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Posts posted by snoozequeen1

  1. Here is a lovely current job add offering ?1000 a day:

    Turnaround Finance Consultant

    Location Hampstead, London

    Salary ?600.00 - ?1,000.00 per day

    Sector Accountancy (Qualified) - Public Sector Finance

    Applications 1

    Job ref no 18154585

    The role will involve looking at what proposals needed to be put in place and work with the managers as financial advisors to get a 30% saving year on year.

    The Turnaround consultant will be expected to make suggestions about the performance of departments, benchmark them against other providers, and also look at strategies such as whether if a service was shut either clinical or non clinical (managerial) how this would create savings and how affect the hospital in the long term.

    So they are going to pay ?1000 per day to draft in an accountant, who's job is to explain to them how not to waste money.

    How can an accountant drafted in to a hospital understand the quality of care provided or what that service does for patients? Sometimes the outcomes will play out over many years and I don't believe that eg. number of patients seen per hour or any other such simple measure will tell you anything about the value of a service.

    Task number one for the luxury accountant: recommend dismissal of hospital manager who approved this. Task number two: sack yourself, and replace yourself with someone who is value for money, say on ?40,000 a year instead of ?250,000.

    They don't seem to have any criteria at all other than making 30% cuts. Looks like butchery coming at what I guess must be the Royal Free? - location Hampstead.

  2. Ergh. What a way to go. Paralysed then drowned. How can you murder a furry animal like this? (and aren't they going to float if attached to impermeable sticky paper?) I think I may have to hand them the keys and walk away.

    Does anyone else have demented mice addicted to poison? Thought mice are supposed to be intermittent eaters but this lot are hoovering up poison 3 times a day and even scratching up the kitchen tiles. Unless success in getting rid of previous mice has just made room for rats.

  3. Just got back and they have finished off the super huge pile of poison I left next to fridge this am. Obviously they are loving it.

    I for one still voting for Mouse Extermination project. Am a bit vague on what is place of mouse in food chain but surely it is not Gaia plan for them to live in our houses and keep Cadbury's in business? If they were keeping any pests down they wouldn't need to stuff themselves with chocolate raisins and poison pellets all day long.

  4. Ugh. I wish I could do that, with the sticky boards. But what do you do with stuck mouse? This is why I would need the tiny machine gun.

    Doesn't seem to be need at the mo. to put poison in chocolate (and in any case I would forget and eat it myself).

    The tip on scattering the poison granules, so it looks like dropped crumbs, is a top tip. Problem is they have been eating it for days now and seem to be thriving on it. Am sure they are getting bigger. Unless I have small rats.

    Next door's cat is excellent mouser but she can't keep up, poor thing. She's done for two lots but this is fourth or fifth infestation. Also once you've put poison down, you don't know if cat is then going to consume poisoned mouse and croak too.

    I get a week off, then they're back.

    Feel we need London-wide effort, would be v good for renewing community spirit, as per The Blitz, and we could then have anti-mouse stations with home-guard cats stationed around the M25.

  5. Our biology teacher used to tell us of his admiration for the Chinese who he claimed had eradicated the house fly by mobilising the entire nation to swat, en masse.

    I am just wondering if it would be possible to organise a London mouse eradication day. Round here they are getting bigger, they are getting smarter (they don't take poison from the little trays) and there are more of them. Have read all the good advice on here, like stuff all the air vents with wire wool etc. But all you need to do now is leave a door or window open and they're back. One has just nipped through the French doors and ran over my foot.

    I'm thinking bussing in of cats, tiny little machine guns, etc? Surely someone can organise this, via the BBC or something?

  6. RosieH Wrote:


    > Do you think it's possible to manufacture a colour

    > that doesn't exist in nature?


    I haven't a clue but this Synthetic chemical turns out to mimic molecule in body, causing unwanted death (the latter bit being my laywoman's interpretation) seems to tell us that we should adopt a little more caution before having fun with man-made chemicals and gaily adding them to everyday substances. Whether as colour or scent.

    Should you choose to click and read the article - Chemical Xenobiotics and Mitochondrial Autoantigens in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Identification of Antibodies against a Common Environmental, Cosmetic, and Food Additive, 2-Octynoic Acid 1 - you will see that some fairly sensible researchers believe this 2-Octynoic Acid, invented to give a lovely lemony=limey scent and added with merry disregard for human life to all kinds of stuff that we slap onto or into our bodies, turns out to mimic a molecule that already existed in nature - in the cells on the lining of our bile ducts (bile - lemony/limey colour). Unfortunately this has a tendency to confuse the immune system which sadly in the course of getting rid of the synthetic chemical, destroys the bile ducts as well, causing a truly life ruining illness followed by death - faster or slower. I couldn't give you a definite vote for the slow death over the fast one. Either way, it cannot be described as a bundle of fun.

    Don't know about Dulux v Gaia specifically, but in chemical manufacturers v human race, I have known a number of losers.

  7. Keef Wrote:


    > Well that must make them the same then.

    Not the same at all:

    Barbara Castle

    Gwyneth Dunwoody

    Kate Hoey - for her recent record voting against the anti-civil liberties laws

    what's-her-face Hackney MP, when she has a good day

    The woman who is now leader of Green Party if only I could remember her name too

    and the one from the Liberal Democrats who's always on Question Time. Sarah Teather. Actually I have no evidence for that but I'm willing to take a punt.

    and - topic - I am sure they have all used buses at some point.

  8. Keef Wrote:


    > and not the

    > thread to start a general heard it all before

    > critique of the rights and wrongs of the war!

    If you read it you will see that is not what was posted at all. The comment is about their just-now refusal to comply with an instruction from the lawfully appointed body that has told them to release the record of the meeting in which they committed to taking the United Kingdom to war.

    Your line, of "Say what you like about TJ, at least she wants to make the buses run on time", is terribly appropriate of course, since I believe the original, "Say what you like about Hitler, he made the trains run on time" was one of the immortal sayings of a predecessor of TJ's chum, Sivio Berlusconi - namely one Benito Mussolini.

  9. Oh I say..Is there an email address for uk.reassurance? You know, re anti-social behaviour everywhere.

    I guess not, because "uk.reassurance", that would be the job for the UK government, "TJMP" included.

    And we have got this lot. The same government that has just refused the Information Tribunal's order to release the cabinet minutes covering their decision to take us into war on the basis of a great big whopping lie.

    The same government that wouldn't award the police their full pay award, while exploiting every loophole to fill their own pockets with immoral expense claims. And don't mention Italy, whatever you do. It's just not nice to remind anyone about all the dead and dying people.

    How does anyone expect the young to behave, given the example of this woman and her chums?

  10. No, we're not talking about a witch hunt. We're talking about a police investigation.

    Here is the Italian police officer leading the investigation, talking about what happened when they sought information from Tessa Jowell's husband:

    With reference specifically to Tessa Jowell's behaviour, Hugenot, viewed apart from that of her husband, you seem to be missing the point. I understand you are not a resident in the UK, but choose to live abroad. So perhaps you are not familiar with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any and every citizen of this country who receives a large sum of money, has to account for where it comes from. This is to try to prevent money laundering by vicious drug traffickers.

    Any person who had a mortgage in their name paid off with a cash sum of hundreds of thousands of pounds, is required by law to know and to state where that money came from. Claiming that it came from a husband, mate, son etc, etc, and that you did not therefore trouble to find out where they got it from, has not been accepted as a defence in other cases. Likewise anyone who tries to pay even more than a few thousand pounds into a bank account, is required to tell the bank where it came from, and the bank has to keep a record of the explanation given.

    Any other citizen who acted as Mrs Jowell has done, would be very likely to be investigated for money laundering.

    By the way, censorship may be the order of the day in the country of your choice, but it is not popular in the UK.

  11. Joint mortgage. Tessa Jowell signed the papers to allow it to be paid off with the money which has now been proved to have been taken as a bribe.

    A bribe paid to prevent criminals being brought to justice.

    Very brave people are trying to turn Italy into a decent society, that isn't ruled by crime. People in Italy have died to bring such criminals to justice.

    And the best our Member of Parliament can do is have one of her mortgages paid off with the criminals' money?

  12. The money was used to pay off a joint mortgage - ie in her name. She had to sign a document to have the mortgage paid off.

    This is not some downtrodden or uneducated woman.

    She is a government minister. She is highly ambitious. She represents this country. If you live in East Dulwich, she represents you.

    She is supposed to be capable of taking responsibility. If your husband came home with an unexpected near half a million quid, would you not ask questions?

    We are supposed to believe that she didn't know the kind of people her husband was working for, or the vicious dishonest criminal behaviour they are widely known to be responsible for?

  13. Our MPs husband has been convicted of taking huge sums in bribes from some of the world's worst criminals. He has been sentenced to 4.5 years in jail.

    If there is anyone out there who hasn't informed themselves about the scandal of the sale of infected blood products and the suffering of people who contracted hepatitis etc because of the vicious criminals who put this stuff on sale, and the consiglieri who advised them, please, make the effort. Where is our shame that this woman is still swanning around allowed to represent us to the world?

    Jowell husband convicted of corruption

    BBC Panorama - The Scandal of Infected Blood

    The scandal of infected plasma In Italian

  14. And I have been wondering why it is not possible for a female (even of advanced years and dilapidation) to venture onto Lordship Lane without being creeped at non-stop.

    I have been trying to find a tastefully designed badge that says 'I HAVE COME INTO HERE TO WORK YOU ********, WHAT'S MORE I HAVE A DEADLINE, AND ALL I WANT IS THE COFFEE I HAVE PAID YOU FOR, ******** OFF".

    But now I don't know, really, since apparently an alarmingly large number of the women to be found on Lordship Lane, are in fact, very foolish whores. I would go back to the University Library, but that the males are even peskier in there.

    What about the convent on Forest Hill Road, is it still open? Do they have a quiet room to let, does anyone know.

    Also, Ted Max, I am adding this because I can't be bothered to post on here more than once, the people here are mad indeed, but of them all, I am counting you the maddest. ha!

  15. FelicityNormal Wrote:


    > In a way this is connected to the con woman

    > thread. A lot of you have encountered the female

    > scam artist. How many of you ladies have

    > encountered the Local Lothario? He runs a local

    > business on Lordship Lane.

    You're not referring to the sleazes who access the laptops of ladies using their "free wifi" are you? But there are more than one of them on Lordship Lane. I did not realise that if you are using the cafe/bar's wifi you can then be on their local network and they can then access your laptop. Silly really.

  16. summerjt Wrote:


    My experience is

    > that people who beg/scam/persuade people to part

    > with money spend it on a)drugs b)alcohol.

    Indeed, that's absolutely my experience of "analysts" and "traders" at Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and the like. Very like that. And we should add prostitutes of course. They do like to spend on prostitutes.

    Just if I might ask, please, because I really don't get it, but why so much indignation about a woman who, after all, does work for the money, providing a little performance - the quality of which is often commented on - and relieves most people of ?1, tops?

    Whereas there is not a word about the pirates who have robbed us all blind by telling determined whoperoos over a decade, stashed their plunder in tax havens and are still causing as much instability as they can so they can keep on feeding their endless psychotic greed?

    The bankers were given - what was it? ?48,000,000,000 is that right - forty eight billion pounds - of our money, to save them from the consequences of their own greed and lying, so they trousered it, are sharing it out now between themselves as bonuses while they merrily pull the plug on healthy businesses overnight. And they are demanding more to stop the economy disappearing even further down the drain.

    If the begging woman is mad, then what are we?

    ? Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule. ?

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