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wavyline girl

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Everything posted by wavyline girl

  1. ?and Muschamp Road I guess as well. Interesting. Come to think of it, that reminds me of another pretentious naming thing - people giving their shops French names!
  2. I will herd my cows past Ye Olde Village Store on the morrow, to find out what just hearty fayre they might have in store.
  3. I think it might have started as Estate agent hype, for the area behind Goose Green, centring around Bellenden road.
  4. I mean I had to laugh when they started calling it "Bellenden Village", but now it would appear the supermarket on Bellenden Road has become a "Village Store"
  5. Noooo! I have such fond memories of the Herne's back garden as a child? peddling my gokart, Prince the dog. It had a magical quality to it back then.
  6. What is the matter with you people?talk about ambulance chasers!
  7. What do you mean no great loss? Have a bit of sensitivity. This was someone's shop. You might relish the chance of yet another coffee shop, or bar, for the new chattering classes, but I personally lament the loss of such independent shops ( that predate the discovery of the area by the new, young, MC types.) Oops sorry?let that slip!
  8. Yes I agree MissKing up to a point -I have tinnitus as well! I have just had an undisturbed nights sleep, then realised when I woke up that there wasn't the usual air traffic filing overhead. Where's it gone? And good riddance?the longer the better!
  9. If anyone has any doubts about the level of air traffic, maybe they should come round now and look out my window. It has been constant since the early hours of the morning, one plane isn't out of sight before the next one comes over. The noise is continuous at peak periods. Fabfor,I have written to my local mp (Harriet Harman)about the issue. I can't find the email address you mention, so I was unable to send you a copy.
  10. FYI There are two threads on this subject, and people may be missing out on valuable information which may be found on the other strand.
  11. A friend at work today showed me an "app" detailing flights coming into Heathrow?you could see them in a constant line over this area as they headed for the South runway. Apparently this could increase further, which will only make things worse. "Hip, hip hooray" I hear those idiots say, that are attempting to trivialise people's concerns about the noise &/pollution. Yes, noise is subjective,but surely only up to a certain point, and just because some people aren't bothered , or affected does that make it fair to say that everyone else shouldn't be. What kind of "I'm alright Jack" crazy logic is that? Take it from me,the noise has definitely got worse. The number of flights coming in and out of Heathrow have increased, and City airport is also having an impact. As regards solution?besides the obvious (putting up the cost of air travel/investing in other methods of transport)How about varying the landing routes a little more to share out the burden?
  12. Oh please! You just don't get it do you? We are talking about the increase in plane activity over the area, and the noise that that has caused, which disturbs a lot of people, particularly at night/early morning. No question it has increased since I've been living in this house. Its a beautiful spring Sunday now.It would be nice to hear the birdsong. The planes have been streaming overhead since 6am. Straferjack?SJ?boy. I think you are just on here to try and provoke reaction. Maybe you get some kind of kick out of it? I ain't playing. I'm a relatively new visitor to this site, but I can already see that its one of the more negative sides of the East Dulwich Forum, and I don't want the issue to get sidelined into some personal slanging match. So I've made my point and I'm out of here.
  13. What is your problem StraferJack? Ok the noise doesn't bother you?well aren't you the lucky one! Perhaps you could demonstrate some understanding, or even sympathy to those of us that are troubled by it. And no of course its not life threatening, but it does affect some people's lives adversely.
  14. Hello James I would like to draw your attention to the noise & pollution from the constant stream of planes that cross over this area each day. It has got increasingly worse over the years, and I understand that there are plans to allow more flights into Heathrow overnight. To my mind this is wrong on a number of different levels. Thanks
  15. How about going "down the line"? If they went somewhere like East Sussex they would be in a lovely area, and release a large amount of equity on their East Dulwich property without being too far away from you time wise.
  16. Please, why don't you all just go back to Clapham or North London? There is no tube round here?get used to it
  17. I can't believe some of the arrogant comments i've read here. My house is under the flight path. Planes stream over constantly with only a few blessed hours of peace. Lucky for you if you can't hear them , but a lot of us do. And i'm not about to up sticks and move to Orkney. I come from round here, and my family and work are here. I also don't see why I should have to wear (ineffective) ear plugs when I'm sat out in my garden! The problem has got massively worse over the years, and can't be allowed to get worse still. Air travel should be on the decrease, not the increase (Q dissent from all those new Dulwich types who want their cheap flights to go snowboarding for the weekend, or pop over to NY for some shopping)
  18. I presume it has listed status? Am I right in thinking that Robert Browning went to school here? obviously not when it was a pub! Would love to see it come back to life as a pub/ restaurant again. Have many happy memories of it as the Grove. Then it got ruined, much as the Woodhouse did.
  19. I have recent experience of Kings casualty?it was always bad in terms of waiting time and facilities in the past. The department seems to be straining, probably because of the volumes. That's down to a variety of reasons, which I shan't postulate here. Where I have seen improvement is on the wards?ok it might just be the wards I have dealt with (Cardiac & Vascular) but there seems to have been an improvement in the attitude of Doctors and Nursing Staff, and more importantly the standard of care. In the past I have encountered aloof and arrogant doctors, and "attitude" from the nursing staff, and auxiliaries. This time round I have only encountered professional, caring, and communicative people, which is such a relief!
  20. Amazing! We are meeting up in Brockley tomorrow night. Text me, I'll send you the address. Come if you can ac 0780 858 6847
  21. > Any ex-HOGS out left in the area? > Trying to get a reunion going initially with people from the > 1969 intake, but down the line others too > We are having a get together on Saturday 1st Of > February?looking for people like Belinda > Willcocks, Lynn Watts, > Lynette Peel, Wendy Locke etc etc > Happy to hear from any ex pupils. > We rocked then? we rock now Love, Luck and Good Health to you all
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