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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. My guess would be they haven't installed them on every lamppost because the companies like Char.gy and Ubitricity are telling them the geospatial planning shows they aren't yet needed. 

    I absolutely agree that the Council will eventually look at every possible way of charging EV owners. I also agree that charging infrastructure throughout the country as a whole is a huge barrier to EV take up, but I don't accept that the specific lack of infrastructure for charging is a barrier to people in SE22 because in fact in ED we have good provision.

  2. 19 hours ago, Rockets said:

    The fact you have to apply to have a lamp-post converted seems another strong signal that really they do not want to be proactive around this. After I read your post I walked to Camberwell for a Sunday pint and counted (non-scientific research) the number of lamposts that could be used (discounting those that aren't in the right position or those on Greendale ;-)) for charging points and of the 50 or so I passed there were only 9 that had the facility. How much would it cost for the council to proactively fit them - surely they could divert some of the millions made on the LTN cameras in Dulwich Village to be a bit more proactive and encourage more to make the switch?

    You can apply but you don't have to apply - the providers work with the Council using geospacial planning to work out how many chargers an area needs, where to put them and when to install. That's probably a better way of assessing demand and supply rather than your "non-scientific research".


  3. On 23/11/2023 at 19:19, Rockets said:

    Thank goodness they have a dedicated EV plan as Southwark has been woefully neglectful of this

    How so?

    There are hundreds of EV charge points in SE22 and just a handful of roads that don't have one.

    The vast majority of these are lamppost chargers. You can request these to be installed via the Council's website at no cost to either the resident or the Council itself, which then benefits you as the user and provides the Council with a revenue stream.

  4. 1 hour ago, paco said:

    The Councillor didn't really address some of the questions asked and clearly didn't want an open meeting in the first place!

    They def didn't want an open meeting, but I disagree about not addressing the questions - I thought he did, it's just the majority of the room simply didn't like his answers.

    FWIW I went there objecting to the scheme. I came away still objecting to the scheme for multiple reasons, but I thought the most persuasive, calm and reasoned argument was from the person who was in favour, particularly brave given the atmosphere in the room.


    • Like 1
  5. It wasn't a small minority. It was the vast majority. Cllr McCash was constantly shouted at, heckled and interrupted. He was sworn at and compared to the Nazis. I lost count of the number of times he had to say something like "I will try answer all your questions but I can't if people are going to continue to shout and talk over me." He kept is calm throughout and continued to try and answer people. 

    • Like 2
  6. Nigello - I've seen a few people in ED charging from home and covering the leads with cable protectors. However, this isn't permitted in Southwark even if the cable is covered (although it is permitted in other parts of the country).

    Much longer term, dynamic charging may be the solution - wireless charging in the roads which would remove the need for cables altogether https://www.intelligentliving.co/roads-that-charge-electric-cars-wirelessly-springing-up-everywhere/

  7. We have an EV and don't have off street parking, but there's no way I'd go back to an ICE (although next time I'd get a different model with longer range).

    Agree with all figgins and alex say - Source London especially are a joke - but both char.gy and ubitricity lamppost chargers are absolutely fine.

    There's only three lamppost chargers on Friern so I'd suggest you ask Southwark to put one on your nearest lamppost if none of these aren't near you. We did this and although it took a few months, Southwark did do it. They have a request form online https://forms.southwark.gov.uk/showform.asp?fm_fid=1899

  8. What's your point here? Do you think I haven't already Googled to try and find somewhere? Nearest I can see is Clapham or London Bridge - not what I call local, but maybe you've broader definition.

    Penguin68 Wrote:


    > https://www.google.com/search?q=fit+to+fly+certifi

    > cate+london&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB895GB895&oq=fit+to+

    > fly+certi&aqs=chrome.2.0i457i512j69i57j0i402j0i512

    > l7.7903j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

  9. I need to take a Rapid Antigen test to get a fit to fly certificate. It can't be self administered i.e. a medical professional has to do.

    Is there anywhere local?

    Google tells me Lloyds Pharmacy at Sainsburys does this but when I went this afternoon to make an appointment I was told they don't.

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