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Posts posted by sleepadistantmemory

  1. It depends on the school, but I'm pretty sure if it's a school policy they will adhere to it in afraid. Did you pay a deposit? We paid a hefty deposit which would be non refundable if we withdrew place. I guess they guard themselves against parents who might accept a place and then withdraw eg in favour of a state school place. Reading your email though, you still have a term to go so surely you'll be just in time to withdraw wont you?
  2. Hello all, this is an update to Dish and the Spoon's posting before Christmas -original link here:

    Original post

    Children and Baby clothes collection for local families in need

    At Christmas we appealed for donations of good quality baby clothes and equipment to donate to local families in SE15, through children?s centres and family support workers and collected an astounding 20 large boxes! The contributions were hugely appreciated and went to a wide range of families in crisis, and with no recourse to public funds.

    We are now collecting again for a second time.? If you have nearly new (or new) childrens and baby clothes, or other necessities you are willing to donate, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]

  3. Belle, big sympathies to you, as you can tell from my username here (and the hour at which i am writing this) i've been in similar straits, and looking back I'm not sure how i coped! My son is now 8 months and still not a fabulous sleeper (wakes 2x a night, thinks morning is 5am) but like your little one used to be evey 30 mins to an hour, with plentiful screaming thrown in for good measure. He had silent reflux, though was on meds for it, and was generally a v unhappy baby day and night. To cut a long story short it turned out he is intolerant to cows milk protein, so i went dairy free (under hospital guidance) and within weeks he was a different baby, happy, and sleeping longer between breaks. Just a though that maybe this is something you could look at, if you havent already? The way i coped was to go to bed at 8pm, so i got in a reasonable few hours before the wakings started, and to lie in at weekends a lot to tank up when partner was around. I could not nap when baby napped as he would only nap when pushed in pram outside so that was no good.

    I do think that some babies are good sleepers, and some babies just aren't. Try not to think that because other babies are sleeping through at 10 weeks or whatever youre doing something wrong if your little one doesnt, because, even once youve ruled out any medical factors, some babies just need a bit longer to get there. X

    3-4 months of age is classic sleep regression time, and i know it did all sorts of bad things to my pals' previously good sleeping babies...but it did pass!

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