the population this is a line near enough to the law so that things run just swimmingly. The minority whose boundary is a bit further away are those the rest of society call criminals. Rightly or wrongly, I simply don't believe that there is a further minority out there that have never, and never will, break a single law of the land.

    Anyway, I'm getting rather too wound up and agitated by the majority views of the 'in crowd', so I'm off to cool down and to try determine whether you are very nice people taking the piss, or a combination nasty, middle english Guardian readers, who will, in my opinion, bring the end of the world about ;-)

  4. OldTimer & Huguenot particularly: I was happily ignoring the temptation to rejoin this thread until I read your utterly banal comments.

    It astonishes me just how prosaic, and quite frankly, how precious some of you are.

    What's troubling me a lot more though, is the fact I chose to come and live here, and in my experience, the like minded tend be attracted to the same things (think who you hung around with at school etc, or the residents on the street where you grew up). Having moved out of the home counties long ago, hoping in part to get away from the sort of middle english, 'Womens Institute' attitudes that are the majority voice on this site , I look to have clearly stepped right back into it. Urghh.

  5. All right spadeboi, but no need to be insulting and so self righteous.

    As a pedestrian, motorist, skater, cyclist and jogger I feel the that I can judge well enough when it's safe to use the pavement and at what speed - against the law or not. Yes, sounds like I think I'm above things, but..is it not like going a little faster than allowed late at night on an empty motorway? Bet you've done that. If you haven't, live a little, and try not being so uptight.

  6. I don't know. We ED folk seem to be very proud of what is, a pretty typical, south of the river, suburban dump.

    Contrary to what some people say on here, there are very few good shops, and there's not a single good restaurant - I've tried them all many times, each occasion hoping to be surprised, yet not one of them can serve you up a well though out plate to remember.

    But, it's the best we can afford.

  7. The little place by Peckam Rye station indeed does do pretty good, fresh pizza with interesting toppings.

    IMHO, the unusual, somewhat confused menu could lie in the fact the owners are a very sweet family from South America, where a multitude of European recipes and influences have assimilated for obvious historic reasons.

    You'll be fondly remembered by all if you can manage to order in Spanish or Portenol.

    Top tip: Ring them them as you leave work, and have a piping hot pizza ready to take home on arrival at the station.

  8. Mark - a great site, great idea, and very much needed. Thankyou.

    I just wondered what you think about adding an 'Introduce yourself' sticky to make the place even friendlier? People could post as much or as little they liked.

    Hell...I'll just start shall I?

    I'm Matt and live in East Dulwich, and am one of those faceless commuters seen every morning at the station. I can also (sometimes!) be spotted jogging round Peckham Rye park with my iPod, and perhaps more often, in one or two of our half decent bars.


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