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Posts posted by eco79

  1. Have you ever been to this baby clinic before? I left the surgery after repeated bad experiences. It did start at 1.30 a year ago but you want to be getting there 15 mins early to line up and get a number. When you do line up, be prepared for swathes of folk to then push in front of you when the numbers are released. I asked a lady not to push in and she threatened to kill me and my baby when we left the surgery.

    Sorry to be so negative and hope it has changed in the last 6 months?

  2. Wow! I've got half a brain, but responding to this consultation requires detailed reading of an enormously wordy document, in order to answer such fantastically specific questions such as....

    "Do the dispensation guidelines still adequately reflect current operational issues?"

    What? Who cares? Can you just make my baby sleep longer than 4.45am by sorting out your planes?

  3. My 10 month old son was a troublesome napper when he was titchy but from 7 months onward I had nailed naps. I put a lot of hard work in and had a baby who would settle himself for a 45 minute morning nap and a 1 1/2 - 2 hour lunch nap. Off to bed at 6.45pm and woke religiously at 6am.

    He started nursery in the 1st week of December and his naps are all over the shot while at nursery. He's been back with us over the Christmas holidays and even with the upheaval of staying at 3 different family members up north, he still slipped straight back to his nap routine.

    Nursery say that he doesn't want a morning nap. Then they say he fell asleep while playing at 11am [no surprise right...with no morning nap]. They wake him up at 11.30 for lunch and then he struggles to go back asleep at 12.30pm [when all of nursery have their lunch nap] and only has 30 minutes. Which makes sense if he had a nap at 11am.

    I can't bear the thought of my little fella, trudging through until he falls asleep on his face in a pile of toys. I don't know how much I can ask of them in terms of putting him to sleep? They have a little dark room with cots. I've provided a sleeping bag and some of his nap time books but I'm aware that they have other babies to work with.

    To add, my son is very happy at nursery, is always happy to see his key worker and always seems cheery at drop off and collection. I also like all the staff in the baby room. But I'm really keen on good day time sleep. During early December he didn't learn a new thing...and then after 9 days at home he can sit up himself and pull to standing and cruise round the room.

    Am I expecting too much?

  4. For those of you reading these pages posted by Fuschia, 'equivalent GCSEs' are where schools choose to study BTECs and the like. A pass grade at BTEC science, which I can only equate to a colouring in course, previously equated to 4 C grades at GCSE. It is a coursework only course where, for example, an assignment could consist of labelling a diagram of a building with the materials used [plastic, concrete, glass, wood] and would gain a pass.
  5. James,

    in order for for parents to claim that the Champion Hill estate was within close walking distance, they had to claim Greendales as a safe route to school. Which is odd, as I wouldn't walk down Greedales alone in the dark.

    But that's an aside,

    How do you start a school? If you're not a big academy/sponsor/rich person? Can a group of people get backing if they can find funding? Is the issue that Harris are so slick at this they can do it quicker than anyone else?

  6. No, sorry, I'm not saying it is easy to get low attainers to perform. EAL students make greater leaps in achievement as their English improves. They are not low attainers, they are hindered by language skills at the outset. Therefore a Y7 EAL student may be presenting as a lower attainer but are actually bright. Therefore their progress looks more obvious.

    Does that make sense?

    (break time iPhone use is currently hindering my performance ;))

  7. LondonMix,

    All schools look at the Value Added for each student to monitor their progress in that way. And yes, looking at these figures they've done a good job at pupil improvement, but so have a lot of schools the last few years.

    My point about the level playing field is the change of intake. One year you're not an academy and you take in everyone, the next year you are, select, and improve.

    But if you start to pick at these statistics you've provided....

    Charter had 7 pupils in their cohort with English as a second language. Harris had 50 students. Achievement of students who enter at Y7 with lower than average literacy skills will make much larger leaps in their attainment as their English improves between KS2 and KS4.

    You could be here all day. Anyway, I should go to work....

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