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Posts posted by Mugglesworth

  1. rendelharris Wrote:


    > All sorts of points of view on this, but when one

    > comes across twattery like this (corner of

    > Copleston Road and Soames Street this morning) one

    > can't help thinking some drivers have brought it

    > on themselves.

    Looks like it's parked across a dropped kerb, which is illegal regardless of yellow lines. I've reported cars doing this to Southwark in the past and a ticket appeared very quickly.

  2. There might be a business opportunity here. How about buying up diesel vans and cars in London (where secondhand value for them is being obliterated) then shipping them to other parts of the country for sale where particulate pollution is not so much of a problem? Assured a decent mark up with the buyers still getting a bargain. London sellers would at least get something to put down as a deposit on a new vehicle. Yes, it's spreading pollution more thinly rather than removing it but, as an interim measure, it's preferable to abandoned vehicles in every street.
  3. A simple rule that would remove much of the angst surrounding this: Pedestrians always have right of way on a pavement. Any other vehicle using the pavement should give way to pedestrians, even if the vehicles are faster or bigger. This includes cycles, scooters, skateboards, pogo sticks, etc. I really wouldn't care if those vehicles used the pavement if the users showed consideration and did not expect me to to leap out of the way for their convenience.
  4. For those who believe that legislation will cure all ills, have you considered that dog walkers often walk around in twos or threes for companionship? This would result in more than four dogs in one place at one time, even with a limit to dogs walked per person in legislation. Is your answer to this to legislate against dog walkers being in the vicinity of other dog walkers? Gets to look a bit draconian, doesn't it?
  5. Cardelia Wrote:


    > Mugglesworth Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > In short, if there is no sign stating hours of

    > > operation on the bus lane then there might be

    > > cause for appeal.


    > If there are no hours of operation specified on

    > the sign then it means that the bus lane is in

    > operation at all times. There is no legal

    > requirement for a bus lane sign to specify "at any

    > time" so an appeal on these grounds would probably

    > be a waste of time.

    I see that new signs have been erected stating "7am - 7pm" as hours of operation. This can mean one of two things:

    1. The hours of operation of the bus lane have been reduced from 24/7; or

    2. The previous signs were incorrect in giving the impression (through omission) that the bus lane was in operation 24/7.

  6. Plenty of barrack room lawyer-speak going on here. No, we don't have a Facebook Live feed of the incident or the medical history of the perpetrator and so cannot be definitive about what was intended. Can we at least agree that it must have been an unpleasant thing to witness and almost certainly distressing to the victims, rather than rack our brains to come up with reasons to excuse what happened?
  7. Hit and miss rather than fictional or not. Dodgy practise includes opening a new "3 business days" ticket when the first one has not been effected and waiting a day or two before acknowledging the notification. They managed to delay a blue bin collection for a full 14 days but then, bizarrely, collected it as a separate exercise on the very day that the blue bins were to be emptied anyway. Conversely, an unemptied brown bin was emptied within 48 hours.

    Has anyone else suffered from decanting? By this I mean where the person who comes for the bin picks out one or two objects from your bin and puts them into another bin, which is then emptied while yours is not? This seems common with the brown bin, where they will fish out one or two compostable bags and leave the rest. This process often leaves food waste strewn on our path and the pavement, along with accruing muck at the bottom of the brown bin.

  8. Bus lanes generally have hours of operation stated on a blue sign, even if this states "At any time". This particular bus lane seems to have no sign mentioning hours of operation. This is contrary to the TfL guidance https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/red-routes/rules-of-red-routes/bus-lanes which states:

    "You can enter a bus lane when the bus lane is not operational (outside the hours of operation) or when you are driving a certain type of vehicle. The times of operation and the type or types of permitted vehicle are indicated on a blue sign. The sign is located in advance of the bus lane and repeated if the bus lane is long."

    In addition, here is advice which encourages road users to use bus lanes outside on their hours of operation:


    In short, if there is no sign stating hours of operation on the bus lane then there might be cause for appeal.

  9. It's hard to imagine a junction design more hostile to pedestrians. The red light is an active encouragement for traffic to speed up as it turns left from EDG or right into EDG, to avoid being cut off by traffic heading towards Goose Green. The junction box adds an urgency for vehicles to clear the junction quickly rather than give way to pedestrians. TfL and Southwark shrug and walk away, claiming nothing can be done. Far better to pepper the area with random double yellows and speed humps and ignore the evidence (CrashMap: 6 incidents at that junction in 5 years, which is more than any other junction on LL).
  10. Jeremy Wrote:


    > Yes, I'm sure there would be a handful of hardcore

    > year-round swimmers.

    I used to work overlooking the Oasis outdoor pool in Holborn. It was used every day by numerous people, even with snow piled up around the edges.

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