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wavyline girl

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Posts posted by wavyline girl

  1. I thought I have written to the admin people before, but I don't think I got a response.

    Surely I am entitled to have my details removed from the site, if I request it?

    I will try again.

    Thanks I do appreciate any constructive advice

    (? and not the smug, snide,caustic mean spirited variety,which is exactly the reason I dislike this site so much!)

  2. Did you actually witness this whole event?

    I was the individual involved, and yes I was incensed at the man's reckless and irresponsible behaviour..I was extremely luck not to be more seriously injured (and unlucky only to have third party insurance!)

    I was on the main road and fortunately not going very fast when i saw the skateboarder out in front going fast right down the centre of the road. My initial reaction was "he's crazy to do this, and he's not wearing a helmet, he could do himself an injury" not thinking that he might hurt someone else. He lost control of the board and it careered into my path, and no, I wasn't close to him otherwise he might've been injured?luckily for him he just hurt someone else.

    DRsmith?have you ever come off a motorbike? I was extremely lucky that nothing was right behind me , or coming towards me. I was in a state of disbelief and shock?plus my bike was damaged. Yes the man was there when I was helped up, but when I suggested that he might have been responsible, he said he didn't have any insurance, and didn't have to pay, and while he'd give me his name, he wasn't prepared to give me his address. How would you have felt .Would you have said "Gosh that was a close one eh! Never you mind laddie, off you tootle..don't you worry,hope it doesn't put you off skateboarding like that in future.Don't worry just a few cuts and bruises...I'll pay for the damage? and I'm sure they won't mind me being late for work"??? Give over mate. He was in the wrong, and he knew it at the time, but thanks to people like you he might now think otherwise. I'd like to say I hope it happens to you?see how you feel, but I wouldn't wish it on any one (except maybe the skateboarder)

  3. Totally with you ????.

    You get used to it. Its part of the character of this area, its why it isn't quite so frenetic or built up. It also helped make people more locally focussed in their activities.

    Besides,the trains and buses are more frequent now.

    There has been speculation for years, but I guess now that the Affluents have discovered South East London, its more likely to happen.Shame if it does.

  4. I can certainly see what Mr Liddle is saying?

    Dulwich Village however has always been "Posh" but East Dulwich/Peckham nah!

    Anyone who has lived here more than 10 years will I'm sure will agree that the area has become quickly gentrified,inundated with young, affluent types..and all that follows on from that.

    While I'm glad the area hasn't gotten run down, the type of community is one I am beginning to feel I don't quite belong to anymore.

    I'm sorry Louisa, but you are on a hiding to nothing trying to debate this issue on the East Dulwich Forum?its lifeblood is the kind of people you are talking about!

    And Silvia, I have top say that is one of the most unpleasantly snobbish things i've read in a long time,wherever you come from!

  5. Tarmac over Goose Green?someone's having a laugh, ! hope!

    Lordship Lane was, and should be about local shops and facilities, for local people.

    Why would you need to driver there.

    Again, it seems like this is driven by relatively new incomers to the area who are trying to turn the place

    into something it isn't? a new Richmond!

  6. Err I can see where this thread is now heading. What a shame.This was just meant to be a post to celebrate a lovely actress/singer who has many fans in this country, and has reached a venerable age.

    Why have a poke at someone just because they care about animals, and chose to do something about it? Its called caring.

    I'm beginning to put a Venn Diagram together for some of the vitriolic people who vent on this forum.

  7. Respect to Marvin Gaye too. I remember working in a record shop and his estranged father-in-law came in

    to buy "Sexual Healing" I didn't believe it till he got some old polaroids out of his wallet.

    But Move Over Marvin Darling?.it's Doris's day today.

    Get Pillow Talk/Love Me or Leave Me/The Man Who Knew Too Much/Pyjama Game out on DVD, or downloaded for a DD fest treat.

    gawd bless ya girl

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