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Posts posted by KoolBananas

  1. Our furry feline has been AWOL from Chesterfield Grove since Wednesday (9th March) evening.

    He's very much a roamer but doesn't stay away this long or at least we can hear him yowling as he's prowling.

    He's a VERY vocal and friendly cat that likes to visit nearly everyone in the surrounding streets and beyond.

    He also has a habit of sneaking into homes when no one is looking and might happily be snoring his head off under a bed or snuggled in a corner without anyone knowing.

    If you have seen, or heard anything about his whereabouts, OR even have him in your house please drop me a PM.

    Checking your gardens and sheds would be really helpful too!

    UPDATE: Pleased to say Leo has now been found and returned home. He was handed in to a vets in Crystal Palace!

  2. Awful weather? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration and to keep using the excuse of covid is just being silly now. Other services and business have had to adapt to all sorts of ever changing circumstances over this past year (I stress past year). This is not something new that's popped up.

    If a service is not going to be provided or changed considerably, the council should just tell us instead of making excuses or even claiming (they are saying some collections have been made when they haven't) its sorted.

  3. Metallic Wrote:


    > I do not think Tessa Jowell Centre is fit for

    > purpose. The website they use is "not secure", a

    > friend with a very ill husband needed an urgent

    > chat with the doctor yesterday and was offered a

    > phone call on Monday, and a request to speak to

    > the practice manager was messaged to the person a

    > while back and remains unanswered. Frankly when a

    > phone call takes two minutes I do not see why the

    > doctor on phone duty cannot oblige - please don't

    > start on the files updates and referrals needed

    > excuses for a patient - just do the job. My

    > practice has never ever not phoned my family

    > members back on the same day if a call is

    > requested.


    > To cap it all their phone line has been down again

    > and the website doesn't even offer an emergency

    > mobile number.

    I've been sitting on this a while trying to process the ridiculousness of the comments made.

    What does the website being "not secure" have to do with the centre being fit for purpose or indeed the matter at hand? You are not using the actual site to give over personal details for services offered. Booking appointments is via an external secure site.

    To suggest the website does not offer an alternative number is incorrect. Albeit, this only applies to out of hours, but the website does clearly advise 111 or 999 for emergencies. This is quite standard.

    Not sure why you feel a mobile number should be offered. This would only connect back to the phone service provided anyway.

    With regards to getting through on the phone/requesting a call back - the instructions on the phone are quite clear and the options offered do work.

    Members of my family (from varying different households and needs) haven't had any problems with contact either to or from the surgery over the last few months.

    There will always be some negative experiences (whether actual or by hearing from another person) but I really don't feel it's right to start slamming a service in such a way. In these challenging times, try to be less demanding and adopt a more understanding attitude.

  4. Further speaking to my neighbour, them having reported it to the police, it would seem (according to the police) that people are not reporting any problems whether real or suspected! Police won't know there's a problem unless they're told. Once they're aware crime is on the up they can start to do things to help.

    Come on people report your problems!

    The online forms are easy and effective. If you have time to post on here you certainly have time to make your way over to https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/

  5. It's not just Oglander road.

    My neighbours in Chesterfield Grove woke to find their front garden a right mess. Plants ripped up out of beds a thrown about the place and heavy items moved around. Not the act of foxes and looked too focused.

    Very disturbing and heart breaking for those that put in time, effort and love to their gardens/homes.

    Bloody thieves and vandals!

  6. Thanks James but that's not what I was meaning nor what is directed at you.

    To clarify my query - Why has this issue popped up now? What has changed since their opening back in 2016 that seems to have riled those in Chesterfield Grove/Melbourne Grove?

    As a resident myself, lorries have been coming up and down both roads over the last 30+ years causing a lot bother then than since M & S arrived regardless of size.

  7. urban mariner Wrote:


    > When Marks and Spencers took over the Iceland site

    > residents of Chesterfield Grove had concerns about

    > the timing of vehicle deliveries. Iceland had

    > restricted their delivery times so as to not

    > disturb residents.


    > At the planning application meeting Marks and

    > Spencers insisted that their business model

    > required deliveries at all times and then produced

    > a ground plan showing how all their vehicles could

    > enter from the Lordship Lane end and negotiate the

    > tight turn around the wall of the car wash to

    > access their delivery yard so that there would be

    > no vehicle movements down Chesterfield Grove.


    > As anyone who lives in Chesterfield Grove and

    > Melbourne Grove now knows this is not the case and

    > vehicles repeatedly drive down Chesterfield Grove

    > to execute a three point turn at the junction of

    > Chesterfield Grove and Melbourne Grove.

    > Vehicles also enter and leave via Melbourne Grove

    > to avoid Lordship Lane


    > (For example two at 9.00 am this morning, entering

    > from Melbourne Grove)


    > No doubt their drivers are under pressure to make

    > their deliveries on time and do this because the

    > entrance is often blocked by vehicles from the car

    > wash and badly parked cars.


    > As a responsible company Marks and Spencers

    > should deal with this nuisance and potential

    > hazard and do what they claimed they would do

    > instead of allowing this unsatisfactory situation

    > to continue.


    > Could any else who feels that this is problem

    > please raise their concerns with Marks and

    > Spencers and local councillors?

    I'm curious, what has brought on this sudden concern over this whole thing? Has something changed recently that has sparked this "complaint"?

  8. Tom Smith Wrote:


    > I recently moved into a house with an established

    > pair of local foxes. Digging up plants, smells

    > etc. We bought one of these a couple of weeks ago

    > - not cheap and it is only a couple of weeks, but

    > so far it's had a 100% success rate - the only

    > time we've had problems since was the night I

    > forgot to turn it on:


    > https://www.amazon.co.uk/Home-Defence-Scarecrow-Ac

    > tivated-Deterrent/dp/B01MTCA1KD/

    Foxes are not silly. It might work for a while - clearly the first times used will be a surprise to the furry animals! They'll soon catch on that it's not a threat.

    A friend of mine had something similar and the neighbours cats ended up having great fun playing with it.

  9. cl Wrote:


    > RCH - I'm a chesterfield resident and live right

    > up at the M&S end of the road.


    > The issue for us is not deliveries - they happen

    > at the front. Its the removal of rubbish etc from

    > the back. At the moment it happens at 6am - they

    > push their wheeled steel trollies full of rubbish

    > out onto the pavement - the noise of them rattling

    > over the pavement is significant - wakes us up

    > every time, and can last for an hour. Happened

    > over bank holiday weekend.


    > So my concern is that if opening times are

    > earlier, will this activity at the back also be

    > made earlier still? Its bad enough as it is.


    > On that basis I will be objecting strongly.

    cl I'm sure you're aware deliveries ARE also made to the rear - it's not just the rubbish cages that are dragged through the rear of the site and along the pavement up to the end of Chesterfield Grove/Lordship Lane.

    It happens late at night (well after 11pm) and at ridiculous times first thing in the morning. I think one recent one was at 5am! M&S will obviously blame the drivers for turning up outside agreed hours but strange if that is the case that there are staff onsite to receive the lorries...

    Extending the hours will just mean residents can expect to be disturbed at any time of day or night.

    James, realistically, how likely is it that Southwark Council Planning will actually take any notice of the serious objections being made? Past objections to the many other applications to this site have always been ignored.

  10. It's like de ja vu

    If you've been lucky enough to already have a guided tour of the place AND received a floor plan you will see that M&S Dulwich is just the same as every other M&S Food hall. I really don't understand why everyone is so excited (on both sides) for this addition to the area.

    For the shops that will suffer, and many will especially the independent ones, from their arrival it's a simple case of "I told you so"

  11. I realise this is probably one of those ever repeating and incredibly tedious questions but are there any local structural engineers others may recommend?

    I'm in need of advice on a couple of cracks appearing in the house. I've had a look around through various searches and to be honest I'm completely confused as to what/who I should be looking for - who to trust/who will give a proper opinion? I want to get it right from the beginning without wasting money and time.

    Any suggestions most welcome.


  12. Applespider Wrote:


    > I'd say that right now, it's better than a

    > bog-standard membership. The standard

    > Picturehouse membership is 12 months for your ?40

    > at Brixton or Clapham etc. If you buy an ED one

    > (even now that the first 1000 have gone and you

    > miss out on the artwork), you can use your

    > membership card for reduced prices at the other PH

    > cinemas now and you'll get 15 months membership

    > from when it opens. So you're getting 18 months

    > for the price of 12 if you're happy to go to other

    > venues which is a pretty good deal.

    I guess it really depends how much use you are likely to get out of it. If you are a regular cinema attendee and picturehouse show films you will want to watch then great. Although, I do agree with KK 6 months free isn't that great a deal on the whole. As with many marketing campaigns it's the consumer who tends to pay for the venture. How often are you likely to travel to the other picturehouse establishments until the ED opens, if you aren't already that is? Will such a membership encourage you to go to a picturehouse cinema more so than without a membership?

    I hadn't thought this area held many cinema buffs, by which I mean those that have the time to escape to any cinema. Of course, given the uptake, I'm obviously wrong. It would seem you only really benefit from the membership on ticket value if you attend more than 10 times. Again, if that works for you then great.

  13. Nothing to do with not having a sense of humour but how on earth do any of you think this thread is actually amusing? I could understand if you were of an age, say somewhere in the range of 6-9 years of age, where snot, mud, worms and dirt are highly amusing but I though ED and in particular the EDF had a little more class than those currently being displayed.

    Disappointed? yes

    Disgusted? Most definately

    Surprised? No not really. I do recall a forum event some years ago where a similar sort of thing arose amongst the "regulars". Sad

  14. Zebedee Tring Wrote:


    > "The next station stop will be Forest Hill".

    > What's wrong with "The next station will be Forest

    > Hill?"


    I think that just means its the next station the train will actually stop at rather than speeding past many others.

    I find country stations annoyingly dusty - is that irrational?

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