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Posts posted by souvlaki

  1. Hello all.

    I am expecting number two - due day is Xmas day! :/

    I am having my next scan on Wednesday at Lewisham Hospital. I lived in ED until recently, but have now moved Catford. We had our NCT class with Tess first time around and met some great people! Also did hypnobirthing first time around but unfortunately didnt quite work out. Giving it another go this time!

    I ll keep an eye on the thread, though not sure how many meet ups I ll be able to make between work, toddler and house renovations! Would love to meet more mums though. x

  2. Thank you all for the advice. Last night was still a battle, though we managed to get past bath and teeth brushing without any drama. Bedtime itself was dramatic, but I eventually left and she settled herself in less than a minute, so I think she is testing me a little and isn't really upset. In fact when I asked her not to cry cos I was there and it was all ok she said; 'But I want to cry, mummy'. What can you say to that?!

    Anyway, I shall be even firmer tonight and see what happens. Jennyh, thanks for advice. I like the idea of not drawing too much attention to her evening behaviour (we have been talking about it the next day!).

  3. Two option method is already in place, though she now usually says; 'none of them - I dont want anything!'. I also have been doing the build up thing - so much so, that she now tells me the sequence herself! Then just before we are about ton head upstairs she starts screaming that she doesnt want to do bath, bed etc. Argghhh. I think we are all just tired and want to get back to our own home.

    I think being firmer for a few nights might work, but she just seems to be in a bit of a tantrum stage, whatever the time of day.


  4. I used to have zero tolerance, but then I got pregnant... I will try it over the next few nights and see what happens. I will still have to do bedtime though, as hubby is at the house doing the works most evenings! It might be a bit more than a phase now, cos its been going for a few months! Lets blame the terrible twos?!
  5. Hm, you are probably right regarding tiredness. We have dropped the nap for most days - she sometimes naps for 30 min at the childminders if very tired. Problem with early bedtime, is that I dont pick her up till 5.45. Whenever I try early bedtimes on weekends she still somehow manages to push the routine to normal time. IOle- it probably is jsut a phase. I hope so anyway. We do give concessions like chosing story, pyjamas etc, but I think she has been getting her way a bit too much lately (guilt for not being at home, new baby coming etc!)

    Thanks for the advice! think we need to be firmer...

  6. Dear Forumites.. I am struggling! My 2.5 year old is driving me mad at bedtime! There have been a fair amount of changes in her life in the last few months (new house, bed instead of cot and finding out that I am pregnant with number 2 and temporarily moving in with in-laws while we get some works done in the new place!). Still, the routine hasn't changed (other than reducing or droppoing nap depending on day). She screams she doesnt want a bath, then screams she doesnt want to come out. She screams if I try and read a book, then screams if I dont... Her father isnt allowed to do bedtime, according to her, so its all on me. She then either screams, grizzles or plays, but will not settle, however calm and understanding I am (which is less so in the last few days, as I am knachered!).

    I dont know how to deal with her at the moment. Any suggestions?! Treats dont seem to work at the moment.

  7. I completely understand what you are talking about! Though I have made some good friends through NCT, I am the only one of my pre-baby group of friends with a child (2.5 years old now!). I find that there is little understanding of where am I in my life ('bring your daughter along to the bar, she can sleep!'), but then again, I feel I have lost touch with their lives too...

    I am told that once and if they have kids it tends to get easier again. It is very sad to see friendships fizzle out, and I really struggled with this - especially in the first year and a bit of my daughter's life. I felt isolated and lonely, despite going to work etc.

    I have found that I have bonded much more with my NCT group and also with friends who have shown support and understanding, so in a way I have gained new friendships out of this.

    It is very difficult though, and I am a little worried about how I will cope with the arrival of my second in a few months time... Support from your partner always helps! xx

  8. I am expecting my second child this winter and would like to use a doula this time for additional support. I have already contacted a few doulas from the south east London doula website, but unfortunately they are not available, as the baby is due around Christmas.

    Do you have any recommendations? Any help appreciated! We have just recently moved to Lewisham.

  9. Pickle, that makes me feel better. I mainly crave burgers, things with mash and runny eggs!

    My husband read the thread and bought most things recommended on here, so fingers crossed!

    Thanks again for the wishes! No more pregnancies for me, i think!

  10. Thank you all for the advice! I will def try ginger. I do try and snack, but often even the idea of eating is enough to make me gag...

    On the other hand, most foods I can currently stomach are quite junky, as green veg in particular seem to be my enemy. Lemon and lemonade do help a little.

    I just hope its over soon! First time went till about 14 weeks, so not long to go if the same...

  11. Hi all,

    I need some advice in dealing with first trimester nausea and sickness. My first pregnancy didn't seem to affect me as badly - I feel sick throughout the day and in the evenings in particular. I am struggling keeping up with work and toddler and just feel miserable most of the time. :(

    Any advice on remedies? Thanks in advance!

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