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Posts posted by damzel

  1. I have bamboo growing in a long 3m container which is falling apart. I'd like to separate the bamboo into a few separate containers if possible. Anyone up for the challenge? I'm near Honor Oak Road/Forest Hill Road.

    Photo was taken in the winter so the bamboo looks a bit dead - it's def alive now though (and fridge/builders debris has gone!).



  2. Chick Wrote:


    > Try one of of these:


    > https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Anti+Barking+Device%2

    > C+Ultrasonic+Barking+Control+Device%2C+Waterproof+

    > Outdoor+Anti+Bark+Deterrents+in+Birdhouse+Shape&ta

    > g=dailydogstuff-21

    Do these work? My neighbour's dog yaps early in the mornings and whenever it goes into the garden. I have mentioned it and they seemed surprised! I don't understand why they don't hear it but we only moved in recently and I don't want to cause any rift with them, so would rather just try and resolve it myself. I'm wondering if I could hang one of these from my tree and point it over the fence...

  3. So the CPZ comes into force on Monday 14th Sept. I moved into the zone recently so missed the maps that show the different sub-zones and therefore where I can park with my permit. I can't find a map on the Southwark website - does anyone know where I can find one?
  4. JohnL Wrote:


    > I wouldn't be surprised if it's a legacy system

    > and they haven't updated their links its so bad.


    > One thing I noticed latest Internet Explorer

    > allows the card details by default Chrome doesn't.

    Thank you! I've been failing to add my card for a week and was just on the phone to them trying to get help (to no avail) but then saw this post. IE works. Hopefully the lady on the phone will relay that to any other callers as she was only aware of an issue with iOS.

  5. Big shout out for Gerry from me too. I had been putting off what I thought was an awkward shower leak to fix, the only access was through the kitchen ceiling and a different plumber had already attempted to fix it but failed, as we discovered a little while after the kitchen ceiling was replaced.

    After seeing various reviews on here and on the SE23 forum, I called Gerry who popped by the following day to have a look. Two days later he cut a hole in the ceiling, found the reason for the leak and fixed it (unlike the previous plumber who just tried to seal it but didn't spot the actual issue).

    Brilliant! I shall be keeping his number!

  6. I'm enjoying my cycle to Isle of Dogs - thanks for all the advice. I go via the Greenwich foot tunnel and for the first time, I've experienced the south lift being out-of-order this week. Carrying the bike down the stairs is hard but carrying it up is really difficult bc I have a bad back. I therefore went on the hunt for somewhere I could check the lift status before leaving home/work so I can divert across Tower Bridge when the lift out of action.

    I'm pleased to say I found this http://g.liftcheck.uk/ but as you can see, it reports the status of the south lift as working when in fact, it's out-of-order at the moment. I emailed the developer and he was kind enough to respond so I thought I'd share in case anyone else is getting frustrated:

    "Thanks for letting me know about this. I've not seen this happen before and I think it's probably due to a change in maintenance procedures by the company that is now managing the lifts (it is a different one from when we deployed the system). The previous technicians would always switch off the lift controller when they took a lift out of service (which would also switch off the monitor, with the system recognising this and reacting) but I suspect that at the moment the lift controller is switched on and not reporting a fault which is why the system is showing the lift as working.

    I'm in a tricky position because the council never actually adopted (or paid for) the system so no one is under any obligation to fix anything, and also I'm away right now so can't fix anything.

    I'll get in touch with the company that is now maintaining the lifts in the new year and see if I can get them to either switch off the controller when they take a lift out of service or let me have access to the controllers so I can reprogram the monitors.

    I'll let you know when/if I get it resolved.

    Apologies that the system has let you down,


    If I hear back from him, I'll post on here. Meantime, if anyone knows of any other way to get the lift statuses, please let me know.

  7. 5imon Wrote:


    > you've got pretty much the same route as me..only

    > diffs being that I go up St Norberts then Malpas,

    > then Greenwich High Road to get to the foot

    > tunnel. There's very little in it, but I've done

    > various iterations and found this to be the best

    > combination of quiet roads and time/distance.

    Thanks - Norbert/Malpas is more direct than my route so should shave off a few minutes. Do you get on Greenwich High Road where it starts just after Deptford Bridge? Is it a nightmare for close passes?

  8. Thanks all. Sounds like the tunnel is the way to go. I trialled the route at the weekend and was concerned that there would be queues to get in the lift as there were lots of people walking through it on Sunday (no way that scooting would have been possible). Perhaps it is actually quieter in rush hour?

    I'm worried about the lifts being out of order as I would struggle to carry my bike (with full pannier) up and down. I wonder if there is a way to check whether they are working before leaving the house in the morning?

    5imon - thanks, I'll PM you for your route as mine was a bit wiggly (see attached), although I was pleased that it was a lot quieter than my old route to Bishopsgate.

  9. I'm about to start a new job on Isle of Dogs so checking the cycle route. The long way round over Tower Bridge will take 50 mins which seems ridiculous (and longer than getting the train). The direct route under the Greenwich walkway I'm guessing is difficult in rush hour - getting the bike up and down the stairs and having to walk it through? Or can you cycle through and get it in the lift? How do others get there?
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