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Posts posted by gillandjoe

  1. Londonmix, you absolutely cannot claim the higher ground...

    "Also, I think mean pointless comments like GillandJoe's are common place in the Lounge (where people are constantly spoiling for a fight) and unfortunately increasingly on the main thread but very rare in the Family Room. I hope this isn't the start of the entire EDF becoming some place for angry people to heap abuse on others who are having an otherwise productive exchange of information and support."

    ...after sending me a message calling me a jerk! The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness is actually pretty funny.

  2. Ah yes, you must all stick together on this. Some self-reflection would be far too upsetting!

    In my original post, I was commenting on the type of language some people were using - you know - 'first world problems'. I wasn't criticising anyone needing advice or sharing tips!

    I certainly don't think that it justifies being called a 'jerk' in a private message. Would you have had the 'balls' to call me a jerk to my face, Londonmix? You should take your own advice. However, I would be happy to meet up in person and have it out with you if you'd like.

  3. Londonmix sent me a private message in response to something I posted on a thread. I was told to 'stop being a jerk'. While I laughed at the embarrassing use of the word 'jerk', I was actually shocked to have been subjected to a typical form of cyberbullying! Londonmix, are you not a responsible adult, with children to set an example for? If you want to call peope names, do it in the public forum so others can see what you're really like. I have reported you to the administrator and if I receive anything else personally abusive from you, I will endeavour to have you barred.
  4. Hello all,

    My partner and I are getting married locally soon and need a reliable babysitter to babysit our 3 year old in the evening. I'd like to start using them now so that my son is comfortable with him/her by the time the wedding comes round. Any tips or names would be much appreciated. Thank you! :)


  5. I have found all aspects of my cycle pretty dreadful since having my son. My PMT is like fullblown depression for two weeks before I finally get my period. Not sure about the tiredness but I get ovulation pains now...called 'mitter' something or other.

    Is it normal for periods to get much worse after having babies?

  6. Thank you CJScott - I couldn't remember what I'd done to combat my oversupply until you said it, block feeding! I think blockfeeding is a brilliant idea as well as frequent, frequent feedings to stop your breast from getting too full before feeds. I think sling carrying is another good one for gas. My baby slept on my chest every night for the first three months to combat his windy tummy.

    Also, if you do it now, your baby will probably forget about the bottle if you want him/her to after a couple of days of not allowing it. I think so anyway! Good luck!

  7. My thoughts exactly, East2! It's weird how you can be so happy and in love with your child/ren and content with your choices and completely, lunatically desperate for company at the same time! Parenthood never ceases to amaze me with its multiplying complexities! Maybe what I miss from old friends is how simple life used to be eventhough I didn't know it was simple at the time.
  8. I totally relate to this renF! I have been feeling so abandoned by my old friends lately. I think that they assume that because you have a partner and a baby, you have it all and don't need girlfriend time anymore. Actually, I need time with them more than ever!! I do find that friends without children seem quite selfish and silly to me now but its just that kind of light interaction that I crave!

    I get really upset when I hear that they have had time off work and haven't told me so we could arrange a get together - they literally have no idea how lonely the week can be for me as a SAHM. Making new friends is great but its tiring and I really miss feeling a part of a group of people who really know me.

    I keep thinking, 'one day, you will know what's its like when you start having kids!'

  9. When i was looking I found all the changing bags to be pretty unstylish and too dinky in their compartmentation. I found that a large 'tote' style bag worked best with smaller bags inside for my separate bits - so that i could wash the separate little bags when they got gross and could also grab the small nappy bag, for instance, when going to change baby instead of taking the whole massive thing. Also, when the big bag gets knackered its cheap and easy for me to replace with a new tote bag.
  10. yikes purplehaze! A snooze shade is hardly a signal that a child is being abused. Some people are just busybodies. I know when I hear a baby crying my instinct has always been 'pick that baby up' but I would never say anything out loud and experience as a mother has taught me that a snapshot of someone else's parenting is not the whole picture and not cause for verbal judgement!

    A woman once pulled up in her car next to me and my son especially to tell me that I needed to wipe his nose. Call the NSPCC!

  11. How hard is it to set up a playgroup in a church hall for instance? My toddler isnt so good with confined spaces!! I'd quite like to organise a late afternoon playgroup just one day a week... Hmmm! I will ask around I suppose.

    Sometimes I realize that I actually feel more stressed in a cafe because I'm worried about what the other people think about babies!

    I shall have a look around and maybe start a new thread if I find somewhere suitable...

    I will give that bread of life cafe a go in the meantime!


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