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Yellow Sardine

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Posts posted by Yellow Sardine

  1. We also have the new version of the Out n About Nipper Sport and love it. It handles really well, is light, the suspension is great and I can run with it one-handed. We live in Forest Hill where it's pretty hilly and the handbrake is really handy going downhill.

    I wouldn't rate it for travel though. Sure it's light, folds flat and the wheels are all quick release but it is long so has a massive turning circle. I think you would struggle to get around on public transport/narrow streets/crowded places/shops without bumping into things/people. I think you will get this with any jogging stroller with a fixed wheel though so you are probably going to have to compromise somewhere; either by getting a three wheeler with a swivel wheel that can be fixed and is suitable for running or by getting a, dare I say it, third stroller for travel as well.

  2. Getting gaviscon into a breastfed baby is a pain in the a*se. I really really struggled to get it into baby sardine and the small amount that wasn't immediately spat out seemed to make him projectile vomit. I went back to the doctors after a week of gaviscon and asked for ranitidine which is much easier to administer as you only give a tiny amount.
  3. Yes, well done! Formula causes reflux? What a bunch of nonsense! Breastfed babies have reflux too.

    When our local pharmacy hasn't had meds in they've been able to order them in for the next day, I would think most pharmacies do that (understand that you may not want to wait that long). Otherwise, I would've thought hospital pharmacies have most stuff in.

    I don't have any advice on sticking with current meds or moving on. I guess if I were in your shoes I'd up the current meds to the correct dosage until I could get hold of the omeprazole and then give him that.

  4. The feeding thing is so hard; I think the fluid helps ease the pain so they eat more, which causes more pain and so on. It really is a vicious circle. We found that a dummy helped a bit, not all babies will take one though but maybe worth a try. From memory the ranitidine kicked in pretty quickly for us so if you don't see an improvement within a few days it may be worth going back and asking to try a dairy free formula. Even though we saw a massive improvement with the ranitidine and dairy free diet it was a few months before we could put him down to sleep. Until then he slept on my chest.
  5. We found out through trial and error. I was at my wits end and decided to give it a go, not really expecting it to work but it did. From what I recall you are supposed to give it at least three weeks before giving up but we noticed a difference sooner than that. I did cheat a few times and paid for it later. Our son is now nine months old and I have only been back on dairy for seven weeks or so, so it definitely can take longer than six weeks. Our GP admitted she wasn't very clued up on reflux but she did look it up and prescribe medication + refer us to a paediatrician, so see a different doctor I say.
  6. Another reflux baby here. Our boy also had a cow's milk intolerence, which I understand is pretty common amongst reflux babies, and a combination of ranitidine and cutting out cow's milk worked wonders for us. As I was breastfeeding this meant cutting cow's milk out of my diet. If you are formula feeding and suspect a cow's milk intolerence, you can get cow's milk free formula on prescription (it's the proteins in the milk that cause problems not the lactose, so lactose free formula won't cut it). Although it's not that long ago I can't for the life of me remember how long it took to notice a difference but I think it was within a few days and he was a completely different baby. Like Belle, we also used a sling a lot as he absolutely hated being put down.

    Reflux is just horrible, I do hope things get better soon. In the meantime feel free to PM me if you want.

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