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Posts posted by izzybob

  1. Hello. I just wanted to post a recommendation for Lynlea West, a local interior designer. We?re coming to the end of some major building works and needed to repaint various rooms in the house as a consequence. I was stuck on colours (my children also had strong views!) and a friend recommended contacting Lynlea, who offers her services on an hourly basis.

    Lynlea was excellent. We did her four hour ?deep dive?, which I really enjoyed, and solved many issues all in one session. We?ve repainted two rooms now (which look great) with one to follow. Lynlea has boxes full of wonderful samples and, as well as paint colours, we also chose wallpaper for a loo, carpets and looked at fittings for the living room.

    I?d never used an interior designer before and always felt it would be too expensive. However, working with Lynlea was a revelation - the hourly rate is a fantastic idea and she has saved me so much time (and money) in ordering and testing out various samples. She?s also given me the confidence to go for something bolder than I?d have done by myself. I wouldn?t have come up with the ideas for the children?s bedrooms, but they look great and we?re really looking forward to seeing the end result for the living room. At some point, we have a bathroom to redecorate and I?ll very happily ask Lynlea for advice again!

  2. Hi there. Slightly random request. I've recently started to go to the gym more and my nearly six year old son has noticed and is really interested. He's not that keen on team sports (doesn't like football), but really wants to join in with the various exercises I do. He's obviously way too young for the gym proper, but does anyone know of any fitness type classes that you can do with your child. It would be a fun thing to do together and would be good for us both.

    Thank you!

  3. I've been a few times with two small children. I've found easiest as there are no stairs to deal with is Denmark Hill to St Pancras (occasionally need to change at Blackfriars, but easy change) and then bus or walk to the zoo. Quite a long walk, but fine if children in buggy. (If you/children are knackered at the end of the day, there's a black cab rank outside the zoo entrance and it's about ?10 to St Pancras....)
  4. Hi there.

    I've recently broken my ankle (great timing!) and am going to be in a cast and on crutches for the next six weeks or so. I'm a stay at home mum to a three year old and an 18 month old and I've realised that I'm going to need some help looking after the boys whilst I'm unable to move about easily.

    I've been in touch with East Dulwich Nannies and Dulwich Childcare, but I was wondering if anyone could recommend any individuals or agencies that might be able to assist. Family are hoping to be able to cover some of the days, but I think that we are likely to need someone three or more days a week until the end of January (assuming that my ankle mends well!).

    Thanks very much.

  5. Thanks Lula and nunheadmum. I'll have a look into Superkids. The Beckenham class sounds great, but I don't have a car so it would be tricky to get over there. I would, though, be quite keen on getting our oldest into group lessons eventually, but would like to do a few in the pool with him first to get his confidence up. I did lessons with our youngest when he was tiny, but had to stop as couldn't get childcare for his big brother, which was a real shame as he loved it and still does on the rare occasions we go swimming.

    I thought that a private instructor would be the best solution as it means I don't need to find child care for one or the other and they can "learn" together. I know I could watch a class with our youngest, but he spends so much of his time following his brother around, I thought it would be good for him to do something he enjoys too!

  6. We have a one year old and a (nearly) three year old and have been meaning to go swimming with them more often for ages. They both love being in the water, but the timings of swimming lessons just haven't worked (or no childcare for the non-swimming child) and we've been fairly rubbish at getting organised to go as a family at the weekend.

    Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew of an instructor who would be willing to do private lessons for the two children with me in the pool as well? Preferably at the Dulwich pool, but would also consider Camberwell or Peckham pools. I'd probably want to give it a trial first (not looking forward to getting them changed by myself!), but would be willing to commit to weekly lessons if it all went well.

    Thanks very much.

  7. Hi there. I was sorry to see this thread as I thought Cheeky Cs was really popular! In fact, the reason we haven't been is that when we came before, I found it really hectic and my son who was quite little at the time was just a bit overwhelmed by it all. It may be worth readvertising for those that have forgotten about it or are new to the area?

    Not sure if it would work, but adding in even 20 mins of singing could be really popular?

    Hope things turn around for you.

  8. Hi there. I was wondering if anyone knows of local nurseries that take toddlers for half days? Our son is 2 and a bit and I'm beginning to think that think he'd benefit from mixing with more children. I'm currently at home with our baby so can't really justify full day sessions, but think I would benefit too!

    I've heard good things about Magic Moments, but we live near ED station and I don't drive so would have limited time to do anything else if he went there. Thanks very much in advance!

  9. Hi there. Friday 8 is good for me and Teddy Bear Toddlers sounds good. I don't drive but could easily hop on the bus to come up.

    Otherwise, there's the Victoria Inn on Bellenden Road which has its playroom or the 1 O'Clock Club on Peckham Rye (but the last time I went it was v crowded - good fun, but hard enough to have a chat and keep an eye on children with just two of us). I think Cheeky Cs on East Dulwich Grove also meets on a Friday - if so, that could be another option (big space, lots of toys and coffee!).

    Happy to go wherever best for others and look forward to meeting you soon.

  10. Hey there. I'm afraid I haven't been on this thread much recently - not sure where the time has gone! Unfortunately, we can't make the 9 Feb, but if anyone is around for a weekday meet up, it would be lovely to catch up. I'm due mid-May and already have a little boy who is now 16 months.

    I'm another one who is feeling uncertain about how it will work with two - my current fixation is whether or not we actually need a double buggy.... I'm not sure we'll manage without, but they all seem so big and clunky. At least it's a more practical worry than the sleep ones - my son isn't too bad, but would definitely like a better sleeper this time!

    Anyway, I hope all are well and it would be lovely to cath up with people soon.

  11. Hello. I posted on the thread a few weeks ago, but it was pre-scan and I felt a bit apprehensive about posting again until that was out of the way! Anyway, I would love to join a daytime meet up on Friday 14 December with my son (currently 15 months). Would it be possible to have it in the afternoon as we go swimming in the morning? Hope all are well and look forward to meeting some of you soon!
  12. Hello! Another one expecting number two. Due at the end of May so still very early days - scan isn't for another three weeks. Our son will be nearly 21 months when he/she arrives and hasn't been sleeping very well recently - feeling terrified at the thought of going back to newborn sleep patterns! Very excited though.

    Haven't decided yet about an NCT type class as too early still and, after last time, I'm not sure how helpful it will be.... Like the idea of meeting other people in a similar situation though.

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