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Everything posted by mysticmark

  1. I absolutely love dogs and my children are smart around them, but as people will be aware there is an underground dog-fighting thing as well as just crap.owners who by using violence teach their dogs violence. It is thankfully true that only very occasionally have I come across scary dogs that have made me keep my kids very close and look for exits / barriers, and its also true that there aren't dog attacks reported every day. But - often enough to be in the back of my mind especially when Im with my most precious children in a zone where there's a possibility an incident may occur with some fool with a dog brought up on violence. So far below the safety level of toddlers wearing helmets on scooters, say, to make me seem Im paranoid and have it in for dogs? I dont see why. Just wondered if anyone had gone as far as carrying some kind of emergency thing that works, obviously without harming the animal either - Im pretty sure even the illegal pepper spray I first mentioned doesnt blind or kill!
  2. Hi, I know pepper spray is illegal to use, still for sale on amazon, but what, if any, emergency defence do other parents have to protect your children from a random attack from a badly (or maliciously) trained dog? Was searching online, but when I arrived at ARM BRITAIN NOW I decided to quit. Mark
  3. Anyone know? Or other bright ideas for my 3 yr old this morn?
  4. Pls say where, my littlest, and me, wud love it, thx :)
  5. As in cootchie cootchie coo perhaps? Thanks all for excellent recommendations. Spiral staircase down to cave sounds very Bond villain :) Hope all of you enjoy a great summer break, a change from "Jocasta thats not your Yakult" scenario, and the traffic and fast pace of life maybe too. BTW - still looking for fab long lunch venue in/v near Hereford, where kids can play and all can eat, drink and chill. Thx again
  6. Thanks, love to know meanings, how on earth is it pronounced please? (Im half welsh but no lingo unfortunately)
  7. Lollipops - always a smile-bringer anyway, are especially helpful on long flights; having 3 little monkeys, 2 with my Japanese wife, has made that one clear. Plus a fave blanket and cuddly. Bon voyage!
  8. A very good local relationship counsellor, who was helping me and other half through a combined knot of issues worsened by post natal depression, reccommended a lovely book called "The Incredible Years", which has a very 'seize the moment', loving and practical outlook. The title says it all imo. Best wishes :)
  9. Thanks S. Only other change has been hot weather which started at a similar time; certainly affected her sleep on some days. Anyway guess abundance of patient listening and explaining is best, just not always oreferable to be honest when doing other things, like about to go out with rest of family, but guess all part of rich tapestry :). Thanks for reassurances S
  10. Off West on Wed for 10 days. 2 nights in Hereford then a week in a cottage near St Davids SW Wales. Hereford - what must sees? Nice restaurant (kid friendly) with a view (river?) for lunch? St Davids and around? Any special recommendations? (Me, wife and 2 girls - 3 and 9 - going) Thx
  11. Hi I could scrape a bit of dodgy japanese out but the struggle involved is harsly worth it! I live the idea of a chat-fest and tried to do something similar in a previous workplace. From the thread it seems the difference in levels would cause some real issues, unless you have some ingenius solutions? Im married to a Japanese lady and we have 2 lovely girls. Oldest -9 - used to be semi-fluent but now answers mum in English 90%; 3 yr old is less affected by English environment and happy to natter away dreamily in Japanese, as well as her own invented words! Ive tried to have an impact on elder daughter by pushing us all to speak Japanese together, but my own difficulties and older dauguter's made it so unnatural. Guess thats the only way though, including games, stories etc. Cheers, M
  12. Our little girl, who has previouspy been very confident and insistent on doing things right and by herself, started a couple of weeks ago to get really tearful and loudly emotional when she has to wash / eat / not eat / anything not involving a lolly! We probably did allow too many (mostly healthy) snacks before and are trying to reign that in, but this seems a wider matter. Been thru similar phases with yours? It can be hard to deal with and can come on pretty suddenly.
  13. No, dont feel like an idiot; its normal to expect to live without such threatening people. Thanks for posting. Just wondering tho, did they stand so close to see your pin?
  14. Hi, in kind of similar position. Have a paved area at bottom of garden of house we moved into just over year ago and want to add sthg foe 2.5 yr old which older 8 yr old can enjoy too. Found these sites which seem good: lots of options. macventureplay.co.uk diyplay.co.uk But would like to see more. Have you seen the lovely play stuff in Westow Park? Thats style Id love most; if havent been best access is parking in College Road, but wait for a better day eh?
  15. Yes, as said above, knowledge that sthg nice is coming after has always workes for us, call it bribery / blackmail if looking for parental guilt,, whatever, it works well
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