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Posts posted by newguy42

  1. James Barber Wrote:


    > Hi buggie,

    > 520 Lordship Lane would be my choice as a clear

    > primary school admissions black hole there.

    Definitely a black hole (we live in it, very close to the old Harvester site) but agree with Otta - this school is NOT going to help Nunhead. Also strongly feel consultation is needed with the local community wherever this school is placed before yet another Harris primary is inflicted on the area. A lot of people have very strong feelings about Harris and their dominance of the local education options and yet they keep being allowed and, it seems, positively encouraged to open new schools.

  2. Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear. I didn't mean ethos as in the waffle mission statement paragraph all schools produce that don't mean much. I meant how the school is actually run, and how the staff and pupils are actually encouraged and taught in practise.

    I am delighted there's a local school - I just wish for me and my family that it wasn't yet another Harris one.

  3. That's so disappointing!

    We live in one of the local primary black-holes, close enough to the police station to potentially be in the catchment for a school there and have a young child (admittedly too young for primary now, but hopefully she'll grow!) and would love to see a primary school there. But I would hate to send my child to a Harris primary - not because of the recent article (depressing as it is), but because I dislike the way Harris schools are run and their ethos (I work in education).

    Please find more non-Harris options!

  4. If you have time to spare City University Eye Clinic is great http://www.city.ac.uk/health/public-clinics/fight-for-sight-eye-clinic, they've referred me to King's before (as a Glaucoma risk). You don't have to have any connection to City University (I don't).

    If you go in term time you get a student (and then a consultant checking their prescription for you) which is excellent, cheap and very thorough, but the downside is that it takes AGES!

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