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Posts posted by Wooly

  1. Hi James

    Whilst all the surrounding roads have been resurfaced (northcross, archdale, crawthrew, Lacon etc.) Nutfield has not. According to James Barber a few months ago, it was on the list to be done but no action so far. Could you check status of this please? The condition of the road is very poor and it seems odd to have left Nutfield having done the others.

    Many thanks


  2. Thanks James.

    Does anyone know the quickest/ easiest way to find out where we are on a school waiting list?

    We got our second choice, which we are happy with. I'd be interested to know where we are on waiting list for school no.1 though, to understand if anything is likely to shift over next few months?

    The Southwark guidance says we can ask but doesn't give a contact number or email.

  3. My daughter is at the nursery at the moment and absolutely loves it. I was quite nervous about sending her - she is a late summer born and quite shy (and my first child, so I was probably just a bit anxious!), but she has really come out of her shell and raves about it. It is busy and a bit hectic at times, but the teachers seem brilliant, very caring and always happy to chat, and they do loads with them. They were on a trip to the local wildlife centre today. I think it is great preparation for 'big school' though admittedly I have nothing to compare it to. I have a very experienced nanny who does most of the drop offs/pick ups, and who has seen lots of local schools/ nurseries over the years, and she always says it seems a happy place.
  4. Thank you Belle and others.

    We saw Vadamalayan last Friday and are now trying Domperidone and omeprazole, which is definitely resulting in less sickness. I'm not sure he is that much happier though - the omeprazole made the biggest difference as that stopped some / most of the discomfort.

    there seems to be so much else going on - teething, varying levels of interest/ success in weaning and totally appalling sleeping! He won't sleep at night until/ unless I feed to sleep and then cuddle him - won't settle at all in cot. My mum babysat so we could have a much needed night off a couple of evenings ago and looked traumatised on our return! I think I'll definitely be calling on Nicola when I'm more certain he's not hungry.

  5. Thank you all v much for suggestions.

    Hellosailor - will give Dr Vadamalayan a call, thank you. At this point I am definitely willing to pay to be seen quickly!

    He's been taking omeprazole for about 7 weeks. It's definitely helping but he's still pretty bad. He still brings up an awful lot, but it doesn't seem to hurt as much. We started on half a tablet a day (I've been given mezzopram). We struggled to give it to him some days (he would immediately bring it back up) and/ or maybe dose wasn't enough. After a return visit to GP we are on three quarters of a tablet a day. I did ask about liquid form but GP said she can't prescribe (CCG won't pay for it as more expensive than tablets), so thanks for kind offer Convex but have no use for them at the moment. I wonder if I should be hoping for more - that perhaps different medication can alleviate most symptoms - or does he just have to 'grow out of it'?

    I'm b/feeding and have gone dairy free, about 5 weeks ago. I wasn't immediately sure if making much difference, but think it definitely is now - I've fallen off wagon a couple of times and he's been seriously unhappy.

    I also started weaning a few days ago and that seems to be helping - but saying that he's currently screaming in Dad's arms so problem not solved. His sleep is terrible - up every hour or so.

    I did also try gaviscon but just couldn't manage giving it half way through every b/feed with cooled water, whilst also looking after the 2 yr old...

    Will also check out old thread, thank you again. I am glad he is the second child. At least I know this isn't normal behaviour and I very much doubt there would be a second if he had come first!

  6. Hi all

    My 5 month old has pretty bad reflux which is causing him a lot of discomfort. He is on omeprazole which is helping a little and I've just started weaning, which again seems to be helping slightly. Has anyone seen a specialist they could recommend? I'd quite like to get a proper diagnosis and discuss medication options.

    Sorry if already a thread on this - writing in haste while baby and toddler sleep!


  7. Yes, my son had the first jab as part of catch up with his 4 month injections (we are with The Gardens). Their catch up is for babies born after May 1st (he was born on 4th), but he will only get two injections rather than 3 apparently.

    Separately, I've booked my two yr old in for men b at the Health Hub. Slightly nervous about second jab now...

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