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Posts posted by vito

  1. EDOldie Wrote:


    > Both sides should be viewed with suspicion they

    > are as bad as each other. People pretend that they

    > are putting forward an unbiased view of the

    > arguments for and against customs unions and the

    > single market but it is simply not the case on

    > either side. The question on the ballot paper was

    > "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the

    > European Union or leave the European Union?" and

    > we all know what the answer was. I might not like

    > it but that isn't the point. God, I suppose I'll

    > end up the most hated person on the EDF?

    Referendum on this matter is already a silly thing to ask regular people. Cameron was well paid to take those decision with his governement. I did not study at Oxford Uni if He (cameron and all MP) doesn t know how can i know?...otherwise it becomes a lottery..

    The info given to us now should have be given before referendum. we went for a referendum without having (and still now) any idea about the consequences.

    We of course need to take in consideration that 52% of the people wanted to leave but we need not to forget also 48% don t want to. Referendum is consultative, it s not a law in itself. the outcome should be a solution that keeps the whole UK happy and unhappy at the same time.

    All united in one solution and not divided. In a country or family it is not that 3 people decide for 5. It s about finding a solution that keeps all 5 of us moderately happy.

    You not gonna unite a country if you need to chose one side or the other.

    PM, seen the referendum result, should have found a solution to keep the country happy and united. If she was able..

    Also I personally don t care about Brexit but as the leavers keep hanging on that +2% as they say "it s the will of the people" what is the problem to have another referendum or more than one eventually?? I say another referendum will reflect the will of the people way better as we had time and some more info to reflect on that!!.....if it was about the will of the ppl. If it is about grasping some power etc than we don t need another referendum.

    If someone i care is about to do something risky let s say...i ll asks again "are you sure?" before he jumps off

    If You care about the will of the people being respected You should not be worried about asking the question again to make sure we know where we going..

    It will be a shame for You if for instance you don t want another referendum or any form or consultation direct or indirect cause You know you won it by nearly nothing, with no info and in the heat of the moment. That s not about the will of the ppl that s about "forcing a situation"..and that creates friction and division.

    Regarding Clegg s wife article it s a fact what she is saying. it s not an opinion. think those things can be easily verified. Also of course she is an expert in the sector and her opinion matters; If Anything I d say more than someone else opinion. Someone that has spent all referendum campaign telling me how disastrous brexit can be and now spending the same amount of time telling me how good brexit can be for the country. I ll tent to believe more someone that doesn t change her mind drastically every time she s asked to do so. If that someone is not even an expert, never was voted and when asked to be voted lost even sits than.... i ll say "Lady Clegg" opinion is respectful enough!

    I don t like europe, i did not want it in the first place (although i thought it was necessary) but if we want to respect the will of the people what s the problem asking (directly or not directly) again?

    I did not like europe and i did not want it in the first place..

    Although I m a remainer but first of all I want the will of the people to be respected even if it was opposite of mine!!

    ...As unfortunately we have a PM minister that cannot find a solution (also seen the referendum results) that unites all country rather than just taking any part on this.

    ..As possibly more info should have be given before referendum

    ..As more studies should have been done before art 50 (what was the rush there?? specially if you don t know what you doing..)

    ..As all researches are saying that with more time and more info lots of ppl have changed their mind on the referendum vote

    ..As You cannot think to bring the whole UK anywhere important with a +2% and the DUP (paid) only on your side

    ..As Scotland london and N Ireland don t want absolutely leave..

    ....considering all of this ..what s the problem of asking directly or inderectly again before jumping off the cliff???

    I only wish we had a better PM someone able to read the referendum and find a solution for us all rather than taking part creating division. In this sense I think Brexit could also have been an opportunity for all of us but we ll end up losing on both sides of brexit..

    I wish we had a PM that after referendum was able to read the outcome. I wish PM had looked very very carefully into the problem before art50! I wish PM would discuss in parliament about pro and cons of Brexit and was able to find TOGETHER a solution to unify the country and have a clear idea on how to get out of europe with a vision once we had agreed to leave with referendum. In this sense brexit could have been also an opportunity for ll of us, all the existing businesses and the new ones to come and for the People of UK! Shame we have what we have..not for brexit (although I am a strong remainer)

    We needed a Statesman to make the brexit decision an opportunity but we found some ..scramble eggs

    That s the real problem! and while we fight over brexit or not brexit we missing the real problem.

  2. I was wondering if any users can tell me more about time..

    I applied for 1 place in 3 different locations around my address.

    1 of them was full so I am in a waiting list and the other 2 did not say full but " availability tbc" on top of the page and "apply now" on the bottom page instead than "apply for waiting list".

    so..i did apply..

    how long does it take roughly??

    I was hoping to have a cycle hoop space within next 4 weeks.. ;)


  3. I m not sure Growlybear..

    I have been with this practice 5 yrs and no prob at all till now! I thought it was a decent service but past year it has been disaster. winter and flu need to be taken into consideration of curse but

    It has been 1 week calling them and i still don get an appointment. for some reason it seems i always need to call another day..

  4. ....also but this question might take a new threat to start:

    How comes nobody over the years has been capable to sack Boris Johnson? he is an embarrassment but still nobody can get rid off him. Not only...Boris can put red lines and has a say over everybody including PM..

    What s his secret power? how comes he is so powerful although so stupidly embarrassing for the nation???

    I really don t understand that. Other MP have been sacked for lot less than he does/says in the first couple of hrs in any due day..

    He seemed politically dead many times but than always called back even by his enemies ....How comes???

  5. so one question to the expert:

    what has changed in compare to last monday??

    1- we have found an agreement on money, that s a fact

    2- regarding EU citizen in UK problem was wether they be subject to UK laws only or to european laws! what s the different outcome now???

    3- border with NI: EU was waiting to know how UK wanted to fix problem with the border. So what s the solution now??

    IS that the Brexit is brexit UK has been voted for? ..or perhaps EU sees May s government collapse as a disaster and so decided to move on to phase 2 just to keep her alive....??

    I personally don t see any improvement as we still don t know about EU citizens and viceversa..we still don t know how it s gonna work without hard border

    If you know..let me know

  6. ..Surely Loz,

    but still it should save ?1500. Even the most comprehensive service they offer costs "only" ?50..an agent normally charges me ?1500/700 ONLy to find me a tenant and still i need to manage the propriety..

    ..Of course I ll need to do the viewings myself but that s also a positive for me. A part from the time and energy of course i d rather to know personally my tenants...

    ..perhaps they, OpenRent, will push rent price little down in compare to an agent but than often agents are bit easy with numbers at beginning ..

    I ll be curious to have also some feedback from one of their customers

    Also i ll be curious to know how it works at check out and deposit..

  7. I checked it out last few days on the internet and..it seems good to me! But than if it was that good how comes agencies not shutting down?

    I m looking for feedback, experiences, feelings, point of views or anything really..

    If You have had experience with them pls share it with me/us.

    I am a landlord so I d rather feedback from people in same position but also very interested in feedback from tenants or anyone.



  8. Do You know the place, Did You use to go there regularly or occasionally?

    It is not for myself although I am very interested in history of clubs, but I know a very cool person in London to write an article on the subject. She is a very nice person, very cool but finding it bit difficult to get info about it.

    She needs just a chat about Memories of the place..easy

    Just a chat, it could be a pleasant thing to do:)

    Get in touch if You (or friends of Yours) wanna share any info/memory about the place

    Looking forward to hearing from You!

    Thank You

  9. I have a dear friend coming to visit soon. I don t see her for nearly 2 years now and lately she got very much into horse riding. It has really changed her life as for stress related problems and now she really wants me to try it.

    As she is staying a few days in London I d like to take her outside the city (she knows here anyway) for a fun day in the countryside. I am thinking to book some horse riding lesson or perhaps a walk somewhere nice outside London but not too far from london.

    The idea is to spend the morning with horses, have lunch somewhere nice nearby and perhaps taking bikes with us ( i own a van) for a nice and easy afternoon bikes ride..

    Can anyone recommend nice stables outside London, with nice horses and friendly people possibly:)?

    Apparently she is nearly a pro at riding ..I am a beginner

    Thanx for Your answers..

  10. ???? Wrote:


    > vito Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----


    > >

    > > My Mum is the sweetest person in the world.

    > well

    > > educated, polite and peaceful..

    > > Only once she was impolite towards me or anyone

    > as

    > > far as I remember..

    > >

    > > During my teenage years, as for many of us, I

    > felt

    > > the urge and need to be a rebel:)

    > > I was reading J Kerouak and more at that time so

    > I

    > > decided I had to be free and do what I wanted

    > > taking my decisions..

    > >

    > > The day I decided to tell Mum i wanted to leave

    > > the house, i was provoking her looking for an

    > > argument but she is still sooo sweet and nice

    > that

    > > there was no confrontation..so i pushed her and

    > > still no confrontation...So I told her!! I told

    > > her I wanted to have control over my life and

    > > decisions, take my staff and go my on way!!

    > > She still was very very understanding and said

    > i

    > > respect your decision, i don t like it but it

    > is

    > > true she said; It s time for you to make

    > decisions

    > > and go your own way if You feel this way...

    > > So it will be i said!!...but than I added, i

    > still

    > > gonna come Home for Breakfast lunch and dinner,

    > > occasionally sleep over..and once a week to use

    > > the washing machine!

    > > IT was the only time I heard The F... You word

    > > coming out of her mouth..:))))

    > > It still very much resounds in my head after 30

    > > yrs..

    > > Do you also think she was a very very bad

    > Mum?:)

    > > :) :);)

    > > ..I thought so..:))))



    > Yup - tell that to Greece! The EU isn't our mum

    > and we pay a lot of rent. Let's stick to some

    > grown up analysis maybe?

    Than You better behave as a grown up if You want to be treated as such. UK history in Europe says it long. We stay - we go- we stay - we go- no this - no that - no that - no this

    Rather You stay or you go....You cannot go and have the same advantages..

    You paid rent as much as everybody else. You got advantages as much as everybody else (see the amount of money ares like wales, scotland or ireland got from EU in the last decade+)

    It s a club. If you want the advantages You got to pay Your rent. If you do not want them You free to go

    There is no, in a grown up world, such a thing as retaining the advantages without paying rent..

  11. Lordship 516 Wrote:


    > rahrahrah Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > So May is now accusing 'Brussels' of

    > interfering

    > > in the election. Incendiary, counterproductive

    > and

    > > far from being in the national interest. But

    > then

    > > the Tories seem happy to destroy relations with

    > > Europe in exchange of narrow party interests.


    > I find the government line quite mad & mayopic.

    > For all their chat about planning & doing deals

    > and how europe will hurt more than the UK, Europe

    > has been working quietly to replace UK import

    > volumes with export to alternative markets - they

    > very obviously have a co-ordinated plan. Ireland

    > has just signed a deal with China for premium

    > pork, beef, crab & racehorse exports, signed a

    > deal for exporting premium grass-fed beef to the

    > USA etc; Germany has cleared the way for more car

    > exports to China - a moderate increase to China

    > will absorb all of their exports currently made to

    > the UK; Spain has been all over South America

    > recently doing deals & France is very active in

    > Africa. Eurpoe is already preparing substitute

    > markets for a hard Brexit while the Mayniacs are

    > arguing the toss about the square root of fcuk

    > all. I'm pretty sure that switched on companies

    > in the UK are doing likewise but the government

    > appears to be blinded by the glaring headlights of

    > their own making.


    > For every marketing/sales person the UK can put on

    > the ground, the EU can send 9 or 10 - critical

    > mass is what matters & they will make more

    > headway, faster.

    Surely so! But also uk has been v active..don t forget South Arabia and Philippines..:)


    My Mum is the sweetest person in the world. well educated, polite and peaceful..

    Only once she was impolite towards me or anyone as far as I remember..

    During my teenage years, as for many of us, I felt the urge and need to be a rebel:)

    I was reading J Kerouak and more at that time so I decided I had to be free and do what I wanted taking my decisions..

    The day I decided to tell Mum i wanted to leave the house, i was provoking her looking for an argument but she is still sooo sweet and nice that there was no confrontation..so i pushed her and still no confrontation...So I told her!! I told her I wanted to have control over my life and decisions, take my staff and go my on way!!

    She still was very very understanding and said i respect your decision, i don t like it but it is true she said; It s time for you to make decisions and go your own way if You feel this way...

    So it will be i said!!...but than I added, i still gonna come Home for Breakfast lunch and dinner, occasionally sleep over..and once a week to use the washing machine!

    IT was the only time I heard The F... You word coming out of her mouth..:))))

    It still very much resounds in my head after 30 yrs..

    Do you also think she was a very very bad Mum?:) :) :);)

    ..I thought so..:))))

  13. NO WORRIES all!

    South Arabia will pay the bill for You...

    but than hey...we have easter eggs!! Lots of them in our belly to digest, no much else on our consciousness to metabolise. easy!

    Have a suggestion: to keep both belly and consciousness light we can always join one of those walks in centre town protesting against Trump, women rights etc etc. Just pretending things are happening somewhere else but here..


  14. rahrahrah Wrote:


    > Think it's a bit late unfortunately.

    Surely it s late but i believe it still can influence Brexit

    Leavers won and i respect it but still there is half of the country that voted to remain..still a percentage of the leavers perhaps did not want a hard brexit..and still I think it will be very good to remind all of this to the whom represents this country.

    This Person elected or not elected still works for the whole country not for half of it..

    Also it might be good for the image of this country in europe and world wide if not for the way we do brexit.

    Lots of people start believing that people of UK are ONLY the one at the football couple of days ago insulting the germans and chanting NAZI songs

    I know there is another half of this country. let s show it to everybody..


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