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Lee Scoresby

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Posts posted by Lee Scoresby

  1. I was told this afternoon that dogs are again being poisoned in Peckham Rye & Park - including a young healthy Weimaraner. Does anyone have information? This same twisted campaign appeared several years ago. Southwark Council's response was point blank refusal to investigate, or even commission testing of samples. No warning notices were ever displayed.

    Also. There has been giardiasis in dogs using the Park, presumably from the stagnant seasonal ponds. Giardia is a nastly little gut parasite, not dealt with by standard dosing. It can be dangerous to old or vulnerable dogs - and people can catch it. Again, does anyone have anything to share? Southwark could addressed this problem - at the least, posted warnings.

    Lee Scoresby


    • Sad 1
  2. A friend of mine takes excellent b&w photos on a pre-digital camera.

    Now she's keen to learn how to print and manipulate her own images.

    That is, to learn some of those old-skool wet-chemical red-light darkroom skills:

    ... developing, fixing, enlarging, the different papers, spotting and dodging, printing.

    We need a personal recommendation ... A Southwark Education course? A college? Photo club? Other?

    Thanks, Lee Scoresby.

  3. Looking for the best seamstress in ED or around.

    Or seamster. Tho I think this will be a woman. Open mind.

    The garments will be old and everyday. We're not talking couture. We're talking keeping old, worn, loved garments going. Making do, mending, appreciating.

    There was a brilliant Cypriot lady at Alpine Cleaners in Grove Vale but she moved.

    The mender at the drycleaners by the PO is OK, but I'm looking for frankly amazing.

    This person need not work at a dry cleaners, nor indeed, outside her or his home.

    Happy to pay for artistry. Don't want to be either ripped off or an exploiter. Simple as.

    Send me a PM or maybe just post.


    Lee Scoresby.




    • Like 2
  4. (The moderator says this is the place, so here goes ...)

    Recommendation please: an ED beauty salon for facials, particularly microdermabrasion and the electric applications: toning (faradic), micro-current, etc.

    Maybe too, deep clean & rejuvenating rollering, and lymphatic suction.

    Cost isn't a maker/breaker. Looking for people who actually know their business - obvs. (No keener than anyone else to be stung or have my mug trashed.)

    Also ... as a beat-up old ruffian of the male persuasion, I do not suppose I'm in the 'mums of Dulwich mums' core clientele.

    Y'know, old men have their small vanities --- So the provider and other clients need to be comfortable with that.

    Grateful for advice. PM or just post it.

    Lee Scoresby

  5. For many years I have donated to the Oxfam shop and bookshop, over in Half Moon Lane - for which Oxfam gets gift aid. I first took items there because staff always thanked me, simple as that - whereas elsewhere one might encounter incivility or even a blank refusal to accept what one had lugged in. I continued to donate throughout Oxfam's recent self-generated scandals.

    I took items over this afternoon. The lady was polite as ever . . . and yet, I feel I'm approaching a tipping point, not just with Oxfam but with similar major charities. They have 'boutiqued' themselves out of my affections. I am fed up with feeling that THEY are doing ME a favour by accepting what I bring in.

    I understand that people (not least in London) are ever more picky about 'pre-loved' items. I recognise the reported phenomenon of middle-class donors whose super-abundant sense of self-worth extends to the filthy tat and broken rubbish that they simply cannot bear to bin, insisting that 'someone' will want it. And yet --

    This has been going on for years. I suggest that lousy, delusional management is to blame. Think of the advantages a charity outlet enjoys: Most of their staff are unpaid. Most of their stock is free. They often rent their premises on very advantageous terms. And they can allude to an ethical narrative beyond simple retail transaction. And yet . . . it seems their bosses yearn to manage 'real' retail. All of the self-importance, almost none of the real challenges.

    In a rational, human-based society - rather than the muppetocracy we endure - local government would run recycling depots in every neighbourhood, where one could look, not just for the items typically found in present-day charity shops, but surplus paint and building materials, refurbished electrical and electronic goods (shunned by charity shops, as we know), and offers of barter or simple assistance. Social good would be the point, not pathetic managerial ego.

    Lee Scoresby

  6. Advised by a friendly fellow-EDF'er to post outside the Classified section, as more people shlep over here to The Lounge.

    So . . . Recently used a website to find a local-ish voice coach (Crystal Palace) - who blew me off the instant she heard what I wanted. Which didn't stop the website helping itself to a 'fee' from my account ... and again the next month - before I realised what was happening and blocked them. I won't name the site but I see extremely negative and accurate reviews online.

    I'm looking for face-to-face (not remote) sessions to maximise the clarity of my diction (absolutely not to 'sound posh'), also my vocal projection. Further - tho it's a secondary consideration - to lose the vestigal accent of my long ago non-UK youth (because it's just not 'me' anymore).

    Hoping there's someone who can help me.

    Surprised it's not easier in a great big city like London.

    Send me a PM.

    Lee Scoresby

  7. Why have you blocked my post to the thread regarding the renewed imposition of the so-called 'Gala' on Peckham Rye Park this summer? Lee Scoresby
  8. I noticed this thread in passing and feel impelled to correct the astonishing naivete and 'historical amnesia' expressed here. Please refer to EDF threads from earlier years to be educated.

    Every summer for years now, this crew of North-London public-school tossers has been allowed to inflict their rave misery on the Park and a wide area around, with the connivence of nameless-faceless Southwark officials and spineless, invisible local councillors. I invite you to try to identify who 'We Are the Gala' actually is ... good luck with that. I invite you to try to discover the terms of the relevant contract: you will find it concealed behind so-called 'commercial confidentiality' (LOL). I invite you ask for a meaningful response from your ward councillors ... again, good luck with that (LOL again).

    To the extended hours of extraordinarily loud and unpleasant bass noise, vibration and echo, add: the felling beforehand of healthy, beautiful trees to allow these idiots access ... then weeks of: strutting security thugs ... large areas denied to local people ... and disruption from heavy equipment ... followed by: widespread faecal deposits, needles and rubbish in the bushes ... and extensive ground damage which is never, ever properly remediated aftewards. (Priceless excuse from a previous year: "Oh, well no, we didn't use the roller - it was somewhere else that day." MEGA-MEGA LOL)

    My family always evacuates our home for that weekend - which I very deeply resent having to do. I feel sorry for the old people, the housebound and others unable to get away. It is an absolute betrayal by 'our' council. Promises are made every year - they're just empty PR to allow them to get away with this abuse one more time.

    This is a very powerful example of an unaccountable authority and the absence of any meaningful local democracy. I'm sure Southwark does receive a flood of complaints every year. The thing is: they don't give a tinker's cuss - it's factored in. You can see how much they care ... they just keep doing it. Until residents organise and force this to stop - using the law courts, for example - it will continue.

    To those newcomers and others who think I'm exaggerating, I say simply: you'll see.

    And yes, the community event down on the Rye on the last day is fine. Because it's meant to be - it's cover for what has gone beforehand.

    Lee Scoresby

  9. Very happy to add my own experience to those described above.

    Niko was recommended by a sparky whom I trust. Recently, when other local plumbers weren't even responding to texts, he got back to me, took an interest and gave me some good initial advice. We had a couple of dodgy taps - one of those 'small' jobs that's very annoying and needs sorting. Which Niko did. Not to mention he's good for a chat and a laugh - and god knows we need a bit of that in these times. Efarist?, Niko.

    Lee Scoresby

  10. I was en route to a medical appointment.

    This has been haunting me ever since, believe me.

    But ... even if I had confronted her, such are the freaked-up times in which we live, I might just have gotten MYSELF into a lot of bother. Plus, I had no way of identifying where she lives, not wanting to follow her there ---

    P68, of the 3 organisations I mentioned, the jolly old RSPCA is the one I have zero respect for. Too many horror stories out there. I tried to get them to deal with an abused dog several years ago. Prolonged neglect at the back of a house whose address I gave them: that is, a sitting duck for investigation and action. Not a whisper back from them to this day! What they ARE very good at is PR - and that's about it for the useless old RSPCA.

    I'm not saying an EDF reader does or does not know this person. I am certainly suggesting that we all live in not many degrees of separation from very many others. To be plain: someone reading this might know someone who lives in that area, or someone who knows someone - and so it goes like that, like a web or a ripple. A few texts or calls out to people we know CAN jog a neighbour of this obviously unwell woman and get this poor animal to safety. That I absolutely believe.

    Lee Scoresby

  11. Seen just before 2pm: A woman got off a 343 at the bus stop after Solomon's Passage on the corner of Peckham Rye (Nunhead side) and East Dulwich Rd with traffic lights. She had a young dog, probably a Lab or similar. The dog could hardly walk and was in a terrible state; either its rear left leg was broken or its rear left hip was displaced. She had a chain wrapped tightly round its muzzle and repeatedly leaned over it, screaming abuse and threatening. It seemed like a very nice dog but the poor creature was in UTTER UTTER MISERY.

    The woman was in her late 30s or 40s with thick reddish-brown hair. It is possible she is mentally ill or has a personality disorder.

    Someone in that neighbourhood KNOWS EXACTLY who this post is about. I urge that person, or those people, to step up to their moral responsibility and call either the police, Southwark ASB or the RSPCA NOW! None of these organisations is brilliant, to say the least, but you must try and keep trying!

    As you read these words, this conscious, sensitive creature is suffering hideously. If no-one says or does anything it is totally predictable that it will die a prolonged and horrible death.

    Somebody knows ---

    Lee Scoresby.

  12. Latest news that the faceless-nameless ones at Southwark Parks Management would really rather you didn't know about:

    Having utterly failed to reinstate what was once a lively community of older local bowlers at the green in the park, 'senior managers' now intend to privatise that entire section, handing it over to some chancer to knock up a mini-golf course. Price for a round? Somewhere round eight to 12 pounds.

    No-one is asking us, the local people and park users, what we think, of course not. Many will see hiving off to private interests as a betrayal in principle, and this particular money-spinning lark as crass and inappropriate. If Southwark really cannot get their act together to re-establish bowling the green should be returned to parkland. Southwark's secret intentions, of course, are exactly the opposite: they have the established goal of handing over major chunks of our park to the Harris Academy corporation. The bowling green is the thin end of a very wide wedge.

    Overall, I suggest, Southwark's stewardshp of the Park and Rye remains as dismal as ever. Items: They continue to allow football teams to trash the fields. They refuse to end their ludicrous 'jihad on dogs' and take even modest steps to make these core park-users welcome: why, for example, is there no drinking trough for dogs at the new building at Homestall Rd? Completely outrageous. The chainsaws have been out, day after day; while some tree removals were clearly necessary, it seems that when they want a tree gone - to facility music events for example, or the parking of contractor vehicles - there is no tree in the park so healthy that 'dieback' could not be discovered in it, hohoho-hollow-ho. And without a huge bung from the National Lottery these bozos have not the slightest interest in, you know, actually PLANTING new trees. Rather, careful observers may have detected that a concerted, undeclared effort is underway to attenuate all areas of tree and other vegetation, evidently to allow continuous sightlines through the park from all angles, so as to faciliate policing (in the general sense). This vandalism completely undoes the thought and effort of many past generations to carefully enfold so very many private, beautiful spaces like an intricate puzzle within what is really not a large area. Again, did anyone ask us about this?

    And here's the doozy for locals and park lovers ... having concealed with grass-seeding their failure to repair the considerable, serious ground damage caused by last May's appalling (and 'commercially confidential' hoho) 'music event', Southwark is going to do it all over again at the end of this month. Watch and see the mayhem and squalor, the strutting security thugs, the noise-assault, the vegetated areas thick with fecal matter, the damage to the natural fabric of the park ...

    Lovely Park and Rye, brilliant space, DESPITE Southwark.

    Needs protection from its supposed municipal 'stewards'.

    Could be so so so much better ---

    Lee Scoresby.

  13. This is the season for fungi in parks and gardens.

    The species shown in the attached image have been appearing in planted beds in the open, drier spaces under larger shrubs. I am not a mycologist at all, so I would be interested if someone were able to identify it and say something about it: is it poisonous? If not, can one cook with them?

    Lee Scoresby

  14. I am looking for perhaps 3 or 4 native Spanish speakers - preferably from Spain - to take part in a very quick and easy experiment by EDF private message or email. I am trying to work out about a word-joke how evident or how concealed it is within a fictional name from a novel. As a native English speaker I cannot decide this by myself.

    Please send me an EDF private message to begin. The experiment will then involve may 2 more private messages (or emails if you prefer) each between us, back and forth. It should take perhaps, 2 or 3 minutes of your time. I will fully explain what I am doing, at the end.

    This is NOT a job or a big commitment or a trick or a joke. Just an honest request by a researcher.


    Lee Scoresby.

  15. Just to point out to EDF'ers that the local Labour machine moved very rapidly - within just several hours - to blunt and appropriate even this modest critical discussion of their operation. Labour trusties evidently posted under several identities, employing textbook elements of rhetorical diversion and bad faith:

    There is insinuation (who suggested that councillors respond to uncivil messages?) and sleight of hand, so that "not getting the response you want" is somehow the same as no response at all. ("Anyway - nudge-nudge - it's just those dog owners making trouble again.")

    Then you the public are held to blame for failing to rush around sufficiently to make the system work. (?Not trying hard enough, plebs!?)

    Most of all, there is disingenuous upsidedown insistence that this or that party manifesto of the moment expresses - exclusively and exactly - the sacred democratic will. That rejecting this nonsense is "moaning and groaning". (From where else do we hear this sort of toxic language now?) For our representatives actually to respond to our daily problems, opinions, objections and ideas would result in their being "torn apart" according to 'cella'. Well! Poor little petals, eh? That must be avoided - at all costs!

    Which all leads to Penguin68's truly grotesque remarks about the "great danger" of a "disruptive party" overturning the status quo. Sweet Jesus. I would call that overdue democratic renewal. A democratic system is for the people, not the people for the system. Our toolbox, not our master. In contrast, James Barber sets out (26 July, 10:26AM) in simple, chilling detail just how the present party system and those within it operate, entirely insulated from those they supposedly serve.

    Part 2 of the Labour operation comes into play with the appearance of Cllr McCash?s posts. Good luck to him, seriously. If he is as genuine and hardworking as he wishes to appear, he will garner the sort of reputation James Barber has. If not, he will be found out.

    (And as to reputations, Penguin68, "proud rebel? Hamvas is best known right now as the me-too to anti-dog wingnut Barrie Hargrove.)

    Colville9, your swipe at James Barber is delusional. Politics is not a church choir. It is the endless negotiation of difference and of public planning. Why should he not refer to this or that party, or - not least at local level - to this or that individual? He was a highly regarded councillor, not some painted plaster saint. Quite, quite bizarre!

    (Perhaps without his intending it) Barber's remark, that Labour are happy to shoot down good ideas from the Lib Dems, reminds us that not just party monopolies but tired long-term duopolies ? such as Southwark has been for many decades ? is equally against the public interest. Because I do not doubt that the Lib Dems were happy to scotch Labour suggestions when they were in power.

    I have no sympathy for the idea that councillors are 'too busy' to reply to messages. If she or he has no time to pee, she or he must vacate the pot for someone who does! Otherwise she or he is simply a party placeholder, political filler, a blocker, preventing the proper representation of that ward. Busy efficient councillors may take a little time to reply to messages but they do reply ? and more, they take appropriate action. No, what we are discussing here is indifference, silence, the permanent refusal to engage. To confuse these two is - yet again - disingenuous, another sleight of hand.

    And of course - sigh - at a certain point, 'cella' offers us a patronising declaration about how lucky we all are and what a precious jewel is democracy. Well, y'know, democratic is as democratic actually does. Which is where this thread came in.

    Lee Scoresby

  16. I'm interested to hear from other EDF'ers about their experiences of this problem.

    Talking to friends recently, the issue came up of emailing local councillors, either on some issue or for help and advice - and just never ever getting any sort of response. I became intrigued, and the more I asked around, the more I heard the same tale.

    There's something really wrong with the whole local government system, no? Not least in London. Voters cannot be exempt from criticism because they - we - mostly just don't bother to vote. Which allows these political-party place-people to be slithered into these positions more or less permanently. Very soon it seems, they imagine they are councillors by some divine right.

    Believe me, I will be happy to hear that this impression is mistaken. Please share good experiences of having had help from a local councillor. Certainly there are hardworking and responsive council members - Gavin Edwards has been mentioned to me several times. The support and intervention of a great councillor can be absolutely life-changing sometimes.

    In my naivete, I imagine a system of independent local-level councillors who feel themselves to be what they actually are, legally and democratically: representatives of the voters. And are rigorously held to that mandate and that task. Not, as now, complacent little mini-MPs, cravenly taking 'the line' from party managers and the faceless-nameless senior officers who run Southwark pretty much as they please.

    Name me a single local councillor who has DARED speak up for the rights of dog owners, and against the offensive foolishness of Southwark's endless jihad against dogs? Point made.

    We know councillors CAN be very busy. We know it is - or SHOULD be - a hard job. But is that REALLY what's happening here? Failing ever to respond to a query from a constituent is just a fundamental lapse in duty. And yes, your names do keep coming up, Councillors Mills and Hamvas.

    Lee Scoresby

  17. Lower ... lower ... lower ...

    Is there no pit-bottom to Southwark's scumbaggery? How far down can they go?

    Breaking news: All - ALL - working staff in Peckham Rye and Park have been laid off. Not the managers - COURSE NOT! lol.

    Not the so-called wardens, those lycra stormtroopers, rushing in to hassle dog owners before rushing off again. They are on seriously-seriously high money.

    No, it's the actual workers, the friendly helpful guys you see around. And they only found out themselves because an email was sent to them by mistake!

    I see the events of the weekend are still very much under discussion on this forum. Everyone I meet says the Sunday event was "horrible" and "frightening". Anything to say now, wallyloudmouth and all the other trolls who said I was being - what was it? - 'narrowminded' and 'emotional' in my apprehension. The grass will take months to recover. The amplified bomp-bomp-bomp disturbed residents miles away. The bushes of our park remain full of human excrement. And they're taking their sweet time to get pack up and shove off, have you noticed?

    Don't wait for our spineless local councillors to say anything. The silence remains total. If people in this area want to prevent this becoming a regular nightmare they're going to have to get off their chuffs and TAKE BACK CONTROL of this rogue local authority.

    Lee Scoresby

  18. Some months ago residents near Peckham Rye Park were sent forms from Southwark Council, informing them of an upcoming commercial event in the park. The map showed a fenced off area stretching from down-slope of the path to the boys' school, down the hill to the treeline, and less than halfway across to the longitudinal treeline further within the park, beyond the circular path.

    This document was a fabrication. A calculated deception. As of today, 'security' (hoho!) thugs are aggressively patrolling the ENTIRE WESTERN area of the park, threatening and hassling people trying to use our public space. A vast area has been summarily privatised, running from the top corner, as far inwards as the upper path, to the circular path down the hill, to the treeline near the oval. Who knows if it will end there . . ?

    This little amplified jolly could very easily have been accomodated towards the bottom end of the Rye paddock itself. But THAT might have bothered that category of park user so grotesquely favoured by this council: football players. So, no, instead it has been jammed up into the Park. However inappropriately, whatever park users think. As ever, Southwark does EXACTLY what it wants to do.

    Every time I think this disgusting local authority can go no lower, it does so. It is totally complicit in this land grab. Senior council officers are totally out of control, totally beyond the reach of democratic accountability. And our spineless elected representatives are too terrified to say a word. At least one local councillor constantly claims to be "listening" on the EDF, but watch now: the silence will be total.

    Welcome to the future citizens. Whoever control has been taken 'back' from, it hasn't COME to you. Rather, it was certainly taken FROM you.

    Lee Scoresby

  19. To whom should I report this?

    Met policing has largely disappeared from whole areas of daily life.

    Southwark parks management don't give a toss about dogs and dog owners - quite the reverse.

    Naturally the lycra-stormtroopers, so keen to dish out fines to dog owners, are nowhere to be seen.

    I'm trying to use community awareness and solidarity. As I said, the dog community in PRP is incredibly strong and close.

    I do resent and reject any idea that this response was homophobic. How utterly-utterly irrelevant. If one of them had red hair, say, I would have said so. That would hardly imply a deep loathing of the red-headed. Gay people can be just as vile and out of order as anyone else - that's what total acceptance looks like, ollieloudon.


  20. My wife has just been very seriously abused by a pair of men walking their dog.

    She was walking our own dogs in Peckham Rye Park.

    Another dog - not ours - got into a slight barking tiff with their dog. They then proceeded to yell at my wife and her friend, using misogynistic obscentities - "fat b**ch", etc etc. Also to shriek at one of our dogs to the point of animal cruelty. My wife, her friend and her dogs have returned home traumatised.

    In short, it was a form of assault in broad daylight.

    The couple is evidently gay. One is English, with extreme 'anger issues' (no excuse), the other maybe Thai. Their dog is a white German Shepherd.

    So, message to other dog walkers and owners: BEWARE THESE TWO. NASTY NASTY NASTY pair.

    They really do need to get seriously pulled up on this. Not to get away with it, as if it was normal or acceptable. (Despite the endless BS and total neglect of Southwark parks management) the Rye and Park has an almost entirely lovely, friendly community of dog people. Please spread the word - these two need stopping, soon - - -

    Lee Scoresby

  21. Oh dear, oh dear, Abe, I'm afraid your nasty agenda really leaks out like toxic waste. Where to start:

    I did not make what would be a ridiculous claim that the park is only for dog owners.

    Why try to set parents and dog owners against each other? Some people are both. It's bogus and highly insulting to imply, as you surely are, Abe, that the presence of dogs is somehow inimical to children being in the park. Making the stream more accessible would be good for supervised kids too - why not? (There are dozens of other nice, no- or low-cost improvements which could be made if, as I've posted before, it wasn't all in the hands of arrogant people who couldn't find Peckham Rye with a satnav.)

    One trough is "more than adequate" - according to whom? You? Do you walk a dog Abe? I suspect not. 'More than' - you mean it's too much, Abe? They're spoiling us rotten, are they? Maybe it shouldn't be there at all?

    Oh dear, Abe.

    Sunbob, several issues there: Why could the kid's club not be in the conveniently central location it has been up until now, instead of up in one corner? Why for Southwark Parks Management is it all just about football? (I've posted on that - the answer is partly money, partly lifestyle cleansing.) Oh yes, footballers. Over years I've pointed out the carpets of trash these people leave, week in, week out, and Southwark's failure to deal with it.

    But the real answer to a lot of this is Harris. That's why the building is where it is. Note to anyone reading this: keep an eye on so-called 'Grasslands East', the field in front of the new changing rooms. My suspicion - it's only that, and I'll be delighted if I'm wrong - is that in some redacted clause of some 'commercially confidential' agreement (hoho) Southwark has agreed to give Harris priority (maybe sometimes exclusive) use of that area.

    Think this is unlikely? Why the late-night electrical works going on? What's to hide? What's the rush? The workmen have been told to say it's a powerpoint for 'eco' ice-cream vans . . . Yeah, right, lol. What I think is, it's a power point all right - for flood-lights, a sound system and all the paraphernalia of a sports event. And being installed at Harris's behest. Watch out for any sort of linear structure that could be used to fence off that area.

    First mate, I don't think 'park wardens' exist. Over the years I've watched these bozos 'manage' this park, the arrangement even for so simple, repetitive a task as locking the gates has changed wildly, week by week. So: There are the nameless-faceless senior officers back at Southwark HQ. There are little chaps tapping away on their computers all day inside the park office. And there are the lycra stormtroopers, community whatevers, whizzing about, hassling dog owners rather a lot. No wardens that I can see. Proper park wardens? That'd be great.


  22. One of the pleasures of walking dogs in Peckham Rye park is the chance to let them have a drink and a splash in stream. In fact, it's often a necessity, given Southwark's long-long failure to set up the half-dozen or so pipe stands and drinking troughs that should be located round the park and rye.

    Lower down it gets very muddy so the best 3 sites are upstream: by the two bridges, and, most loved of all, at the location shown in the attached photo, near the kid's playground.

    And now look at it: half-filled with building slurry and clay which covers the clean sandy bottom; bricks and other builders' rubbish strewn about; and an outlet pouring dirty water into it.

    How typical. A huge ugly carbuncle crammed into what had been one of the nicest corners of the park, its real purpose to please a private interest: the dodgy 'academy' empire of Harris-the-Carpet-King. Large budget - nice little earner for the contractor. But for the people who actually own and use the park? Southwark Council isn't listening and couldn't care less. What we do get is the pathetic, everlasting Southwark War on Dogs.

    Ask yourself how much Southwark has spent on this and the other large projects. In absolute contrast, any of these watering holes could be quickly, usefully and beautifully transformed - by steps and platforms down to the water, most of all - at the cost of a few worker-hours and a few hundred quid. At the least - AT THE VERY LEAST! - the mooks should have required the contractor to clean up after themselves there.

    Ah yes, Neilcott the contractor. Did you see their fatuous, self-congratulatory sign? They follow the Code of Considerate Practice. They 'Care about Appearance'. They 'Respect the Community'. They 'Protect the Environment.' Hilarious! Well, easy to put a sign up. Box ticked, eh Neilcott?

    What an absolute disgrace.

    Lee Scoresby

  23. Thanks Taper. Always appreciate input from people with relevant knowledge and experience.

    However: Light levels and quality are actually perfectly fine. One can see clearly up and down the entire length of the slope; a newspaper can be read on much on the way. Making this light more intense, harsher and colder will achieve exactly nothing. It's a typical bogus 'solution'.

    Again, there is absolutely no evidence these lights are 'unstable' - it is taking huge efforts to drill into their surrounds.

    DuncanW, I don't usually respond to trolls - abuse condemns itself.'Supercilious' means acting as if believing oneself superior. I was perfectly polite to the workman. My posts on the EDF are often expressed vehemently. I am often critical of Southwark council particularly. I am dismayed at the way people put up with things they shouldn't. But my comments are always accurate and aimed to a positive outcome (whether that happens or not). Democracy, you know? 'Forum', you know? Are you perhaps, DuncanW, one of those outraged at, and terrified by, any challenge to 'authority'?

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