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Posts posted by Scribble

  1. It does sound very odd, though checking things out properly legally sounds like a very good idea. Having been on both sides of the building / being built upon divide, I would have thought that your getting to use this wall now is fair compensation for the noise and inconvenience you would have experienced when they were doing their work. If I was your neighbour, it wouldn't occur to me to ask for this!
  2. Hi Bluedark - on your question about breastfeeding routines - I would actually advise possibly not necessarily to worry too much about this at the current stage. As long as she is putting on weight, that means she is getting enough - trying to control and regulate things more at this point may just add stress to the whole situation (or it did for me when I tried). Just get it in when you can! The other thing I wanted to say is: it will get better! I remember it all feeling like a black hole at 6 weeks, and feeding being horrible for both of us...but things do improve and you do survive. Good luck...
  3. I'd also be interested to hear more about this school as we're considering the new Prendergast primary school to be opened next September - sounds like it will be similar in that there'll only be the reception class to begin with and things will build from there. Any opinions / experiences from those with children in the current HA reception would be really useful... Thanks.
  4. Door bouncer thing sounds dangerous! - surely most of them can't support themselves at 6 weeks? If you have the energy, I reckon it might well be a really good idea to make a list of any advice you've been given by this HV that sounds questionable, and approach the supervisor with it. If she's coming out with these things to people less critical / in a more vulnerable state than you, they might be following her advice and it sounds like some of it is positively detrimental...
  5. I also had a reflux baby and that sounds like really bizarre advice. If he is managing to feed well and put on weight through breastfeeding, and that's working, that's great! Pushing you to change things, particularly if he can't feed well from the bottle, seems really unhelpful. As others have said, they fluctuate in how much they feed, and your body will produce more if necessary (I remember a particularly happy growth spurt later on where this resulted in my loosing 5 lbs in a week!)
  6. I know people who've fostered and I think it would be an amazing thing to do, but the main thing that would put me off is the impact it might have on my own children (taking my time and emotions at home; the impact of the fostered child themselves on the family; the complications and bureaucracy or it all). One of the people I know actually 'gave back' a child after they'd lived with them for some time because they felt they were too disruptive; I think that's horrible and wouldn't want to commit unless I could definitely promise not to do that - and I don't feel able to at this stage.

    I wonder how many people who foster do not have their own children at home and whether that would be better - or not (or perhaps there is no clear answer to that!)??? I also wonder if fostering would be better seen and paid as a sustainable job for the type of people who would be good at it - a lot of unemployed youth workers, Connexions workers, and others from children's services about since the cuts! On the other hand, I get the sense that in e.g. the US it is much more taken on for the money, with detrimental results...?

  7. I'm at risk of PND, if the last time predicts the next, but this isn't something I'd consider, primarily because (as already alluded to in earlier posts):

    - There is little robust evidence on probable efficacy

    - There is little evidence of any kind on risks and unwanted effects

    - Taking these together, there is no convincing evidence on when, on average, eating your placenta might be beneficial, when it might have no effect, and when it might be harmful - and for whom.

    For example, Saffron asked whether chemical intervention at birth might compromise / worsen the qualities of the placental meat (if unwanted hormones enter the placenta and are consumed). We just don't know whether this may be the case. If you are induced, or under certain other conditions, eating the placenta might make things worse, rather than better.

    Not every intervention is effective or neutral; there is also the possibility of harm - and the lack of systematic research into this one means we don't know when each possibility may be the case. Agree with Kes that this is actually one of the few areas where a series of RCTs would be relatively easy to conduct, and that this would be very useful. Also agree with Yuuna that we should be very sceptical of claims that are made in the context of marketing, however they are framed (and more so if they come draped in a cloak of altruism).

  8. The 'cultural differences' argument holds no water at all when people from within these cultures (like the woman in this programme) are publicly exposing and condemning the practice as a step towards its eradication.

    In any case, IS anyone seriously arguing for inaction on this basis? Or is the very idea of the 'PC Brigade' an utter straw man in itself?

  9. Yes, so going back to Curmageon's original points:

    "Please when considering the data consider the absolute numbers they are representing.

    For example the low attainers = 4 or 5 students who could be low attainment for a number of reasons including learning disability which may make the targeted progress within the timescale all but impossible - or not (I have no knowledge of this cohort or data)

    However there are so many issues with the league tables and analysing data which is standardised when we are actually talking about individuals and cohort to cohort can change dramatically"

    - they remain valid.

  10. "That's fair but its also worth noting that if the cohort is too small to analyse they don't. For instance the number of students at Bessemer who started out as high achievers was too small to do any statistical analysis on, so the DoE state this and as a consequence don't present any disaggregated stats on that cohort's progression."

    This is inaccurate. Figures are suppressed when there are so few pupils in a given group that the anonymity of those pupils risks being compromised. This has nothing to do with a threshold value for valid statistical analysis, and implies nothing about the validity of figures for small groups who fall just above the cut-off point.


  11. Agree re Diana Wynne Jones! What an omission...particularly as she has great books falling into at least two of those age ranges... Also agree with a couple of the author's other 'missing's - particularly The Dark is Rising sequence. A real pity that so much of the fantastically imaginative and readable late-primary / teen fiction has been left out in favour of things like the comparatively rather mediocre Hunger Games (Robert Westall, Lois Duncan, William Sleator...) - though glad to see Philip Pullman and Meg Rosoff in there...

    Also agree that despite this is does provide a reminder of what we have to look forward to, both in re-reading and new discoveries!

  12. It is both relevant and irrelevant! - in that we really have no meaningful choice. If we're very lucky we might get Beecroft; if not, and if Prendergast is open by next Autumn, it is highly likely that that is where we'll end up (based on proximity and the last few years' distances). So really I just have to hope that the pros you suggest turn out more heavily than the cons!
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