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Posts posted by championcat

  1. We moved to ED in 2000 and it was "up-and-coming" then. We've seen a lot of change over the last decade, some good, some bad. We're just about to move out of the area because we feel it's far too crowded, you don't get much for your money, parking is a nightmare, there's a lot of pressure on local school, the bit of E Dulwich where you can park easily is miles form the station, and - not usre how to put this without being rude but - it's getting a definite Clapham-esque feel to it (number arrogant tw@ts is on the up).

    THere's definitely things we'll miss but it's not the kind of place I want to bring my daughter up. THere is life beyond se22!

  2. We call that sound "munkering". You learn to tune it out eventually, and then it stops anyway as baby grows.

    FOr wind/colic I'd definitely recommend cranial osteopathy. We trekked to the osteopathic centre for children when our daughter was teeny and they worked wonders on her check out fpo dot org dot uk (don't know if I'm allowed to post a direct link?)

  3. I had my daughter at Tommy's. I would definitely go there again (over Kings any day of the week) but there are pros and cons.

    The pros - once I was admitted they were lovely, respectful staff who always had time for me (we had problems getting feeding going so I was kept in til my little girl would suck properly), Home from Home is great and a peaceful, supportive place to recover from the birth, husband/ partner can stay with you on HFH, I was worried about pool availability but they have 2 so it's rarely an issue. Being in the water was maaaagic. For me the promise of my own room and hubby being with me was enough to make me resist an epidural, despite a hideously long back-to-back labour. Gorgeous views too which make for a lovely backdrop in your first photos with baby. The HFH was very clean (same couldn't be said for Kings on my visit)

    The cons - parking is expensive and you'll be hit by the congestion charge too. In visiting hours there are nowhere near enough spaces so if you arrive in labour then - GOOD LUCK! Becuase we're out of the area in ED you'll need to trek a bit for mw appointments. Mine were in Vauxhall or Nine Elms, not exactly convenient for home or work. Your post-partum care will require you to be discharged from Tommy's into King's community midwives' care which is fine if you don't have complications post birth. Both me and my little girl had complications in the days and weeks after birth. She needed to be readmitted, TOmmy's wouldn't tkae her because she'd been discharged into Kings care, Kings couldn't admit her to maternity without going through A&E (ludicrous!) because she wasn't born there and TOmmy's had my notes. Final is the same as one of the other poster's - I had to go three times before they would accept I was in labour. I had a back to back labour and irregular contractions right up to the actual birth. I laboured for 6 days. Every time I went to Tommy's they put a monitor on my tummy and said it was "mild twinges" (mild twinges my AS% it was agony!!!!!!!) and sent me away. The third time I went I was literally a crazy woman from the lack of sleep for the best part of a week and the agony of contractions. I had to create a total scene to be allowed to stay - security were involved, a consultant came to sort out the rumpus. I told them I wasn't leaving til I had the baby and only at the point of me being hysterical did they concede to an internal examination which revealed that the "slight twinges" were in fact contractions and I was 7cm dilated. I had probably been like that for days on end as 11 hours later I was no further on. So Tommy's obviously have a strict "send 'em home til the last possible minute" policy! Oh and being 7cm dilated and having full on contractions one on top of the other is not much fun over speed bumps, in traffic, nervous hubby swerving in and out of bus lanes...

    For me the biggest advantage was that it's not Kings. I hate that place!

    Good luck with whatever you decide

  4. I don't think it's safe in the day. A few months ago I was walking that way with my baby in the pram. I was up the very top (not sure if it's technically still Greendale once you're virtually at the top of the hill?) and some weirdo started following me. I broke into a run, and then a sprint and he ran after me. I was terrified. He was a big guy and weird looking but even if he'd been a weed I'd still have been very frightened in case something happened to my baby. The whole incident was like something out of a horror film. The front wheel of the pram hit a big pothole, buckled and came off. He was closing in on me when I saw a BT engineer. I shouted for help and he came over. The weird man turned and fled. I was very shaken up and now don't go that way at all.
  5. I don't know any history but we used to rent a flat above the picture framers on North Cross Rd (no 37A). We had a paranormal flatmate - he wasn't at all threatening, just an old man who used to stomp up and down the stairs, slam the bathroom door, jiggle the handle on the door to the toilet (separate bathroom/toilet arrangement). Sometimes the toilet door would fly open if you didn't lock it, which could only happen if somebody (or something) pushed the handle right down to release the latch.

    We got used to him but visitors would always go out to the hallway to see who was coming up the stairs. Nobody ever was. It couldnt' have been noise from downstairs as the shop closed at 5ish but the stomping and slamming would continue once the shop was shut.

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