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Miss P

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Posts posted by Miss P

  1. Just thought I'd put a note out there to the owner of a red mini with a white roof which had been parked in Archdale Road for a while - I noticed a clamp on it yesterday due to no tax, and a low loader took it away this morning. Think the reg had J90 in it.
  2. Hi there

    I used to cycle regularly from ED to the Hilton in Rotherhithe and then take the Hilton Ferry over the river (a 3 minute crossing). I stopped as I nearly got knocked off near Surrey Quays & it rather put me off, (along with getting to work sweaty), but parts of the journey were ok. Adys Road, Bellenden Road - all the way to the end, past Peckham Library, various options to the Old Kent Road, cross over onto Rotherhithe New Road (which has a cycle path some of the way), keep going all the way to Surrey Quays, onto Redriff Road, then follow discreet signs for the Hilton. There is a bike park at the Hilton or you can take the bike on the boat. Perhaps you could persuade work to subsidise the Hilton Ferry? Mine does which makes it my preferred route, although now I drive most of the time. I hope you find an option to suit you.

  3. Looks a lot like this, but my bumper is scratched to bits. Very sad, it's managed ten years with hardly a mark and a few months of London life has resulted in a couple of hundred pounds worth of damage. It is the total lack of care, as ClareC refers to which irritates me the most. I can honestly say in 20 years of driving, I've never used other people's bumpers to guage the size of a parking space......grrrr.
  4. If anyone happened to see someone bump into an otherwise immaculate silver SLK over the bank holiday weekend in the North Cross Road area, and if you happended to take down the details of the offending car, please could you pm me? My (ten year old) little car is my pride and joy and now has about 30% of the back bumper scratched beyond any help t-cut can give. Quite upsetting and really unnecessary given how much space there was over the weekend. I really object to people who have no regard for other people's property - just because you don't care about your stuff, doesn't give you the right to ruin other people's. Bumpers aren't there to bump into when you park!!!!
  5. Thank you Philosophie - some genuine treasures in your list!

    I have to say that we went to The Dog twice over Christmas & I was really impressed with the food. The staff were very friendly and considering we were with two dogs and various children, they were patient and helpful.

    I'm a fan of Si Mangia and the Palmerston; Great Exhibition is a bit hit and miss, Sema (Lux) Thai are consistently good & it's hard to beat the sunday roast at my gaff!

    Definitely have a soft spot for the halloumi sticks at The Victoria......

  6. Please excuse my silly question - I avoid the tube due to dreadful claustrophobia & I would like to use the ELL but am concerned about the bit where it must go under the Thames. Can anyone tell me if it's remotely like being on the tube?

    I would like to try it out tomorrow as an alternative route to work, but it's not a good look to turn up pale and shaking.....

  7. Hi there

    Archdale Road isn't closed on a Saturday, it's just that North Cross Road is blocked at the junction with Lordship Lane, so you'd have to approach from a different road (Frogley Road if you're coming off Lordship Lane). It will be very busy from 9.30am ish onwards & if you double park, it's quite likely that you'll get a ticket. Best to try and leave your car/a friend's car there from the day/evening before and then move it when the lorry arrives. Both Archdale and Nutfield are open to traffic - from Nutfield down to the Palmerston the road is closed to traffic until late afternoon.

    I hope that helps, PM me if you have any questions & welcome to Archdale Road!

  8. I thought my opening sentence was precisely an apology.

    I didn't deliberately drive onto the crossing to cut off a pedestrian, so my post was to apologise for any misunderstanding between myself & the jogger. I was merely trying to explain the event from my point of view & urging caution on the part of the pedestrian given recent events in ED.

    My advice is often mistaken for "a telling-off", so I also apologise for that, this was not my intention, I was a little shaken too.

  9. I would like to apologise to the jogger who I obviously gave a bit of a fright to this evening. I saw you jogging with another woman along Peckham Rye and I had slowed down as the raised pedestrian crossing was just ahead. I wondered if you were both going to stop and continue or whether you were both going to turn to the right and expect to use the crossing. As the jogger on the left continued past the crossing, I honestly thought you were going with her & really did not expect you to continue jogging without even breaking your stride, straight onto the crossing. At this point, I was already on the crossing & wouldn't have been able to stop safely. It was very busy, & I was going less than 20 miles an hour, but you really do need to give a car more than 5 yards to stop at a crossing. I genuinely thought you were continuing up the Rye as you didn't even look to your right into oncoming traffic as preparation for crossing. I'm a very careful driver & very aware of all other road users, but please be prepared to stop and jog on the spot, just for a couple of seconds, for your own safety & to give drivers the chance to stop for you.
  10. cdaywilson I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, I hope they recover & that the culprit is caught.

    I have to say that I assumed that you had amended your post as this is the East Dulwich forum & not the Peckham forum, so were merely wishing to get the facts right.

    Horrible things happen everywhere in London, regardless of postcodes & thank you for making us all aware of this incident.

  11. People in the area have made it very clear that the majority of us (certainly the majority that have been represented at two of the meetings so far), do not want Sunday trading AT ALL.

    The Saturday extension of the market and restricting access to North Cross Road from Lordship Lane was fairly inevitable & hopefully wont cause too much disruption or inconvenience, and indeed, the road closure should make the market safer.

    The licensing committee seem to be paying lip service to all the comments from locals but are pursuing their own agenda regardless. They promise reviews of the situation in 6 months time, but wouldn't be drawn on what action they would take if there was massive opposition to the alterations, merely that the "trial period" would continue and had to be given time to work. More like time for the locals to get used to any inconvenience before the next stage of interference begins.

    I think improving the safety of the market & increasing the number of stalls on Saturdays should prove to be a good thing in the long term, but I can't help being cynical about the future intentions of the licensing committee. They seem to be treating these changes very much as a first step in a much larger overall expansion.

    It would be really upsetting if their greed was allowed to spoil the "village-y" feel of the area.

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