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Posts posted by JoeChuff

  1. it's a bit more complex than it used to be, but it's still a real thing... remember that class isn't just about how you define yourself, it's about (more about, really) how others define you

    the muddying of the waters you refer to is real, but it doesn't do away with the existence of class advantage - I just feel like by giving up on any idea of understanding society through the concept of class, we give up on being able to highlight and interrogate the exercise of that advantage

  2. > You might be interested in the results of a paper

    > by Emma Jackson at the Department of Geography,

    > King's College London.


    > Its all about comparing the 'gentrification' of

    > Peckham with another broadly similar area -

    > Brixton. Turns out we're a little bit

    > different...


    > Paper: Gentrification and its other: moving beyond

    > social tectonics

    > Emma Jackson & Tim Butler


    > Here she is interviewed:

    > http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01ljk4r

    this is very much worth listening to, and I really like both Emma Jackson's and Michaela Benson's work on the middle-class influx to Peckham, but I wouldn't say that this is academic certification that Peckham blow-ins are "doing it right". But still, have a listen a judge for yourselves!

  3. Otta Wrote:


    > toffeese15 Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > > Is the only acceptable reality a working

    > class

    > > one? Is there not room for several different

    > > realities co-habiting?



    > Ideally, yes. But the problem is that when the

    > *"middle classes/Gentrifiers" come, prices rise,

    > and the other realities move on because they can't

    > afford the area anymore, and they feel less and

    > less like they belong / are welcome.



    > * Middle class is such a lazy term, and I strongly

    > believe that working class / middle class doesn't

    > fit today's world, but it was a quick way of

    > saying what I meant.

    i agree with what you're saying, i would just add how odd it is how people are so terrified of using the "c" word when it explains such a huge deal of what's going on... it really isn't as lazy a term as you are saying I don't think!!

  4. I'm reluctant to post, but I sent Louisa a PM expressing support and now feel guilty for not supporting her in "public".

    Anyway, I have absolutely nothing against the Peckham Peculiar, it's great to see print journalism making a comeback, it's a good read covering a range of issues, and I'm very pleased that they featured the Liberal Club and held their launch party there. I don't think it's the right target and I wish them luck.

    But I am also glad that we have Louisa to burst the occasional middle-class balloon. "More stuff me and my mates like" is always nice for me and my mates, and why shouldn't we enjoy it - but it does not automatically equal "better for the area". It is simply unneighbourly to act as though it does, especially when it is part of a process edging some of your neighbours out. I don't want to deny anyone their private pleasures, but please don't try to make them into a public virtue.

  5. I'm a member and yes just to reiterate, it is a non-profit members' club not a commercial organisation so please be patient with the application process (and carry on enjoying the club while your membership is pending, I'm sure someone will sign you in).

    If you're keen to join but can't find a proposer send me a PM and I might be able to arrange it for you (if I like you :))

  6. No one interested in membership forms

    > for a new member ? Said there was an AGM in

    > February 2014 ? So presume ? they now have enough

    > members?:

    Unfortunately, this is not yet the case - chalk it up to poor organisation/internal communication, I also asked for a new membership form for my mate on Saturday and there were none behind the bar on the day which was surprising, but yes the club is still looking for new members - I think there will be a more co-ordinated push in January.

  7. Roundabout Wrote:


    > Does the club have an open day?

    I believe the committee are working on arranging one but in the meantime just ring the buzzer and someone will sign you in!

    Re: smoking, the ban applies to social clubs as well as pubs but there is a decent sized garden with a sort of smoking shed.

  8. No, it's not really a jazz club, there have just been a few jazz events in the recent past.

    It's a members' social club that's been there for over a hundred years - like a working men's club, but open to men and women. There used to be loads of these clubs like this in the UK but many have closed down - there's around 2000 left I think. They are registered as industrial and provident societies rather than private businesses. Historically, many of them were started by local political parties, so you get Labour Clubs, Liberal Clubs, Conservative or Constitutional Clubs, but I don't think many of them are explicitly political any more. The name isn't ironic, it's just the historical name of the club, the Libersls must have set it up.

    Recently some clubs have been turned into privately-owned pubs but have kept the old-fashioned trappings, "ironically" - the Effra Social in Brixton, for example. This is not what this is about, although if people want to join ironically they are more than welcome as long as they pay their membership subs ;)

  9. Sorry I should have said, it's not a political club - it might have been at one point but it isn't now, there are no links to the Liberal Democrats or I wouldn't have joined :)

    Women can also join! It's just a social club, member-owned and thus cheaper as there is no rent to pay. Membership has dropped over the years so the club is struggling to meet basic bills, so it wouldn't take too much more custom to set things right again I don't think.

    Mild is a type of beer that you don't see much these days - in fact my first pint of mild was in the Peckham Liberal Club, out of curiosity. It's coming back a bit thanks to craft brewers. I'm quite keen on it now, which is a good thing as Maggie the barmaid always starts pouring me a pint of mild after seeing me on the CCTV entry system, so I don't get much choice any more.

    I might have misrepresented Peckham Pandemonium, their last event was jazz but the upcoming one is a David Bowie tribute - I'll edit that.

    I don't want to oversell it, it is a well-worn social club and about as old-school as they come (I've met people there who have been members since the 60s) - it won't be to everyone's taste, fair enough. But it's cheap and the space is great, so come down and have that half of mild ;)

  10. Hi, I'm replying to this thread because it's currently the top Google search result for "Peckham Liberal Club". I joined earlier this year, I can confirm that it is still open, it costs ?20 a year to join, new and prospective members are always welcome to come down for a visit, as above there are several snooker and pool tables, a 1950s (I think) style ballroom, a darts room and very cheap booze (?2.75 for a pint of mild, around three quid for most lagers). Just ring the buzzer after 7ish Tues-Sun and ask to have a look around. Like many working mens/social clubs it's in danger of being turned into flats so do come down for a pint while you still can! If enough people get involved, maybe it will survive...

    The Peckham Pandemonium music night is now based there so that could be a good excuse to come have a look (next event December 19)- it's a great space and I reckon there's a lot of potential for other types of events. Some fresh blood could really improve the club's fortunes and make it a great asset for Peckhamites of all generations.

    EDIT: turns out we now have a website! http://www.peckhamliberalclub.org/

  11. Haha my friend in Bellenden Road sent me a link to this thread (I am a former EDer and EDFrs, now New Cross). If it makes you feel any better, the Waitrose is not opening up in "Deptford as it currently exists", but in the gigantic riverside yuppie flat developments that are opening soon, and are essentially a westward extension of Greenwich.

    But yeah guys, keep the faith!!!!

  12. There's a difference between a lament and a complaint. As an ex-regular (before moving away) I'm sad that the CPT is changing as I liked it the way it was, but I accept that popular tastes have changed. I'll be making sure to enjoy it as much as I can before it changes.
  13. Just another thought - I came across this the other day:


    it's a scheme that, among other things, allows pubs to accept parcels on behalf of customers. doesn't seem to have taken off much yet, but that would definitely be more convenient to me than going to the post office depot (given the opening hours). Wouldn't make a huge difference to a pub's turnover but every little helps.

  14. controversial but are

    > these old divides between saloon bar and lounge

    > bar really part of the future?.

    pretty sure a lot of the divides are listed (certainly the bar)

    otherwise all great ideas! it really feels like the place just needs a few tweaks to realise its full potential. maybe some investment in getting the beer delivery system tuned up, although i have no idea what that costs. I'm always impressed with how cold the lager is in Scott's establishments, for instance. Getting that right, plus making sure real ale etc can be well looked after could make a difference. Throwing in the odd trendy Japanese/German bottled beer and quality bottled cider (e.g. Westons/Aspells) would help without moving the place too aggressively "upmarket". And if hot food is impossible because of no kitchen space, maybe just some rolls?

    anyway i like it fine as it is, but a few changes wouldn't hurt if it would bring in more custom

  15. tiger ranks Wrote:


    > REFUGEES............ what us tax payers pay for so

    > they can doss about all day and get carried around

    > in new minibuses to and from where ever they want

    > to go sorry but that place really pi**es me off

    sorry i just love how the poster specifies that these are "new" minibuses


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