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Posts posted by apples

  1. James Barber Wrote:


    > We have a critical shortage of housing, but we

    > don't have a critical shortage of places to park

    > cars locally.


    On your website (March 2018) you also tell us that we live in the 'Empty homes capital of London' where 'six thousand homes in Southwark lie empty, which is more than neighbouring Lambeth, Lewisham and Tower Hamlets combined.'

    Parking has become more difficult in Henslowe Road.

    James Barber Wrote:


    > Southwark still has over 20,000 garages it rents

    > out and their are lots of private garages to rent

    > across the area.


    Where are the 20,000 garages and are they already vacant? If so maybe new houses could be built there? Last night the Southwark representative was not able to assure me that once evicted we would be offered a garage anywhere nearby.

    The Southwark plan is for just four (maybe three) new houses on this site. Would that make a difference to the 'critical housing shortage'? It is clear that the loss of these garages would make a difference to the people who use them and who pay rent for them and the change of use, the demolition and the building work would have an impact on all who live close by.

  2. I went to the community centre tonight, got in just before it closed, spoke to the architect and Southwark Council representative, and I saw the plans and model.

    The proposal (I believe) is that four families will get to be housed in four 3-4 bedroom houses on the space. There's no detailed floorplan yet but some of those bedrooms must be really small!. I was given a Southwark leaflet with the headline '11,000 New Homes Programme' ? when will that happen if they only get built four at a time? Meanwhile, to the north of the borough, social housing is being demolished....

    Back to SE22, the problem with the garages site is that it is deep but quite narrow. Southwark can't build housing higher or deeper as that will overlook the neighbours. The newcomers will no doubt bring cars too, there appears to be no provision for them to be kept off road. And if Southwark were to go ahead and build these houses the contents of fifteen garages, with rent-paying tenants, will be evicted.

    Whoop/James: you talk of the added pressure of the Barry Road traffic calming and its effect on parking in Henslowe Road. Please be aware that the private developments in Underhill Road had inadequate provision for off-road parking and the increased double yellow lines at that junction (some of which defy logic) mean we already have fewer and fewer places to park.

    Like Solar says 'the garages are being used so let's keep them'.

  3. OK, I deleted that last line above, you're right that's nuts (sorry OP, there, I never said it!).

    Cyclists regularly go faster than 5mph in Dulwich park, although LD929 plus his six year old were probably doing much less. Everyone should look out for each other and enjoy the park.

    I'd say the road signs are well placed, so if you're on a bike you need to be aware of dogs running around the shared road, pavement and dog exercise area and slow down / give way accordingly. Council vehicles and delivery vans in the park keep below 5mph on that road and give way to every creature.

    Dogs are pretty restricted in the parts of the park they can run free, they need a safe place to have fun and exercise without risk of injury too!

  4. LD929 - sorry to hear of your bad experience on what was a beautiful weekend in Dulwich park, lots of people were out there enjoying the good weather.

    Areas in the park are quite clearly signposted by Southwark, many of them regulate dogs. I believe dogs aren't allowed in the children' play area, tennis courts or the nature bridge across one end of the pond and only on a short lead in parts e.g. the path around the lake. If the collision happened there dogs should at least be on a lead, but all cyclists should also take care and be mindful of pedestrians, including those with four legs.

    The main path was once a road and pavement around most of the park perimeter. There are signs at the main gates: 5mph speed limit roundel 'Shared use route' 'Give way to pedestrians' and a blue circle (mandatory) sign with silhouettes: pedestrian adult+child, dog (a terrier off the lead) and cycle, all standard road symbols. The land outside this perimeter road is called the 'dog exercise area'.

    It was an unfortunate accident I know, but if a dog collided with your bike or your daughters bike in that 'Shared use route' and if it was injured, I would see it as being your responsibility not the dog owner.

  5. I emailed Danielle and had a reply - her address is [email protected]

    She said that this is 'being considered as a potential site to POSSIBLY take forward in Southwark Council?s New Homes Programme' - emphasis on the POSSIBLY.

    I rent a garage there and live close by, I would hate to see the garages go. With recent changes to double yellow corners and increasing numbers of households with cars in the street I value having somewhere close and safe to park my car and store clutter.

  6. The double yellow around the corner - in Underhill Rd to the right - is a definite improvement. There was often a transit sized van or minibus at that junction obstructing view towards Barry Rd when pulling out from Henslowe Rd. No need for yellow lines in Henslowe Road. No need for a cycle lane, the blocked Friern Rd is a much better and safer cycle route.
  7. My experience of Virgin media broadband is that when it works it is fine (and it works a lot of the time - although I haven't paid the premium for 50Mb - I have their 'middle' tariff). But as for the 'Customer Care' they don't care. Luckily for me broadband has not broken at times when I really have needed it. I suspect that with genuine fibre optic they are now the best of the alternatives in our area for a fast connection. But I might look again at BT if they do re-wire East Dulwich later this year.
  8. Thanks for that update heart108

    Our broadband has also been out since yesterday morning and I have learnt more from your post than five years of phone calls to the Virgin techs who in the past, after very long waiting, have told me nothing is wrong (when it was) and that the fault was with my Apple wireless(when it was clearly a problem with them and in the wider area).

    At work now which is why I can read this, will check the lights and modem tonight and try that number if they're still answering.

    Update: broadband was working again on return home - I will make a note of that 0800 number.

  9. James - if you read my post again you'll see that I didn't criticise the current head - only yourself for your implied criticism of her predecessor. And no 'public act of vandalism' was there also - you'll see I recommend Goodrich to prospective parents - my view is it's a good one. But I'm glad to see you are taking an interest - I hope you'll see the School doesn't suffer from Government 'austerity' measures.
  10. 'Shirley Paterson looks to have taken a just Satisfactory coasting school up a notch or two'

    James - you're being really unfair on the previous, very popular head and the senior team he had with him, some of whom have now moved on or retired but still remain involved with the school. I think your remark is unnecessary - I suppose you're a LibDem playing politics here - there was life before the LibDems ruled Southwark Council.

    FYI I'm a Goodrich Dad, I have had kids there over most of the last ten years. It's been a good school and continues to have some very good teachers. It has given my kids a good start in life. I can't pretend to know what the future may hold but would recommend the School to any prospective parent (Tony Rabbit) based on my own experience.

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